VK30.01 (H) (Panzerkampfwagen VI)

VK30.01 (H) (Panzerkampfwagen VI)

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kt PC Jt DA Ww hP Sp nV La qN JO ht fw SJ dK uD

VK30.01 (H) (Panzerkampfwagen VI)

Die VK 30.01 (H) Panzerkampfwagen VI was 'n vroeë stadium in die ontwikkeling van die Tiger -tenk, en die eerste wat deurmekaar padwiele gebruik het.

Henschell het aan die begin van 1937 begin werk aan 'n swaar tenk, toe hulle gevra is om die onderstel vir 'n tenk van 30 ton te vervaardig om met dieselfde 7,5 cm KwK L/24 -geweer as die Panzer IV gewapen te word. Twee prototipes is gedurende 1938 vervaardig - die Durchbruchswagen 1 en Durchbruchswagen 2 (deurbraaktenks) en selfs in hierdie vroeë stadium was die basiese uitleg van die Tiger duidelik. Die D.W. onderstel het gedurende 1938 getoets, en op 9 September 1938 is Henschel beveel om 'n verbeterde tenk van 30 ton te vervaardig. Hierdie nuwe ontwerp het drie verskillende name gehad. VK 30.01 het aangedui dat dit die eerste ontwerp in die tenk van 30 ton was. Dit was ook bekend as die D.W. neue Knostruktion (nuwe ontwerp), en teen 31 Oktober 1940 as die Panzerkampfwagen VI (7,5 cm).

Die basiese uitleg van die tenk was soortgelyk aan die vorige D.W.1 en D.W.2. Dit het 'n romp met 'n boks, met 'n opbou van dieselfde breedte as die romp (dus nie die bokant van die spore nie oorvleuel). Die voorkant van die bobou was oor die voorwiel. Die ongesmeerde bane was 520 mm breed en met 'n spoed van 160 mm (korter as op enige van die D.W.-modelle).

Die VK 30.01 sou met dieselfde 7,5 cm Kw.K L/24 geweer gewapen wees as op die Panzer IV, en dieselfde bemanningsruimte as die ligter tenk hê. Die belangrikste verskil is in wapenrusting. Die VK 30.01 sou 'n 50 mm -voor- en sy -wapenrusting hê, wat na verwagting effektief sou wees teen onbeperkte pantserdoppe, soos afgevuur deur die destydse standaard Duitse tenkgeweer, die 3.7 cm PaK L/45. Krupp het die taak gehad om die rewolwer te vervaardig, net soos op die D.W. reeks. Die kante van die D.W. is in twee stukke gemaak, wat net agter die gevegskompartement verbind is. Die VK 30.01 het enkel stukke.

Die VK 30.01 het die ingeboude padwiele bekendgestel wat op die Tiger gebruik is. Daar was sewe paar wiele aan elke kant, met die tweede, vierde en sesde aan die buitekant en die eerste, derde, vyfde en sewende aan die binnekant. Dit het gelei tot vier rye smal wiele (van buite na binne in 'n drie-vier-vier-drie rangskikking. Hierdie rangskikking het toegelaat dat meer padwiele in dieselfde ruimte pas as 'n nie-oorvleuelde stelsel, en het dus gehelp om die verhoogde gewig te ondersteun Hierdie stelsel sou egter ook een van die swakpunte van die Tiger wees, aangesien die smal gapings tussen die padwiele maklik deur sneeu en modder verstop kan raak en stewig kan vries, terwyl enige skade aan 'n binnewiel alles vereis van die rye buitenste wiele wat verwyder moet word en dan vervang moet word, is 'n tydrowende taak. Die ophanging word deur eenvoudige draaistange verskaf. Daar was drie terugrolrolletjies aan die bokant van die romp.

Die VK 30.01 is aangedryf deur 'n 300pk Maybach HL 116-motor wat 'n Maybach-Motorenwerk Variorex-ratkas aangedryf het.

Die VK 30.01 gebruik 'n nuwe Henschel L.320 C stuurrat wat episikliese dubbele differensiële stuur gebruik het. Dit het drie stuursnelhede en het beide die stuuraandrywing (na die sonwiele) en die hoofaandrywing (na die ring) van die uitvoer van die hoofratkas geneem. Dit het die tenk drie draai radiusse gegee. Dit was die voorloper van die L.600 C- en L.801 -transmissies wat in die Tiger gebruik is, maar dit was meer buigsame stelsels, wat die stuuraandrywing van die ingang van die hoofratte en die hoofkrag van die uitset geneem het, en sestien moontlike draaisirkels (twee stuursnelhede maal agt snelhede).

Krupp het 'n voorbeeld van die D.W. rewolwer, hoewel dit nooit op enige prototipe gemonteer is nie. Daarna het hulle die rewolwer vir die VK 30.01 en die swaarder VK 65.01 herontwerp. Die twee torings sou identies wees, afgesien van die dikte van die pantser - 50 mm op die VK 30.01 en 80 mm op die VK 65.01. Die rewolwer sou die geweer van 7,5 cm, 'n koaksiale masjiengeweer dra, en 'n geweerpoort vir 'n tweede masjiengeweer wat agteruitvuur.

Teen die einde van 1939 het Krupp 'n bevel gekry om vier rompe te bou - een gebaseer op die D.W. uitleg, soos die VK 3001 alte Konstrucktion vir gebruik in wapenindringingstoetse, en drie VK 30.01 nuwe Konsturktion (nuwe ontwerp) rompe met gepantserde boonste konstruksies, vir die bestuur van proewe. Teen die tyd dat die doelwit in September 1940 voltooi was, is dit verander na die nuwe standaard en is dit gebruik om die wapenrusting te toets teen 'n tenkvuur van 3,7 cm. Die drie nuwe ontwerpskepe is teen 1940 voltooi.

In Januarie 1940 kry Krupp afsonderlike kontrakte vir die vervaardiging van agt gepantserde rompe (wat tussen Julie en Oktober 1941 afgelewer moet word) en agt operasionele torings (wat tussen Oktober 1941 en Januarie 1942 afgelewer moet word). Dit sou Henschel tyd gee om die werk aan die romp te voltooi en die torings te installeer.

Die eerste romp is op 8 Augustus 1941 by Henschel afgelewer en die pantser vir die eerste twee torings op 27 September 1941. Die laaste romp is op 30 November 1941 en die laaste rewolwer op 21 Januarie 1942 gestuur. wat dringend voltooi moes word, is verminder van agt tot vier (twee in Maart 1942 en twee in April 1942). Die ander vier is nie gekanselleer nie, maar die bouwerk is gestaak. Dit was 'n bietjie optimisties. Henschel het twee in Maart en twee in Oktober afgelewer, en die vier torings is teen September 1942 voltooi.

Teen die einde van 1941 was dit duidelik dat die VK 30.01 onder-gewapen sou wees. 'N Reeks voorstelle is gemaak vir maniere om die vuurkrag te verbeter. In Oktober 1941 is Krupp gevra of die langer 7,5 cm KwK L/34,5 pas. Hulle antwoord was dat dit te veel aanpassings benodig, maar die 5 cm KwK L./50 of L/60 kan geïnstalleer word. In Desember is Krupp gevra of die 7.5 cm KwK 44 l/43 wat vir die Panzer IV vervaardig word, in die agt VK 30.01 torings geïnstalleer kon word, maar weer was die antwoord negatief. Op 30 Januarie 1942 is enige poging om die VK 30.01 op te wapen, laat vaar.

Die VK 30.01 is ontwikkel saam met die swaarder VK 36.01. Krupp het sedert die somer van 1939 aan swaarder torings gewerk, en Henschel het 'n bevel ontvang om die D.W. onderstel om die swaarder torings middel 1940 te dra, met die benaming D.W. (VK 36.01). Dit was dus 'n geruime tyd parallelle ontwikkelings, voordat die groter VK 36.01 die belangrikste prioriteit geword het. Hierdie projek het later ontwikkel in die VK 45.01, die Panzer VI Tiger, nadat die geweer wat vir die VK 36.01 gekies is, laat vaar is omdat dit op skaars materiaal staatgemaak het. Die bestaande romp VK 30.01 is wyd gebruik as proef- en toetsvoertuie en in tenkbestuurderopleidingskole. Die een is na die einde van die oorlog ongeskonde en in werking gestel op die Henschel -bewysterrein.

Ses van die VK 30.01 -torings is uiteindelik in permanente versterkings gebruik. Hulle was gewapen met die 7,5 cm KwK L/24 -geweer en 'n masjiengeweer M.G.34. Hulle is aangepas vir gebruik in Februarie 1944 en was gereed om teen Mei 1944 geïnstalleer te word, en almal is in die Atlantiese Muur of die Westelike Muur geïnstalleer.

