Arsacid -dinastie van Armenië

Arsacid -dinastie van Armenië

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Die Arsacid (Arshakuni) dinastie van Armenië regeer daardie koninkryk van 12 CE tot 428 CE. Die Armeense prinse, 'n tak van die Arsacid -dinastie van Parthia, het ook 'n langdurige balans opgetree deur vriendelik te bly teenoor die ander groot magte van die tydperk en streek: Rome. Soos so gereeld voorheen, was Armenië steeds 'n sterk betwiste gebied tussen Persië en Rome, met beide kante wat regstreeks ingryp in staatsake en soms hul leërs stuur om hul aansprake te ondersteun. Die tydperk het ook groot veranderinge in Armenië beleef; veral die amptelike aanvaarding van die Christendom in die vroeë 4de eeu nC en die uitvinding van die Armeense alfabet. Die dinastie, sowel as die 1000 jaar oue monargistiese stelsel van Armenië, het geëindig met die installering van Persiese viceroys in 'n stelsel wat sou duur tot die Arabiese invalle van die 7de eeu nC.

Die geskiedenis van beide Armenië en die streek tydens die bewind van die Arsacids was 'n komplekse tydperk en die koninkryk bly, soos dit al eeue lank was, 'n gesogte stuk in die strategiese bordspel van ryke wat deur Europa en twee van Asië gespeel is supermoondhede: Rome en Persië. Om nog 'n ekstra moeilikheidsgraad by te voeg, is die historiese rekord op sy beste ongemaklik, 'n situasie wat sterk uiteengesit word deur professor in Armeense en Nabye Oosterse geskiedenis R. G. Hovannisian:

Ons kennis van die gebeure of selfs die chronologie van Armenië gedurende hierdie ingewikkelde tydperk, bly fragmentaries in die uiterste, verward en steeds hoogs gedebatteer. (63)

Ten spyte van hierdie probleme, kan gelukkig gelukkig 'n algemene oorsig verkry word deur die werke van verskillende Romeinse skrywers, vroeë Christelike skrywers, inskripsies, muntstukke en argeologie saam te voeg. Daar moet egter altyd in gedagte gehou word dat vrae soos wie ondersteun het wie, wanneer en waarom antwoorde baie dikwels ondeursigtig word deur ontbrekende inligting en nasionale vooroordeel - oud en modern.

Rome en Parthia

Die onbestendige politieke werklikheid van Armenië in die tweede helfte van die 1ste eeu vC word weerspieël in die kort bewind en gereelde verandering van die monarge van die heersende Artaxiad (Artashiaanse) dinastie: nege heersers van 30 vC tot die eerste dekade van die 1ste eeu nC. Die agteruitgang van die Artaxiades was deels te wyte aan die interne faksies wat ontstaan ​​het deur die adel wat in pro-Romeinse of pro-Partiese faksies verdeel het toe die koninkryk in die plaaslike magspolitiek vasgevang was. In onduidelike omstandighede is die Artaxiade opgevolg deur die volgende dinastie om die Armeense sake, die Arsacid (Arshakuni) dinastie, te oorheers toe hul stigter, Vonon (Vonones) die troon in 12 nC met Romeinse steun verower het. Die neiging van kort heersende monarge sou egter voortduur tot by die aankoms van Tiridates (Trad), wat deur sommige as die ware stigter van die Arsacid-dinastie beskou word.

Tiridates ek

Tiridates I van Armenië (r. 63 - 75 of 88 CE) was die broer van die Partiese koning Vologases I (r. 51-78 CE) wat Armenië in 52 CE binnegeval het vir die spesifieke doel om Tiridates op die troon te sit. Die Romeine was nie tevrede om Parthia toe te laat in wat hulle beskou as 'n buffersone tussen die twee moondhede nie, en in 54 HJ stuur keiser Nero (r. 54-68 nC) 'n leër onder sy beste generaal Gnaeus Domitius Corbulo. Vologases moes teen daardie tyd terugtrek om interne probleme in Parthia te hanteer, maar Tiridates het by Artaxata gebly en hy is deur die meeste Armeniërs ondersteun.

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In 63 nC is daar ooreengekom dat Parthia die reg gehad het om Armeense konings aan te wys, maar Rome die reg om hulle te kroon.