VK3001 (H)
Panzerhampfwagen VI

Produksie: 4 onderstel Maart-Oktober 1941
Romplengte: 5,81 m
Rompbreedte: 3,16 m
Hoogte: 1,85 m
Bemanning: 5
Gewig: 32 ton
Enjin: Maybach HL116
Maksimum spoed: 25 km/h
Maksimum bereik:
Bewapening: Een 7,5 cm KwK L/24 of een 10,5 cm KwK L/28 hoofgeweer, twee 7,92 mm MG 34 -masjiengewere






Bokant onderkant


50 mm

30 mm


50 mm

30 mm

50 mm

25 mm


50 mm

30 mm

50 mm

20 mm bokant
35 mm onderkant


In 1939 het die Duitse leër die behoefte aan 'n 30 ton swaar deurbraaktenk uitgespreek. [1] Alhoewel hierdie gewig minder is as baie produksietenks van die Tweede Wêreldoorlog, is dit destyds as 'n swaarder tenk beskou. Projekte om aan die vraag te voldoen, is aangewys VK 30.xx (X) [a] en is in wisselende mate deur vier verskillende ondernemings ontwikkel: Porsche, Henschel & Son, MAN en Daimler Benz. Die Porsche -weergawe is dus die naam VK 30.01 (P). [1] [3] en die Henschel -ontwerp was die VK 30.01 (H).

Die vereistes vir die nuwe ontwikkeling van 'n Panzerkampfwagen van 30 ton, sluit in die vermoë om ten minste die 7,5 cm KwK L/24-hoofgeweer te monteer met die begeerte om indien moontlik die 10,5 cm KwK L/28 te pas. [1] [2] [3] Later, in 1941, het die Duitse leër-onverwags-swaar gepantserde vyandelike voertuie soos die Sowjet T-34 en KV-1 teëgekom. Daarna is planne gemaak om eerder die meer effektiewe 8,8 cm KwK L/56 te monteer. [2]

Krupp is direk deur Porsche aangegaan om die rewolwer vir die 8,8 cm KwK L/56 te huisves en die twee spanne het saamgewerk om dit vir die VK 30.01 (P) onderstel te ontwikkel. 'N Ten volle ontwikkelde tekening met die Krupp -rewolwer is voltooi, gedateer 5 Maart 1941. [2] Die Krupp -rewolwer sou op beide die Porsche en die Henschel Tiger gebruik word.

Porsche was destyds ongewoon en het 'n petrol-elektriese aandrywing gekies. [1] [2] Die voorste aandrywingstande vir die spore is aangedryf deur twee elektriese motors wat vorentoe in die romp gemonteer is. Twee lugverkoelde V-10-petrolenjins, wat aan die agterkant van die voertuig gemonteer is, is elk aan 'n kragopwekker gekoppel om elektrisiteit te produseer. Die opgewekte elektrisiteit is daarna gebruik om die motors aan te dryf. [2] Elke enjin het 210 PS teen 2500 RPM gelewer, 'n totaal van 420 PS was dus beskikbaar om die kragopwekkers aan te dryf. [2]

VK 30.01 (H)

Vanweë die swak en oor die algemeen onbepaalde rompwapenrusting, moet hierdie tenk as 'n sluipskutter gespeel word, verkieslik omhulsel. Die speelstyl kan vergelyk word met die Tiger, VK 30.02 (M) of Panther, en hierdie tenk sal u voorberei op toekomstige Duitse tenks. Afgesien van die houwitser, is daar regtig geen rede om iets anders as die Waffe te gebruik nie, aangesien dit al die ander gewere uitklas. Deur almal by Tier V te ontsluit, sal toekomstige probleme in die Duitse lyn egter baie makliker wees.

As gevolg van die verskriklike rompwapenrusting en die enjin wat maklik raak, is dit noodsaaklik dat u soveel as moontlik leer om teen hul romp of syskraap te veg; hierdie truuks is noodsaaklik in die hele Duitse swaarlyn, en eintlik in enige swaar tenk in die spel.

Vir spelers wat 'n geveg van naby is, is die geweer van 10,5 cm 'n goeie opsie, met sy hoë skade per dop, maar u moet die nadele van hierdie voertuig hanteer om hierdie geweer effektief te gebruik. Hierdie geweer kan goed gebruik word in stedelike omgewings met beperkte omvang. Onthou om na swak plekke te streef en probeer om ondersteuning te kry tydens die herlaai. As u die houwitser gebruik, MOENIE AP AMMO VUUR NIE! Dit is 'n vermorsing van u tyd en geld as gevolg van die tipies baie lae penetrasiewaarde, en sal geen skade aanrig nie, terwyl die HE selfs sonder penetrasie skade sal spat.

Historiese inligting

VK 30.01 (H) is 'n verdere ontwikkeling van die Durchbruchswagen -konsep. Die DW -voertuie (DW1 en DW2) was - soos hul naam in Duits aandui - pogings om 'n deurbraaktenk te skep (met ander woorde in wese 'n swaar tenk). Op 9 September 1938 is besluit om voort te gaan met die ontwikkeling van die kategorie DW 30 ton. Op 1 Januarie 1939 besluit Krupp dat die nuwe voertuig toegerus moet wees met 'n 75 mm L/24 -kanon, die bemanning gelyk moet wees aan die van Panzer IV en die tenk rondom 50 mm. Op 31 Januarie 1939 is hierdie nuwe voertuigprogram hernoem na Panzerkampfwagen VI (7,5cm), maar die nuwe eksperimentele benaming daarvoor was VK 30.01 (eksperimentele/bandvoertuig, 30 ton, 1ste prototipe). Terselfdertyd is die ou DW -projekte hernoem na VK 30.01 (Alte Konstruktion), terwyl die nuwe VK 30.01 'Neue Konstruktion' (nuwe ontwerp) genoem is.

Ontwerpgewys was dit 'n klassieke Duitse tenk, met 'n tipiese Henschel-vering wat uiteindelik via die VK 36.01 in die Tiger-vering sou ontwikkel. Die padwiele het 'n torsiestangvering.

3 prototipes is bestel. Die romp is gemaak deur Krupp in Essen en afgelewer by Henschel in Kassel vir finale vergadering in 1940. Torings is ook bestel en Krupp was veronderstel om dit in 1940 af te lewer. Dit kom egter later en is waarskynlik nooit op enige prototipe masjiene geïnstalleer nie. Die drie prototipes het eerder 'n betonblokkie in plaas van die rewolwer geïnstalleer om die gewig van die rewolwer te simuleer. Die voertuie was toegerus met 300 pk Maybach HL116 -enjins en hul maksimum padspoed was 35 km/h.

Op 25 Mei 1941 is die eerste bestelling vir 8 0-reeks VK 30.01 (H) tenks onderteken. Tussen Oktober 1941 en Januarie 1942 het Henschel ook die 8 torings van Krupp gekry wat op die 0-reeks voertuie gemonteer sou word. Die eerste romp van die 0-reeks is op 8 Augustus 1941 afgelewer, en op 15 November 1941 is die eerste 0-reeks VK 30.01 (H) (met 'n gemonteerde rewolwer) in Sennelager getoets. Hierdie eerste 0-reeks VK 30.01 (H) was egter geensins klaar nie (sommige komponente ontbreek) en dit is na Henschel teruggestuur. Die laaste romp is op 10 November 1941 afgelewer en die laaste rewolwer op 21 Januarie 1942. Maybach het ook in totaal 18 enjins vir die VK 30.01 tussen 1941 en 1943 gebou.

Op 30 Januarie 1942, op grond van die voorlopige toetse (wat die voertuig nie in 'n baie positiewe lig gewys het nie), is besluit om die hoeveelheid tenks wat in die 0-reeks gebou word, te verminder tot slegs 4 voertuie wat in Maart gebou is. (2 voertuie) en Oktober 1942 (nog 2). Hierdie tenks is na opleidingseenhede gestuur en is vir bemanningsopleiding gebruik.

Die bewapening (wat nog steeds die 75 mm L/24 was, wat nogal onvoldoende was vir die slagveld van 1942) is ook bespreek - Krupp het op 7 Oktober 1941 die volgende opsies aan die Waffenprüfamt 6 voorgestel:

- 75 mm KwK L/34,6 (verlengde weergawe van L/24) - 50 mm KwK L/50 - 50 mm KwK L/60 - 75 mm Waffe 0725 (wat WoT -spelers sal ken as die 75 mm Konisch op VK 36.01, maar dit is getoon later dat dit nie geïnstalleer kon word nie).

WaPA 6 het geantwoord in die sin dat hulle sou wou hê dat die 75 mm KwK 40 L/43 geïnstalleer moet word. Krupp het geantwoord dat óf die geweer aangepas moet word óf die rewolwer groter moet wees. In Januarie 1942 is die herbewapeningprojek geskrap.

Twee rompe is daarna gebruik om die twee tenkvernietigers van 128 mm “12,8 cm Kanone 40 L/61 auf VK 30.01 (H)”, bekend as “Sturer Emil”, te bou. Bykomende torings wat reeds vervaardig is voordat die 0-reeks VK 30.01 (H) -projek verminder is, is gebruik vir vaste plase in Frankryk (die Atlantiese Muur).

Die oorblywende masjiene is gebruik vir die opleiding van bemanning en die toets van verskillende toerusting tot aan die einde van die oorlog, toe dit geskrap is.

VK 30.01 (H)

Ons kan 'n goeie toets van Durchbruchswagen I en 'n Durchbruchswagen II van 9.9.1938 rozhodnuté of pokračovaní ďalšieho vývoja tanku hmotnostnej kategórie 30-ton gebruik. Na porade vo firme Krupp bolo 19.1.1939 stanovené, že nová konštrukcia mala byť vyzbrojená 7,5 cm kanónom Kw.K. L/24, 'n rozmiestnenie posádky tanku malo byť rovnaké ako v Pz.Kpfw. IV kan 'n groot hoeveelheid pankoeke en 'n lengte van 50 mm hê. Oficiálne označenie stroja k 31.1.1940 bolo Panzerkampfwagen VI (7,5 cm) 'n nuwe dizajnérske kódové označenie VK 30.01. Staré projekty Durchbruchswagenov sa označovali ako VK 30.01 alte Konstruksie, 'n nuwe projek vir ons VK 30.01 nuwe konstruksie.
Konštrukčne sa jednalo of klasickú konštrukciu vtedajšej doby. Ons kan 'n groot aantal TV -programme, sowel as 'n groot aantal poste in die klas gebruik, maar ook 'n goeie stap vir stap en stap vir stap. Pojazdové kolesá boli odpružené torznými tyčami.

Ons het 'n prototipe, 'n goeie voorbeeld van 'n besondere pankoer. Korby boli vyrobené firmou Krupp v Essene a dodané ku kompletizácii firme Henschel v Kasseli v roku 1940 (1. korba - 15.3.1940, 2. korba - 15.4.1940, 3. korba - 15.5.1940). Ons het 'n groot voorsprong op Krupp, maar dit is ook 'n goeie idee om in 1940 te verskyn. 'N Prototipe kan ook getoets word, maar dit kan ook 'n simbool wees.
29.1.1940 bola podpísaná objednávka veží pre osem strojov 0.série (Fgst.Nr. 150411-150418). Die firma Henschel kan u 10/1941 - 1/1942 besoek, en dit is 'n goeie naam vir ons. Korby mala dodávať firma Krupp. Prvú korbu z ôsmych (Wanne no. 150411) firma dodala ku kompletácii firme Henschel 8.8.1941. 15.11.1941 is VK 30.01 0.série s vežou testovaný v Sennelager. Dit is 'n koncom mesiaca odoslaný k dokončeniu (doplnenie chýbajúcich komponentov). Firma Krupp dodala poslednú korbu 30.11.1941 a poslednú vežu 21.1.1942. Firma Maybach-Motorenwerk z Friedrichshafen vyrobila pre tento typ v rokoch 1940-43 celkovo 18 motorov.
30.1.1942 kan ons 'n rozhodnuté of zredukovaní počtu postavených strojov gee. Dit is 'n goeie idee om 'n goeie idee te gee. Zvyšná produkcia bola zrušená. Dokončené stroje s vežami (2 ks v 3/1942 en 2 ks v 10/1942) kan u 'n vinnige weergawe van 'n nuwe toestel gee. Z hlásenia firmy Krupp, ktorá dokončovala veže vyplýva, že vo fiškálnom roku 1942 dodala štyri veže. Ďalšie veže pravdepodobne dokončila v nasledujúcom období.
7.10.1941 firma Krupp navrhla WaPrüf 6 montáž nejakej výkonnejšej kanónovej výzbroje. Zvažovali sa, kanon Kw.K L/34,5, 5 cm Kw.K. L/50 a L/60, 7,5 cm Waffe 0725. WaPrüf 6 navrhlo montáž Kw.K.40 L/43. Firma Krupp odpovedala, že montáž je síce možná, ale pre úspešnú lafetáciu by bolo nutné modifikovať buď vežu, alebo samotný kanón. Následne 30.1.1942 is prezbrojenie zavrhnuté.

Dve modifikované platform VK 30.01 poslúžili na prestavbu na stíhač tankov 12,8 cm Kanone 40 L/61 auf VK 3001 (H) a veže strojov 0.série boli použité ako stále palebné postavenia (Bauform 246 Stand for Pz.Kpfw. Turm VK 30.01) na Atlantickom vale.
Zvyšné stroje sa používali k ďalším testom, napr. na testovanie radlíc, vyorávačov my en hĺbičov zákopov až do konca vojny.

Die prototipe van ons naam is 'n uitstekende voorbeeld van 'n so simulovanou záťažou namiesto veže našli po skončení vojny spojeneckí vojaci v Haustenbeck. Daar is 'n film wat u kan aanskaf, en dit is ook 'n goeie idee om u te help.
Dit is 'n goeie idee vir ons om in 1980 'n polygóne teen Sennelager te skryf.

Duitse swaar tenk VK 30 01 (H) resensiegeskiedenis

Duitse swaar tenk VK 30 01 (H). Die bestelling vir die tenk is op 9 September 1939 uitgereik. In die proses van ontwikkeling het Henschel -ingenieurs die prestasies van die DW II -projek aktief gebruik. Die eerste twee prototipes was teen Maart 1942 gereed, nog twee is teen Oktober gebou. Prototipes is aktief op die fabriek getoets, maar sonder 'n toring en wapens. Aan die einde van die toets is die twee onderstelle omskep in swaar tenkvernietigers. Ses torings wat deur Krupp vervaardig is, is op die Atlantiese Muur geïnstalleer.

Vroeg in September 1939 het Henschel, in opdrag van Wa Pruef 6, begin om 'n swaar tenk te ontwikkel, met die naam VK 30.01 (H), wat ook die alternatiewe naam Panzerkampfwagen VI (7,5 cm) gehad het. Die eksperimentele tenk VK 3001 (H), wat die eerste twee prototipes gevolg het en net soos hulle geskep is onder leiding van Henschel se hoof van gevorderde ontwikkeling, Erwin Aders, het 'n frontale pantserdikte van 60 mm, gebruik 'n 520 mm wye baan en geposisioneerde ondersteuningsrolletjies, 6-silinder enjin Maybach HL 116-kapasiteit van 300 pk teen 3000 rpm, het 'n gevegsvoertuig van 30 ton toegelaat om teen 'n spoed van 35 km / h te beweeg. Voor was daar elemente van die ratkas, agter wat die bedieningselemente was, sowel as die bestuurdersitplek (links) en die radiooperateur (regs). Die vegkompartement beset die hele middelste deel van die korps.

Toetse het getoon dat VK 30.01 (H) nie minderwaardig is as Pz.Kpfw.IV ten opsigte van taktiese en tegniese parameters nie, wat baie gerieflik was vir die Wehrmacht, hoewel die maksimum snelheid slegs 35 km / h was, en die kruisafstand nie 150 km oorskry. Daarbenewens het die prototipe nie wapens nie, en in plaas van die toring is sy gewigskompensator geïnstalleer.

Met die verkrygde gegewens kan 'n bestelling gemaak word vir die vervaardiging van 'n groep van 8 onderstelle. Teen Oktober 1941, toe drie van hulle gereed was, het Wa Pruef 6 egter geweier om voort te gaan met die tenk VK 30.01 (H). Die rede was die teenwoordigheid van prototipes van swaar tenks VK 36.01 en VK 45.01 (P), wat kragtiger wapens en pantserbeskerming gehad het.

In die aanlyn spel World Of Tanks is die Duitse swaar tenk op vlak 5. Saam met klasmaats kan u speel, sonder genoeg. Die liggaam is op dieselfde manier in 'n sirkel gepantser, en ek moet sê dat die dikte van die pantserplate 50 millimeter belaglik lyk van beide die voorkop en die sye, almal sal kan deurbreek, selfs die tegniek op die vierde vlak.

Die voorste uitsteeksel van die toring lyk ook nie na 'n betroubare vesting nie, aangesien die nominale swaar tenk VK 30.01 (H) hier slegs 80 millimeter pantser het. Ons het egter 'n groot en effens afgeronde masker van die geweer; die afskilfering op sommige plekke bereik 113 millimeter, en op vakansiedae sal die skulpe wat die masker tref, rys. Die tegniek van 6-7-vlak sal u hier baie maklik deurboor en die kans om kragpunte te vermy word tot nul verminder.

Nog 'n onaangename oomblik in ons geval is die afmetings van VK 30.01 (H) World of Tanks. Die toestel is regtig vierkantig, die vermommingskoëffisiënt is swak en dit is maklik om deur so 'n karkas te kom.

Uit die braaipan en in die vuur

Aangesien M.A.N. se Panther -ontwerp met die grootste prioriteit vorentoe gegaan het, het Heinrich Kniepkamp persoonlik die ontwikkeling aangeneem. Die ontwerp het die naam Panzerkampfwagen V "Panther" en die Sonderkraftfahrzeug -nommer (spesiale voertuignommer) Sd.Kfz.171 ontvang.

Op of omstreeks 4 Mei, 'n week voordat hul ontwerp vir die VK30 gekies is, het M.A.N. 'n laaste vergadering gehad oor hul ontwerp waar die belangrikste besonderhede hersien is. Benewens wat reeds behandel is, is in hierdie vergadering gespesifiseer dat:

  • Daar was 86 spoorverbindings aan elke kant, en die breedte van die spore sou vervoer per spoor nie verbied nie.
  • Die ratkas het 'n Maybach OLVAR 0640 12 16 -ratkas gebruik.
  • Die laaste punt wat die skrywer noemenswaardig is, kon nie die betekenis daarvan bepaal nie, behalwe dat dit verband hou met die oordrag. "Die ratkas van die tandwiel is dubbel gerangskakel, met tandwiele van module 9 en 11. Dit was nie nodig om die middelste tandgroep te maal nie, aangesien daar geen kontak was nie."