Corbulo was 'n baie bekwame veldbevelvoerder en teen 60 nC het hy die twee belangrikste Armeense stellings geneem - Artaxata en Tigranocerta - en kon beweer dat hy oor die hele koninkryk van Armenië sou heers. Parthia het gereageer deur 'n leër te stuur wat 'n oorwinning behaal het teen die Romeine (beduidend miskien nie meer onder bevel van Corbulo nie). In 63 nC het die Romeine en Corbulo teruggekeer en was hulle bedreiging voldoende om die Verdrag van Rhandia op te stel. Daar is nou ooreengekom dat Parthia die reg het om Armeense konings aan te wys, maar Rome die reg om hulle te kroon. Nero het dus die voorreg gekry om Tiridates in Rome te bekroon in 'n weelderige skouspel wat baie daartoe bygedra het om die krag en omvang van die Romeinse Ryk aan te toon. Die Romeine het, net vir die veilige kant, 'n handvol garnisoene in die omgewing geplaas. Vespasianus (r. 69-79 nC) het gesorg dat daar nie meer gebiede aan die Parthiese heersersdinastie sou val nie, deur die naburige koninkryke Commagene en Klein-Armenië in 72 nC te annekseer. 'N Tydperk van vrede het gevolg en Tiridates kon 'n nuwe somerhuis in Garni bou met die Romeinse baddens, tempel en tuine wat tipies was vir die klassieke wêreld.

Trajanus en Romeinse oorheersing

Die streek het weer uitgebars toe die seuns van Pacorus II van Parthia (r. 78-105 CE), Axidares en Osroes I, oor die Armeense troon twis met Osroes wat Axidares verwyder en sy ander broer Parthamasiris die koning van Armenië maak (moontlike bewind 113- 115 nC). Dit het daartoe gelei dat die reeds benarde balans van die plaaslike politiek heeltemal opgeknap het toe keiser Trajanus (r. 98-117 nC) die verskoning gebruik het om nie oor die verandering geraadpleeg te word nie, die oomblik aangryp en Armenië vir Rome geannekseer het. Daarna verklaar hy oorlog teen Parthia in 114 nC. Parthamasiris het toegegee aan die Romeinse keiser toe hy met sy weermag aankom, maar Trajanus het sy voorlegging verwerp en Armenië is 'n provinsie van die Romeinse Ryk en word saam met Cappadocia bestuur.

Arme Parthamasiris het die eer van 'n Romeinse ridderbegeleier gekry om terug te keer na Parthia, maar is onderweg vermoor, waarskynlik deur die ridders wat onder bevel van Trajanus was. Trajan het ook geen kanse met die onderste bevolkingsgroepe geneem nie en hy het twee weermagafdelings verlaat en 'n fort by Artaxata gebou om te verseker dat Armenië 'n Romeinse provinsie bly. Toe die keiser in 117 nC sterf, het rebellies egter begin versprei en sy opvolger Hadrianus (r. 117-138 nC), wat baie minder entoesiasties was oor die behoud van die lastige provinsie, het hom in staat gestel om onafhanklik te word. In werklikheid het dit slegs aan die Partiërs oorgegee, maar Armenië sou tot in die 4de eeu nC nog steeds betwis word.

Rome en Persië het ooreengekom dat die stad Artaxata een van die amptelike handelspunte tussen die twee ryke sou word.

In 117 CE is die nuwe Arsacid -heerser Vagharsh I gekroon as koning van Armenië en hy sou regeer tot 140 CE gedurende watter tydperk hy die amptelike koninklike woning na Vagharshapat verhuis het terwyl Artashat (Artaxata) die hoofstad gebly het. Romeinse toesig het nie verdwyn nie, soos bevestig word deur Antoninus Pius (r. 138-161 nC) se keuse van Sohaemos as die nuwe koning in 140 nC. Toe die koning in 160 CE afgedank is, stuur Marcus Aurelius (r. 161-169 CE) 'n leër om die monarg (163 CE) te herstel, wat dan tot 180 of 185 CE sou regeer. Die betrekkinge met Rome was nie altyd so hartlik nie en Artaxata is in 166 CE afgedank voordat Rome en Persië ooreengekom het dat die stad een van die amptelike handelspunte tussen die twee ryke sou word. As gevolg hiervan het die stad voorspoedig geword.

Politieke en sosiale strukture

Die voortdurende oorlogvoering van hierdie tydperk het politieke gevolge in Armenië tydens die Arsacid -dinastie gehad. Daar het 'n groep aristokrasie opgestaan, wie se vermoë om gewapende mans se liggame op te rig om die koninklike familie te ondersteun, beteken dat hulle 'n groter invloed het - die koning het hul leërs nodig gehad en kon land en titels in ruil daarvoor aanbied. Hierdie plaaslike prinse of nakharars, was gebaseer op die oorerflike stamme van antieke Armenië en hulle het hul eie uitgebreide lande as outonome leërs beheer. Onder hierdie feodale here, soos opgeteken in die anonieme 5de eeu nC Geskiedenis van Armenië, was 'n klas ridders, die azats, dan die gewone burgers of ramiks, die boere of shinakans, en laastens die slawe of struks.