Op hierdie stadium was die stuurstelsel wat in die tenk gebruik sou word, nog nie besluit nie. Daar word aanvaar dat 'n tradisionele koppelaar-remstuurstelsel aanvanklik gebruik sou word. Die rede vir hierdie verandering was dat die maatskappye wat betrokke sou wees by die vervaardiging van die Panther nie oor die nodige toerusting beskik nie, spesifiek gleufmasjiene, om die ratte vir die gekontroleerde differensiële tipe transmissie te sny. 'N Gedeelte van die 29 ratte waaruit elke beheerde differensiaal bestaan, was "hol" ratte, dit wil sê dat die tande aan die binnekant van die wiel was, eerder as aan die buitekant. Hierdie tipe rat was aansienlik moeiliker om te maak.

Die transmissiehuis is gegiet met staal met 'n sterkte van 60 kg/mm². Omgeskakel na megapascal, die algemeenste drukeenheid wat gebruik word om treksterkte te beskryf, is dit 588 MPa. Vergelyk dit met staal met 'n hoë sterkte, wat in die gebied van 750 tot 850 MPa wissel, en pantserplaat wat bo 900 MPa strek. Die rede waarom die staal wat in die ratkas gebruik is, relatief gesproke so swak was, was dat meer eenhede gemaak kon word. Die swak aandrywingstelsel, wat reeds 'n tenk wat 'n paar ton swaarder was as wat dit ontwerp is, aangedryf het en wat nou van laer kwaliteit materiaal gemaak is, sou die Panther gedurende sy hele lewensduur teister. Enige krimpgate wat in die transmissiehuis gevorm word as gevolg van die gietproses, sal gesweis word en die hele omhulsel word verhit en geleidelik laat afkoel, 'n verhardingsproses wat bekend staan ​​as annealering.

'N Konferensie is op 19 Mei 1942 gehou by die Rykse ministerie vir bewapening en oorlogsproduksie. In hierdie vergadering is bepaal dat 'n meerderheid van die fasiliteite wat betrokke is by die vervaardiging van onderdele vir die Panther -tenk, dié sal wees wat in Frankryk gevang is.

'N Konferensie met Hitler is gehou op 4 Junie 1942 oor die nuwe Panther -tenk. Hitler was van mening dat teen die lente van 1943 selfs die verhoogde voorste pantser van 80 mm (3.15 duim) nie genoeg sou wees nie. Hy eis dat probeer word om al die voorste wapenrusting van die tenk tot 100 mm (3,94 duim) dikte te vergroot. Dieselfde dag is nog 'n vergadering gehou (vermoedelik terug by die Ryk Ministerie vir Bewapening en Oorlogsproduksie, as die ontmoeting met Hitler in die eerste plek nie daar was nie) tussen verteenwoordigers van die vier maatskappye wat gekies is om die nuwe tenk M.A.N. van Nürnberg, Daimler-Benz van Berlyn, Maschinenfabrik Niedersachsen-Hannover (M.N.H.) van Hannover, en Henschel van Kassel. Daar is bepaal dat teen die 12de Mei 1943 250 Panther -tenks beskikbaar moes wees vir gevegte. 'N Model van die tenk is aan die einde van die vergadering vertoon.

Op 'n stadium tydens die ontwikkeling is die L 600 C -stuurmeganisme wat oorspronklik vir die Panther bedoel was, laat val, in die plek daarvan was die Einradienlenkgetriebe (stuurwiel met enkele radius), ook bekend as die Maybach Double Differential. Dit is nie bekend of hierdie stuurmeganisme dieselfde is as die een waarop M.A.N. wat 'n spits voorste romp moontlik maak, of as dit 'n heeltemal aparte ontwikkeling was. Die Einradienlenkgetriebe is 'n stuurmeganisme wat heeltemal uniek is vir die Panther -tenk, wat nog nooit voor of sedertdien op 'n ander masjien gebruik is nie. Dit kombineer twee soorte tenkstuur: die normale dubbele ewenaar en die beheerde ewenaar. 'Enkele radius' verwys na die feit dat elke rat sy eie vaste draai -radius het (in teenstelling met ander stuurmeganismes, waarin die draai -radius veranderlik is, afhangende van die hoeveelheid stuurinvoer). Aangesien daar sewe ratte vorentoe was, was daar sewe verskillende draaistradies, plus neutrale stuur.

'N Kontrak is toegeken aan Adler van Frankfurt am Main om 50 Maybach OLVAR -transmissies te lewer vir toetsing in die Panther as alternatief vir die Zahnradfabrik AK 7/200. In hierdie konfigurasie sou die tenk bekend gestaan ​​het as Panther Model B, maar die OLVAR -transmissies is nooit geïnstalleer nie.

In 'n vergadering op 13 Julie 1942 het Paul Wiebicke daarop aangedring dat die Einradienlenkgetriebe van die begin af in alle Panthers gebruik moes word. Toe hy gekonfronteer word met die moontlikheid dat hierdie totaal nuwe en ongetoetste stuurmeganisme nie werk nie, stel hy voor dat 60 koppelaarremstuurstelsels ingebou moet word, daarom sou hulle beskikbaar wees om tenks te voltooi as die Einradienlenkgetriebe nie gereed was nie .

Die Panzerkommissie het die volgende dag vergader, en weer is die panter se stuurmeganisme bespreek. Hulle het tot die gevolgtrekking gekom dat die eerste 100 tenks die tussentydse koppelaar-stuurstelsel sou hê terwyl die produksie van die Einradienlenkgetriebe aan die gang was. Alle tenks met koppelaar-stuurstuur moes teen einde April 1943 weer by Einradienlenkgetriebe aangebring word.

M.A.N. het gehoop dat die proewe van die nuwe stuurmeganisme teen middel Oktober 1942 voltooi sou wees. Drie verskillende stelle versnellings word voorgestel, die verskille tussen hulle is die draaistraal. Die drie opstellings sou 'n draai radius van onderskeidelik 50, 80 en 115 meter (164, 262 en 337 voet) gegee het in die sewende rat. Vir snelheid en eenvoud is besluit om slegs die ratkas te toets wat 80 en 115 meter draaistrale sou gee. Om die twee tipes teen mekaar te toets, is beplan om twee uitruilbare stelle ratte vir elk van die eerste 20 tot 30 stuureenhede te maak. Uiteindelik is die 80 meter -draairadius -ratkas gekies.

M.A.N. het 'n kontrak gekry om 'n eksperimentele VK30.02 (M) onderstel teen Augustus 1942 te voltooi, en 'n tweede, volledige prototipe teen September. Beide prototipes is gemaak van sagte staal. Die presiese datum waarop hierdie prototipes klaar was, is onbekend. Daar is onbekende bronne oor die vraag of die eerste einde Augustus of begin September voltooi is, maar laasgenoemde lyk meer waarskynlik. Panther & amp Its Variants beweer dat dit einde September afgelewer is.

Op 3 Augustus is Krupp, wat besig was met die ontwerp van die nie-verwante Panzerselbstfahrlafette IVd-aanvalspistool op grond van hul Panzerselbstfahrlafette IVc selfaangedrewe vliegtuiggeweer, ingelig dat die 8,8 cm L/71-gewapende aanvalsgeweer nie langer gebaseer op sy eie unieke onderstel, maar op die van die VK30.02 (M), en moet dienooreenkomstig herontwerp word. Dit sou die sogenaamde Jagdpanther word.

Op 4 Augustus het M.A.N. het aangekondig dat hulle met die bou van die eerste prototipe romp sou begin, en hulle versoek dat die voormanne en hoofoperateurs van die Henschel-, M.N.H.- en Daimler-Benz-aanlegte M.A.N. in Nürnberg om vertroud te raak met die projek.

Die eerste prototipe, VK30.02 (M) onderstel nommer V1, is sonder 'n rewolwer voltooi. Dit het in plaas daarvan 'n boksvormige gewig gehad om die rewolwer te simuleer. Hierdie masjien is gebruik vir bestuurstoetse op die M.A.N. fabrieksterrein in Nürnberg. Die vering van die V1 verskil van alle ander Panthers deurdat die skokbrekers aan die eerste en agtste padwielarms gemonteer is, in teenstelling met die tweede en sesde.

Illustrasie van VK30.02 (M) onderstel nommer V1 deur Andrei Kirushkin

Vanweë die onbeskikbaarheid van onderdele en die eenvoud, is die prototipe voltooi met 'n koppelaar-remstuur. Dit was minder doeltreffend as die Maybach -tipe, het groter slytasie op onderdele veroorsaak en het nie toegelaat dat die tenk neutraal stuur nie. Boonop was hierdie masjien in plaas van die beoogde planetêre reduksrat, toegerus met 'n tweestap-tandratvermindering van die laaste aandrywing, wat die eindresultaat van 'n finale vermindering van die aandrywing is die afwisseling van die snelheid van wringkrag. Dit is onduidelik watter stuurstelsel die V2 -prototipe gebruik het.

Die enigste bekende foto van die VK30.02 (M) V1 wat proewe ondergaan by die M.A.N. fabrieksterrein, gesien hier probeer om 'n taamlik indrukwekkende graad te klim. Aan die ander kant kan gesien word hoe die voertuig in die kuil afdaal, of 'n aparte poging om uit te klim. Bron: Panther & amp sy variante

Die tweede prototipe was 'n volledige tenk met 'n rewolwer. VK30.02 (M) Onderstel nommer V2 het die 7,5 cm KwK 42 L/70 gemonteer met 'n vroeë, 220 mm (8,66 duim) deursnee-enkelpootbreuk in die Rheinmetall-Borsig-rewolwer. Alhoewel dit soortgelyk was aan die snuitbreuk wat die 7,5 cm KwK 40 L/43 op die Panzer IV Ausf.F2 gebruik het, was dit nie identies nie. Die V2 is blykbaar vertraag omdat die Rheinmetall -rewolwer nie betyds gereed was nie. Die rewolweringsbehuising is op 16 September voltooi, en die finale montering van die rewolwer is by die Rheinmetall -fabriek in Düsseldorf gedoen.

Die rewolwer wat op die VK30.02 (M) V2 gebruik is, is afgelei van die rewolwer wat ontwikkel is vir die VK45.01 (H2), die oorspronklike Tiger -tenk. Back in May of 1942, it had a maximum width of 2.14 m (7 feet) which tapered to a frontal width of 1.84 m (6 feet). Excluding the cupola it was 770 mm (30.3 inches) tall. By the time the turret was built and mounted, it had grown to 790 mm tall (31.1 inches) and 2.30 m (7’7’’) wide, tapering to 2.104 m (6’11’’) wide. Increasing the height of the turret by 20 mm (0.79 inches) while also keeping the frontal plate sloped at 12° and the rear at 25°, meant that the turret also became 20 mm (0.79 inches) longer. The length would not be changed on production turrets, even when the frontal turret armor was increased to 100 mm (3.94 inches), meaning that the 20 mm of extra space needed was taken from the inside, instead of being expanded outward. Another feature of the prototype turret that would not be changed in the production model was the offsetting of the entire gun mantlet by 40 mm (1.57 inches) to the right of the centerline.

Inside view of the prototype turret mounted on the VK30.02(M) V2. The gunner’s position is to the left of the cannon and the loader’s to the right. The commander’s seat can be seen at the far left of frame. Source: Panzer Tracts 5-1

The most distinctive feature of the Versuchs-Turm (experimental turret) though, was the curved turret sides and bulge stamped into the left side of the turret to accommodate the cupola. The controls for the smoke grenade launchers were placed inside this bulge. The sides of the production turret would be widened to eliminate the cupola bulge the layout of many of the interior components would also be changed.

View of the inside of the Versuchs-Turm from the loader’s position, facing the rear. The controls for the Nebelkerze (smoke dischargers) can be seen in the bulge under the commander’s cupola. The hatch to the left of frame is the main entrance and exit for the turret crew. Source: Panzer Tracts 5-1

When it was completed, the second prototype VK30.02(M) was sent to Kummersdorf proving grounds for official testing. The V1 was registered as IIN-2686 and the V2 as IIN-0687. “IIN” was the prefix for license plates registered to the cities of Nürnberg and Fürth. What is strange about this is that registered German military vehicles usually had a registration number with the prefix “WH” for the Heer (army) or “WL” for the Luftwaffe. Instead, the VK30.02(M) prototypes were registered as civilian vehicles in Nürnberg, the home city of M.A.N.

The hulls of the two Panther prototypes differed slightly from the production model. None of the hull plates were interlocking, as they would be on all Panthers that came after. The hull side plate did not extend past the rear plate at all. Between the 16 mm (0.63 inch) thick bottom of the hull and the 40 mm (1.57 inch) thick rear plate (reverse sloped at 30°) was a small 30 mm (1.18 inch) thick plate reverse sloped at 60°. On production vehicles this piece was eliminated, meaning the belly plate and the rear plate were directly connected to each other. The driver’s periscope was only 432.5 mm (17 inches) to the left of the centerline, on production vehicles it would be moved further out, to about 490 mm (19.3 inches) left of center line. The casting of the armored covers that went over the fans on top of the engine deck included an extension that encompassed the radiator filler cap, this would be eliminated on the production model. The drive sprockets on the prototypes were different to the production type. The dual exhausts shared a single horizontally mounted muffler, with a single exhaust pipe exiting at the center, just behind the engine deck. The roadwheels had 18 rim bolts each as opposed to 16. Finally, at the rear of the engine compartment was a single large fuel tank, the filler cap for this tank was to the left of the center line on top the engine deck.

VK30.02(M) V2 on trials, likely at Kummersdorf. Notice the ball-shaped muzzle break, drive sprocket, and clean-cut side armor plates. Source: Panther External Appearance & Design Changes VK30.02(M) V2 on trials, likely at Kummersdorf. Notice the bulge on the side of the turret which accommodates the cupola, and also the ladder on the side of the hull. Source: Panther External Appearance & Design Changes VK30.02(M) V2 on trials, likely at Kummersdorf. Notice the license plate held on with wire. Source: Panther External Appearance & Design Changes VK30.02(M) V2 on trials, likely at Kummersdorf. Notice the narrow rear of the Versuchs-Turm, the extensions of the armored fan covers which encompass the radiator filler ports, the single exhaust pipe, and the rear license plate hanging from the exhaust. Source: Panther External Appearance & Design Changes VK30.02(M) V2 on trials, likely at Kummersdorf. Source: Panther External Appearance & Design Changes View of the engine deck of the VK30.02(M) V2 with all cover panels removed. The large single fuel tank in the rear (nearest to the camera) would be changed on the production model, with the filler port being moved to the right and the section of tank on the left being deleted. Source: Panzer Tracts 5-1

On account of the 80 mm (3.15 inch) thick frontal armor demanded by Hitler, the V2 weighed 43 metric tons – 8 tons over the 35 ton weight limit for the VK30. It was powered by a 650 hp Maybach HL 210 engine, giving it a power-to-weight ratio of just 15.1 hp/ton. This figure was 25% worse than the initial VK30.02(M) design projected. On the positive side, trials showed that there was less stress on the rubber roadwheel tires than was expected, and less stress on the torsion bars as well (16kg/mm square actual versus 20-22kg/mm square expected).

VK30.02(M) V2 on trials, likely at Kummersdorf. Bron

The Panzerkommission met for the 11th time on November 2nd and 3rd, either at the 2nd Panzer Regiment’s training field in Berka an der Werra, or the nearby city of Eisenach. The following week a wide variety of experimental vehicles were to be demonstrated at Berka an der Werra — the “rough terrain” outpost of Kummersdorf — for Albert Speer and personnel of Wa. Prüf. 6. The vehicles slated to be present at the demonstration included VK30.02(M) V2, VK30.01(D), a VK36.01(H), a Panzer II with a Zahnradfabrik Electric Transmission, a Panzer III with Ostketten, a Zugführerwagen 40 (Panzer III with Schachtellaufwerk overlapping suspension), the Zugführerwagen 41 (Panzer III with rubber-saving roadwheels), two Henschel Tigers, one with a Zahnradfabrik 12E-170 Electric Transmission, two Porsche Tigers, two Panzer IIIs and two armored cars with with flamethrower equipment, a T-34, and a KV-1. A number of half-tracks, trucks, and tractors were also involved in the display, namely four Sd.Kfz.3s, an Sd.Kfz.10, an Sd.Kfz.11, two Radschlepper Ost, a Raupenschlepper Ost, a French Latil, and an Opel Blitz 3,6-6700 A.

The supposed presence of a VK30.01(D) at this demonstration is the only evidence for a Daimler-Benz Panther ever being built to a degree where it would be operable. Sadly, there are no known photographs of the vehicle selection at this demonstration which would confirm many details about the lost history of the VK30.01(D).

On the first day of demonstrations, Albert Speer drove the VK30.02(M) V2 for one and a half hours. He was highly complimentary of the tank’s handling. The trials showed that the differential worked well in rough terrain and that the tank turned fine without having to rely on brake steering. At this time, the V2 was temporarily equipped with a controlled differential discontinuous regenerative steering unit. This would not be the same as the Einradienlenkgetriebe, and may in fact be the L 600 C. The delegation from M.A.N. present at the demonstration stated they were satisfied with the performance of their prototype.

On the 4th of December, the first Einradienlenkgetriebe delivered by Henschel was installed in the VK30.02(M) V1. The performance of this vehicle with the new steering mechanism was not recorded. This was the last use of the VK30.02(M) as a developmental platform, as the Panzerkampfwagen V went into production in January 1943.

17 thoughts on &ldquo Tiger Tales: Type 102 – the forgotten VK.45.01(P) &rdquo

So the Type 100 was Leopard, Type 101 was Tiger P as we call them, but what’s the Type 102? It’s hard to grasp what that conversion from Type 102 hull to Type 102 hull specification means without having a picture of said Type 102 in mind…

So basically both are Tiger P and both are VK 45.01 P.

Ohhh their naming scheme is confusing at times :)

Type 100 = VK 30.01 P (also called Leopard which is none of the Leopards on WoT of course)
Type 101 = VK 45.01 P = “Tiger P” in WoT terms
Type 102 = Type 101 ready to accept hydraulic transmission, later cancelled and to be converted back to Type 101 specs.

There are 2 Leopards as Porsche reused the name.
A Type 103 is as far as I can see any Tiger P fitted with the duel blower 101/2 engine and some engine deck rework.

Do you know which engine configuration the Ferdinands ended up with? I’ve heard reports of them overheating when climbing hills, so I’m wondering if the 101/2 didn’t get installed, or just wasn’t enough.

The Ferdinand got switched to the HL120 TRMs during production. However there was a water cooled Type 130 Porsche engine that had a bore of 130mm and stroke of 145mm (19.3L each V-10 x2) that was considered for the Ferdinand producing 400 hp at 2500 rpms but HL120 TRM Maybachs were used instead.

When producing the Ferdinands the hulls were basically gutted and rebuilt from the ground up. So there was really just the two engine options. Type 130 and HL120 TRM.

Nemo is a fkin genius. I’ve said it before when he researched historical modules for SPG’s, and I say it now, and I’ll say it till the day I die. CaptianNemo is awesome.

I am still working on a fixed version of the SPG list… Some of them have NO radios historically… just… signal flags…

Good research Capt’n. Hou so aan.

Possible alternate hull for Tiger (P), or tier 6 premium heavy with L/56 and no add-on armor?

I got the impression it’s basically the exact same hull (minus the later applique armor ofc) just with different powertrain.

My bet is on the Tiger P getting the Type 100 hull with 100mm frontal and the elite version getting the 200mm command vehicle front

Nerfed turn-rate and acceleration to represent more drivetrain-loss and the lack of instant torque available with electric engines, possibly higher fire chance as well?

Of course, there are other, slightly more unique options for mid tier german premium heavies, like the VK6501(h) or captured KV’s.

There is a tank from the same time as the 6501 that is 80 tons instead of 65… But very little info on it.

The Tiger P in WoT IS the one of one Command-Tank which is supposed to have the Type 101/1(As designed as a Tiger P), 101/2(Last 43 built) and HL120 TRMs(As it went into combat) as its engines but WG is being stupid as usual.

A normal Tiger P could be used as an alternative hull. It seems likely this will happen… When it does, hopefully WG changes the engines out as well because Type 100 series engines on a Type 101 tank is a bit unhistorical.

It will be intersting to see how the Pz IV hydrastat performs in game.

There should be some of them appearing on the NA servers by the second week in April.

VK 30.01 (H)

Because of its weak and generally unsloped hull armor, this tank should be played as a sniper, preferably hull-down. Playstyle can be compared to Tiger, VK 30.02 (M) or Panther, and this tank will prepare you for future German tanks. Aside from the howitzer, there is really no reason to use anything but the Waffe as it outclasses all the other guns. However unlocking them all at tier 5 will make future grinds in the German line much easier. Because of the terrible hull armour and easily hit engine, it is essential that you learn to fight hulldown or sidescrape as much as possible. These tricks are essential throughout the entire German heavy line, and really any heavy tank in the game.

For players that favor close-ranged combat, the 10.5cm gun is a good option with its high damage output per shell. However you will have to deal with the cons of this vehicle in order to use this gun effectively. This gun can be used to good effect in urban environments with ranges limited from 50 to 100 meters. Just be sure to aim for the weak spots and have some support when reloading. Also, if you do use the howitzer, DO NOT FIRE AP AMMO! It is a waste of your time and money because with HE ammo, at least you can deal splash damage even if you do not penetrate. This tank also has the ability to at least give enemies pause before attacking. Due to the large number of guns, most enemies will stop to see what gun you are carrying. ("Does he have the howitzer or the Waffe?"). This may give you a chance to get the first shot off in an encounter.

Early Research

  • Upon purchasing this tank, you should immediately install the 7.5 cm KwK 40 L/43 (if researched from the Pz. IV)
  • If you haven't researched the 7.5 cm KwK 40 L/43 yet, research it for a major boost in firepower.
  • Now upgrade the suspension and turret.
  • Next you can decide between going for the Maybach HL 174 or the Waffe. If you really find the L/43 to be unacceptable, you can stop for the L/70 which is almost as good as the Waffe while being much cheaper to unlock.
  • Now research the choice on the line above that you didn't do.
  • If planning to go to the VK3601H next, you may want to leave the top engine. It only provides another 25 h.p. and will unlock for free upon researching the VK3601H.
  • Go from there.

Historical Info

VK 30.01 (H) is a further development of the Durchbruchswagen concept. The DW vehicles (DW1 and DW2) were – as their name in German suggests – attempts to create a breakthrough tank (in other words, essentially a heavy tank). On September 9, 1938, it was decided to continue with the DW 30 ton category development. On January 1, 1939, Krupp decided that the new vehicle should be equipped with a 75mm L/24 cannon, the crew should be equal to that of Panzer IV and the tank should have 50mm armor all around. On January 31, 1939, this new vehicle program was renamed to Panzerkampfwagen VI (7,5cm), but the new experimental designation for it was VK 30.01 (experimental/tracked vehicle, 30 tons, 1st prototype). At the same time, the old DW projects were renamed to VK 30.01 (Alte Konstruktion), while the new VK 30.01 was referred to as “Neue Konstruktion” (new design).

Design-wise, it was a classical German tank, with typical Henschel suspension that would eventually evolve into the Tiger suspension via VK 36.01. The roadwheels had torsion bar suspension.

3 prototypes were ordered. The hulls were made by Krupp in Essen and delivered to Henschel in Kassel for final assembly in 1940. Turrets were also ordered and Krupp was supposed to deliver them in 1940. However, these came later and most likely were never installed on any prototype machines. The three prototypes instead had a concrete cube installed instead of the turret to simulate the turret weight. The vehicles were equipped with 300hp Maybach HL116 engines and their maximum road speed was 35km/h.

On May 25, 1941, the first order for 8 0-series VK 30.01 (H) tanks was signed. Between October 1941 and January 1942, Henschel also recieved the 8 turrets from Krupp that were to be mounted on the 0-series vehicles. The first 0-series hull was delivered on August 8, 1941, and on November 15, 1941, the first 0-series VK 30.01 (H) (with a mounted turret) was tested in Sennelager. This first 0-series VK 30.01 (H) was by no means finished, however, (some components were missing) and it was sent back to Henschel. The last hull was delivered on November 10, 1941 and the last turret on January 21, 1942. Maybach also built 18 engines in total for the VK 30.01 between 1941 and 1943.

On January 30, 1942, based on the preliminary tests (which did not show the vehicle in a very positive light), it was decided to reduce the amount of the 0-series tanks being built to only 4 vehicles, which were built in March (2 vehicles) and October 1942 (another 2). These tanks were sent to training units and were used for crew training.

The armament (which was still the 75mm L/24, quite insufficient for the 1942 battlefield) was also discussed – Krupp proposed on October 7, 1941 the following options to the Waffenprüfamt 6:

- 75mm KwK L/34,6 (lengthened version of L/24) - 50mm KwK L/50 - 50mm KwK L/60 - 75mm Waffe 0725 (which WoT players will know as the 75mm Konisch on VK 36.01, but it was shown later that this could not be installed).

WaPA 6 responded in the sense that they would like the 75mm KwK 40 L/43 to be installed. Krupp replied that in order to do that, either the gun would have to be modified, or the turret would have to be bigger. In January 1942, the re-arm project was scrapped.

Two hulls were subsequently used to build the two 128mm tank destroyers “12,8cm Kanone 40 L/61 auf VK 30.01(H)”, known as “Sturer Emil”. Additional turrets that were already manufactured before the 0-series VK 30.01 (H) project was reduced were used for fixed emplacements in France (the Atlantic Wall).

The remaining machines were used for crew training and testing various equipment until the end of the war, when they were scrapped.

VK 36.01: Half a Step from the Tiger

Henschel's tank program looked somewhat comical in late 1941 and early 1942. The company was working on three heavy tanks at the same time. The lifeline of one of them, the VK 30.01(H), was just about to end, but work was still going on in December of 1941. The second tank being developed was the VK 45.01(H). Another tank, indexed VK 36.01, took the place between them in mass. The story of the first tank with a tapered bore gun that nearly went into production was far from simple.

Rapid weight loss

The VK 36.01 project appeared due to the «siege tank» program, approved by the Commander of the Land Forces, Major General Walther von Brauchitsch on November 24th, 1938. According to this concept, three tanks would be developed with the size and layout of the PzI, PzII, and PzIV. In the first case, the result was the PzI Ausf. F, in the second the PzII Ausf. J, and in the third, the VK 65.01. Initially, the VK 65.01 was indexed S.W. The 65 ton class tank would have 80 mm of armour. 75 mm and 105 mm guns (the latter would have a length of 20 calibers) were considered as weapons. A decision to install a 75 mm KwK L/24, the same gun as on the PzIV, was made in June of 1939.

The 25 caliber howitzer that was to be used as the A.W.'s main gun

A project for another even heavier tank appeared around the time that the VK 65.01's armament was limited to that of the PzIV. Little is known about it, but its size was clearly larger than the VK 65.01. The mass of the vehicle named A.W. (Artilleriewagen, artillery vehicle) would surpass 80 tons, and its armour would be 100 mm thick. The Henschel company would develop the A.W., with the contract for the turret going to Krupp.

A 105 mm main gun would be used. Initially, the designers picked between a 20 caliber howitzer and the 10.5 cm leFH 18 with a barrel length of 28 calibers. On October 20th, 1939, Krupp presented another option. The 105 mm 25 caliber howitzer was taken as the starting point. The turret that housed this gun would need a 1750 mm wide turret ring, and its full width would be 2270 mm. The mass of the turret was also impressive: 8.4 tons.

The reworked A.W. would receive a weapon with the ballistics of the 105 mm leFH 18 howitzer

The lifespan of this project was even shorter than that of the VK 65.01. Battles in France showed that the development of tanks that weighed more than 30 tons was pointless, since they would not be supported by existing river crossing equipment. The A.W. was the first victim of this new tank doctrine, adopted in early July of 1940.

However, the idea of arming a tank with a 105 mm howitzer remained. This weapon would allow tanks to combat more impressive fortifications than the 7.5 cm KwK L/24 could handle. Because of this, the A.W. did not die completely. On July 5th, Krupp received an order from the 6th Department of the Armament Directorate to develop a howitzer version of the VK 30.01.

The first variant was to receive a turret similar to the A.W.'s turret. The gun was replaced with an adapted 10.5 cm leFH 105. The front armour was thinned down to 80 mm, and the sides to 50 mm. The turret ring diameter was reduced to 1700 mm. In case the weight limit was still not met, the turret could be redesigned. Instead of typical Krupp style angled surfaces, the sides and rear of the turret would be rounded. Later, this layout would be used on the first variant of the VK 30.01(P), and then evolve into the Tiger's turret.

The second variant was for a howitzer version of the VK 30.01(H) turret. During the design process that started in the fall of 1940, this was the preferred variant. The reworked turret would also have 80 mm of armour in the front and 50 mm in the sides. The final choice of the converted turret (called D.W. Turm in correspondence) was made in January of 1941. The turret received a cast gun mantlet. Prior to this, Krupp strived to avoid casting when designing tank turrets.

The stamp on one of the first VK 36.01 blueprints, March 1941

In parallel with work on the turret, Henschel was redesigning the chassis. The front armour became 80 mm thick, and the floor was thickened to 25 mm. It was clear that a tank with these characteristics could not remain in this weight class, and the limit was lifted. The reworked chassis was named VK 36.01.

The increased strain forced a serious redesign of the chassis. Little remained from the VK 30.01(H). Even the hull, especially the rear, was changed. Amusingly, Heinrich Kniepkamp, who had a lot of influence on the development of the VK 36.01(H), kept trying to shoehorn elements from lighter vehicles into it. The chassis repeated the same metamorphosis as was seen on the VK 6.01 (later PzI Ausf. C) and then migrated to the PzI Ausf. F and PzII Ausf. J. Even the design of the evacuation hatches in the sides was borrowed from the light tanks. The same happened with the running gear. The 700 mm road wheels were discarded, and instead 800 mm road wheels were used. The number increased to 8 pairs per side. At the same time, return rollers were eliminated. The track links remained the same width as on the VK 30.01(H), but their pitch was reduced to 130 mm, and a second tooth was introduced on each track link.

A decision was made to increase the mobility of the new heavy tank. The 17.4 L V-12 450 hp Maybach HL 174 would be used. The transmission consisted of the 8-speed semiautomatic Maybach Olvar 40 12 16 and Henschel L 600 C turning mechanism. The tank's top speed was estimated at 50 kph, and the transmission was designed to suit it.

Heavy tank destroyer

Work on the chassis and turret of the VK 36.01 entered the active phase in the spring of 1941. At the time, Krupp and Henschel moved from working on the general concept to drawing blueprints. Krupp received an order for 4 hulls on March 6th. Two were due in January of 1942, and two in February. On May 5th, Krupp signed contract SS-006–4086/40 for four turrets. By then, Germany was working on four types of heavy tanks. In addition to the VK 30.01(H) and VK 36.01, Porsche was working on the VK 30.01(P) with more powerful armament. Work on the successor of the VK 65.01 also restarted by the spring of 1941. It is likely that this work formed the basis for the Soviet intelligence report on new German heavy tanks. The VK 36.01 matches the description of the «Type V», the VK 30.01 (P) is similar to the «Type VI», and the prospective VK 70.01 was the «Type VII». This information triggered work on the «big three»: the KV-3, KV-4, and KV-5. The KV-3 was envisioned as a temporary measure, and either the KV-4 or KV-5 would enter production in 1942. Until the end of 1941, the Soviet Union was ahead of Germany in heavy tank design.

One of the first sketches of the VK 36.01 equipped with the Waffe 0725 gun. The drawing is from a British report from 1947

The Germans likely did not know about the Soviet pre-war heavy tank design program. However, rumours definitely made their way to Berlin. One can assume that they triggered the change in requirements that Hitler approved at a meeting on May 26th, 1941. The thickness of the front armour was increased to 100 mm, and the sides to 60 mm. In addition, guns with anti-tank capability joined short barrelled weapons, with the former given priority.

The VK 30.01(P) was already designated to carry a gun with the ballistics of the 8.8 cm Flak 18, so penetration had to be increased further. However, this type of gun did not fit into the turret of the VK 36.01. The solution was the use of the Waffe 0725 with a tapered bore. The caliber at the breech was 75 mm, but 55 mm at the muzzle, which radically increased the muzzle velocity of the round. However, there was one caveat. Each shot from the Waffe 0725 cost one kilogram of tungsten. Germany had a very limited supply of this metal. Nevertheless, this gun was chosen as the VK 36.01's main armament.

Development of the 5th and 6th German heavy tank began on June 26th, 1941. The first was a response to the requirement to install a turret capable of carrying the 88 mm gun onto the VK 36.01 chassis. The second was an alteration of the VK 30.01(P) design.

The turret of the VK 36.01 was similar to the VK 30.01(H). Since a larger gun would be installed, the commander and his cupola were shifted to the left

On June 11th, 1941, the 6th Department told Krupp that they will have to change their turret once more. The overall configuration of the VK 30.01(H) was preserved. However, the size of the Waffe 0725 was such that the commander could no longer sit behind it. His station and his cupola were shirted to the left. The gunner and loader's hatches were also changed.

The gun mantlet was also changed. Its thickness, as the thickness of the turret front, remained at 80 mm. The thickness of the sides was increased to 60 mm as required. The Waffe 0725 had a coaxial MG 34 machinegun with the TZF 9b binocular sight. The thickness of the front armour was increased to 80 mm. The rear was 60 mm thick. The approximate mass was now 40 tons, but the top speed was still estimated to be 50 kph.

Odd one out

The mass production of the VK 36.01 was already under question in July of 1941. One of the issues with it was supplying the Waffe 0725 with ammunition. Hitler hardly yearned for a weapon that would consume all of Germany's tungsten. For this reason, only 6 VK 36.01 tanks and 8 Waffe 0725 guns would be built. Later, the numbers of hulls ordered from Krupp went up to 8. In October of 1941 the tank received a new name. In correspondence, it was referred to as the Pz.Kpfw.VI Ausf. B (VK 36.01). However, this index was rarely used.

The only experimental VK 36.01 chassis. The VK 13.01 chassis is nearby

The first hull of the VK 36.01 was completed in Essen in late 1941. Henschel was receiving more and more orders for other products. The company was one of the producers of the PzIII, Germany's main tank at the time. Heavy losses on the Eastern Front required increasing production. Because of this, the 6th Department ordered the reduction of the VK 36.01 batch to two vehicles. However, Krupp finished their job, having produced 8 hulls and 8 turrets. 2 Waffe 0725 guns were completed, but they were never installed in the turrets. Henschel also never finished the two chassis. According to documents, one chassis was finished in March of 1942, but the second was never finished, since the VK 45.01(H) had higher priority. This tank had a lot more potential, and its gun did not devour tungsten.

The Maybach HL 174 engine. This engine was used on the VK 36.01

A decision was made to convert the 5 VK 36.01 hulls into the VKz 35.01 ARVs. The vehicles were to be equipped with the Seilwinde 22/40 winch, which could carry up to 40 tons of mass. The Maybach HL 174 was replaced with the more powerful Maybach HL 210, so the ARV had the same engine as the VK 45.01(H). They were meant to work in tandem. The idea of building the VKz 35.01 stemmed from the VK 45.01. There was nothing that the Germans could evacuate a knocked out or bogged down tank with. The Sd.Kfz.9, Germany's main tank recovery vehicle, could only handle tanks that weighed about 20 tons.

The contract for conversion of the five VK 36.01 hulls into the VKz 35.01 was given to FAMO, the company that built the Sd.Kfz.9. However, not a single vehicle was ever built.

VK 36.01 chassis on trials

Another unfinished idea for the project was the replacement of armament. The 8.8 cm KwK 36 L/56 and the 7.5 cm KwK 42 (one of the names for the Waffe 0725) were not the only guns that were designed in the first half of 1941. Rheinmetall-Borsig began working on another 75 mm gun on Hitler's orders. The first prototype had a barrel length of 60 calibers and could penetrate a 100 mm plate at 60 degrees from 1400 meters. In February of 1942, a 70 caliber version with even higher penetration was developed.

At the same time, Rheinmetall-Borsig designed a turret was that similar to the one that Krupp designed for the VK 36.01. This turret was meant to be installed into the VK 45.01(H). The idea to install this turret on the VK 36.01 (the letter used another index, VK 35.01) appeared in June of 1942. This vehicle would be called VK 35.02. However, this project did not live for long, only to mid-July of 1942. The idea of using the 75 mm gun in the VK 45.01 was rejected, and Rheinmetall-Borsig was about half a year too late to save the VK 36.01.

Albert Speer (driver's station) and Ferdinand Porsche (wearing a cap) during trials of the VK 36.01, November 1942

However, the VK 36.01 was not a waste of time. The vehicle was actively used by Maybach during the development of the VK 45.01 transmission. Both tanks used the same gearbox.

In addition, the VK 36.01 took part in various trials as a part of the development of Tiger tanks. The most famous one is the trials that were held on November 8-14th, 1942, in Bad Berka. Here, the vehicle was driven by Albert Speer himself several times. The VK 36.01 was tested not only without a turret, but without a dummy weight. As a result, the tank was not only lighter than its heavy cousins, but the DB and MAN VK 30.02 tanks. The VK 36.01 turned out to be the fastest. This lead was lost during off-road trials, where it lost to the VK 45.01 and the VK 30.02. In addition, the tank broke down. The trials decided nothing, since the VK 36.01's fate was already sealed.

VK 36.01 turrets remained at Krupp's warehouse

The last events the VK 36.01 took part in took place in 1944. 8 turrets remained in Krupp's possession in various stages of completion. The idea to convert them info fortifications came up back in November of 1942. The turrets would finally receive their armament and use ammunition from the 7.5 cm Pak 41. The hydraulic traverse mechanism, gunner's seat, and loader's seat were removed.

However, there was an issue. Some equipment was destroyed in March of 1943 during the bombing of Krupp factories by the British. This bombing buried the project. Damage after the July 25th, 1943, raid was so heavy that the turrets were abandoned. The idea returned in May of 1944. Krupp received orders to convert 6 turrets, but did not even begin to carry them out until the end of the war. In the spring of 1945, the turrets were captured by the Allies.

Translated by Peter Samsonov. Read more interesting tank articles on his blog Tank Archives.

VK 36.01 (H)

The VK 36.01 (H) is a true heavy tank with good armor, very high HP, and very accurate guns. The 7,5/5,5 cm Waffe 0725 used to be the best gun choice but there's once again a choice to make over it and the 8.8 since the changes to it. The Waffe provides good penetration, high RoF, and accuracy making the tank a highly effective sniper. The mediocre alpha of 135 can be problematic as you're forced to expose yourself more often to keep the damage going. The 8.8 cm KwK 36 L/56 hits much harder while still having decent accuracy and RoF, but suffers from low penetration. While using this gun you will likely have to get a bit closer to take advantage of weak spots, and will very likely need APCR rounds on hand when against tier 8 tanks.

The VK 36.01 (H) has very good armor for its tier this tank is capable of fighting more as a straight-up tank and feels more like a tank ready for production than a prototype. It can get into slug matches against lower tier opponents, it can support, it can snipe, it can do peek-a-boo from around corners, anything you want.

The VK 36.01 (H) doesn't have the best maneuverability and horrible turret traverse. While its top speed is only slightly slower than most medium tanks of its tier, its traverse speed is abysmal. The 8.8 engine changes have also given the tank sluggish acceleration, and simply cannot dream of reaching its top speed unless going downhill. This makes the VK 36.01 (H) much better suited to frontal attacks and slug matches. It follows the German doctrine of long range firepower, so one way to counter this tank is to isolate it and then engage it close up with multiple opponents. When the situation calls for it or when you see an opening in the enemy's defenses, take advantage of this opening and harass the enemy from the rear. This tactic is useful in the mid-late game, and has the advantage of surprise, as the enemy team will most likely not expect a "slow and lumbering pseudo-Tiger" to execute a flanking attack.

Early Research

  • If you came from the VK 30.01 (H) you should have all the guns already unlocked except for the 8.8 cm KwK 36 L/56, and the Waffe can be used on the stock turret.
  • Research the Waffe gun if you don't have it. If you really can't stand the 105, you can stop for the 7,5 cm KwK 42 L/70 first as it costs less than half the XP.
  • Everything can be mounted on the stock suspension, so it can be researched at any point.
  • Research the turret and engine in whichever order you prefer. The turret will add a whopping 190 HP to the tank, while the engine will help with the sluggish mobility.
  • You can skip the 7,5 cm KwK 42 L/70 entirely if you got the Waffe first as it gets researched for free upon unlocking the Tiger.
  • Go from there.

Historical Info

Only four VK 30.01 (H) prototypes were produced, two in March 1941 and two in October 1941. All were completed in 1942 by Henschel. In early 1942, one prototype VK 36.01 (H) was built, along with 5 prototype chassis. Originally, it was planned to mount the VK 30.01 (H) with a turret armed with the 75mm L/24 or 105mm L/28 gun, but none of the prototypes were actually fitted with turrets. The VK 36.01 (H) was to be armed with the 75mm KwK 42 L/70 (Gerat 725), the 88mm KwK 36 L/56 (mounted in the VK 45.01 (P)'s turret), or the 105mm L/20 or L/28 gun. But just as with the VK 30.01 (H), it was never armed with any weapon.

Both designs were completed as prototypes, but their further development was cancelled in 1942 in favor of the development of the VK 45.01 (P) that later became the Tiger 1. Turrets produced for both designs were never mounted and instead, in 1944, six VK 30.01 (H) turrets were used in permanent fortifications: Panzerstellung/Turmstellungs of the Atlantic and West Wall. Their running gear was later modified and used as a base for the Tiger and Panther's running gear.

In March 1941, two VK 30.01 (H)s were ready and from August 1941 to March 1942, were converted into 128mm Pak 40 L/61 gun carriers, the Selbstfahrlafette 12.8cm. Another two prototypes completed in October 1941 remained in Henschel's factory in Haustenbek and were used as recovery, training, and test vehicles. The VK 36.01 (H) prototypes were used as recovery and towing vehicles. The VK 30.01 (H) and VK 36.01 (H)'s design led to the subsequent development of Henschel's Tiger I.






Compatible Equipment

Compatible Consumables

Player Opinion

Pros and Cons

  • Rather high DPM and decent gun handling
  • Once fully upgraded, has decent mobility and maneuverability for its class
  • Rather compact hull size and good gun depression, can hull down
  • Wide gun mantlet with the Krupp Turm turret is thick enough to fend off most regular shells in tier
  • 3rd highest HP of all Tier 6 heavy tanks
  • Unsloped armour with mediocre thickness everywhere besides the mantlet, offers no real protection
  • Poor penetration for a Tier 6 heavy
  • One of the worst stock grinds: extremely sluggish due to underpowered engine, lousy gun and weak turret with huge cupola


Stock, the VK 30.01 (P) comes with the same 75 mm gun as the Pz.Kpfw. IV Ausf. H, the penetration of which is unfortunately woefully inadequate at tier VI. The stock engine meanwhile provides the maneuverability of a superheavy tank. While this may provide an early taste of what the Maus has to offer, the incredibly weak engine is a severe handicap, even for a heavy tank.

Fully upgraded, the VK 30.01 (P) is a workable support tank with good top speed. You can and should flank with it when you can, but this tank is let down by sluggish turret traverse, and it tends to take a while to accelerate to its top speed (lowered from 60 to 45 in 1.9). It can also be an effective sniper, as it can make use its thick gun mantlet, making hull-down tactics somewhat effective. When done properly, poorly aimed shells may penetrate only the gun mantlet, but not the actual turret. As always, a lot depends on the matchmaker (i.e. the tier of tanks you are up against). Its decent power to weight ratio (with the upgraded engines) and relatively high top speed allow it to get to and stay at the front lines, but it's no longer able to exploit gaps or rush to help in an emergency nearly as well as it used to.

Early Research

  • Die FuG 12 radio carries over from the Pz. IV H and should be installed immediately. Die 10,5 cm Kw.K. L/28 also carries over, but is locked behind the second turret.
  • First, research the 2x Porsche Typ 100/1 engine for a much-needed increase in horsepower.
  • Next, research the 8,8 cm Kw.K. 36 L/56 gun for a great boost to firepower.
  • Research the Vk 30.01 (P) verstärkteketten suspension and the Vk 30.01 (P) Krupp Turm turret for improved survivability.
  • Research the 2x Porsche Typ 100/3 for another small boost to horsepower.
  • Finally, research the 7,5 cm Kw.K. 42 L/70.

Suggested Equipment


Historical Info

In 1937, along with Henschel, Porsche was given the task of build the medium tank that would replace Panzerkampfwagen IV. Its design was supposed to be capable of being armed with 75mm L/24 or even if possible 105mm L/28 gun and one 7.92mm MG34 for local defence. VK3001(P) was Porsche's first design since 1927's Grosstraktor I and its drawings were finished by September 5th of 1939 by Porsche's Chief Engineer Karl Rabe.

Prototypes were supposed to be fitted with turrets manufactured by Krupp. Porsche considered arming the vehicle with 105mm KwK L/47, 105mm KwK L/52 gun and finally with 88mm KwK 36 L/56 gun (developed from 88mm Flak 36 gun). Six turrets armed with 88mm guns were ordered in April of 1941, but none were produced. Leopard's turret was similar in appearance to that used on Tiger(P) and Tiger. Porsche planned to power VK3001(P) with gasoline-electric power/drive system (two air-cooled Porsche Typ 100 engines by Steyr and electric transmission). Only one or two turretless prototypes were completed by Nibelungenwerke in St.Valentin, Austria in late (October) 1941, out of 3 hulls originally ordered. Although many problems were encountered with its advanced power and drive system, prototype(s) performed well. During tests prototype(s) reached maximum speed of 60km/h but its fuel consumption was 170 liters per 100 kilometers. In order to solve the engine problems, Porsche designed diesel engine (Porsche Typ 200) but it was never produced.

VK3001(P) program was abandoned and two prototypes were used extensively in the development of VK4501(P) - Porsche's Tiger, which started in July of 1941. In order to transport VK3001(P) tank, Porsche designed special tank transporter (Panzertransporter Porsche 142), but this project was also abandoned. Tests continued until May of 1942, but VK3001(P) never went into production just like VK3001(H) and VK3601(H).