Die koning regeer as 'n absolute monarg, maar sy vertroue op die nakharars het in die praktyk bedoel dat hy hulle ten minste oor belangrike beleidskwessies moes raadpleeg. Die algemene bevolking word bestuur deur plaaslike administrateurs wat beheer word deur verskeie regeringsministeries wat verantwoordelik was vir noodsaaklikhede soos belastinginvordering, justisie en openbare werke, soos die bou van paaie, vestings en besproeiingstelsels. Daar is aangevoer dat die konstante invalle en die toets van nakharar lojaliteit, tesame met die algemene noodsaaklikheid om almal bymekaar te kom of oorwin te word, het gehelp om 'n nasionale gees op te bou en dat antieke Armenië vir die eerste keer soos 'n verenigde land begin voel en optree het.

Sasaniese Ryk

In 224 CE is die Arsacid -dinastie in Parthia omvergewerp deur Ardasir (oftewel Artashir Papakan), stigter van die Sasanid -dinastie wat tot 651 CE sou heers. Die verandering was 'n meer aggressiewe buitelandse beleid van Persië rakende Armenië, wat uitloop op 'n grootskaalse inval deur die Sasanids in 252 nC. Die Armeense Arsacid -konings, met sulke noue bloedbande met die oorwonne Arsacids in Persië, het 'n bedreiging van legitimiteit vir die nuwe Sasanid -orde ingehou. Die Sasanids het in hierdie tydperk verskeie groot oorwinnings teen Rome behaal, waaronder die verowering van keiser Valeriaan (r. 253-260 n.C.), wat sy bewind beëindig het. Rome het egter sterk teruggekeer uit die bewind van Aurelianus (270-275 nC) na 'n tydperk van chaotiese heerskappy en verskeie kort heersende keisers het die Romeine besig gehou met binnelandse sake. Toe die stof uiteindelik weer gaan lê het, het die koninkryk van Armenië verdeel tussen Rome en Persië, terwyl die Arsacids slegs in Wes -Armenië geheers het. In 298 CE, onder die vaandel van Diocletianus (r. 284-305 CE), is Armenië verenig met Tiridates IV (Trdat IV) as koning (r. 298 - c. 330 CE) - een van die groot heersers van die Arsacid -dinastie .

Terg die Grote

Tiridates IV (of III), of Tiridates the Great soos hy sou bekend word, het begin om sy koninkryk te sentraliseer en die provinsies en hul goewerneurs te herorganiseer. Grondopnames is ook uitgevoer om belastingverpligtinge beter te identifiseer; die koning was vasbeslote om Armenië weereens groot te maak en 'n paar van die verlore glinster wat sedert die dae van Tigranes die Grote in die eerste helfte van die 1ste eeu vC gesien is, terug te kry.

Toe kom 'n belangrike beleidsverandering. Armenië het die Christendom amptelik aangeneem c. 314 CE, indien nie vroeër nie, volgens tradisie dat Tiridates IV in 301 CE deur Saint Gregory the Illuminator omgeskakel is. Alhoewel dit Armenië nader aan die Romeinse godsdienstige kultuur verskuif het, was die gevolg daarvan dat die vervolging van die godsdiens deur Persië gehelp het om 'n sterker onafhanklike staat te skep. Saint Gregory, destyds bekend as Grigor Lusavorich, is in 314 CE die eerste biskop van Armenië gemaak. Tiridates IV het moontlik ook die Christendom aangeneem om interne politieke redes - die einde van die heidense godsdiens (met sy gemengde mengsel van Griekse, Persiese, Semitiese en plaaslike gode) was 'n goeie verskoning om die ou tempelskatte wat jaloers deur 'n erfenis bewaak is, in beslag te neem. klas priesters. Verder kan 'n monoteïstiese godsdiens met die monarg as God se verteenwoordiger op aarde groter lojaliteit van sy edeles en mense in die algemeen inboesem.

In die 330's CE het die opvolger van Tiridates, Khosrov III (r. 330-338 CE), veral die stad Dvin gestig. In dieselfde tydperk het die Sasaniede weer meer ambisieus geword om direk oor Armenië te heers, veral tydens die bewind van die Sasanidiese koning Shapur III (r. 383-388 CE). Die Sasanids het Tiran eers in 338 CE en daarna Arshak II in 350 CE afgesit (regeringsdatums vir albei word betwis). Verskeie Armeense stede is in 368 en 369 nC deur Sasanid -magte aangeval, en die kwessie van wie Armenië sou regeer, moes eers in c. 387 nC. Dit was toe dat keiser Theodosius I (r. 379-395 CE) en Shapur III ooreengekom het om Armenië formeel te verdeel tussen die Oos-Romeinse (Bisantynse) Ryk en Sassanidiese Persië.

Val van die Arsacids

Tydens die regering van die laaste groot Arsacid -monarg, Vramshapuh (r. 389 of 401 - 415 of 417 CE), was daar belangrike kulturele ontwikkelings in Armenië. In 405 nC is die Armeense alfabet uitgevind deur Mesrop Mashtots en die Bybel in daardie taal vertaal, wat die Christendom in Armenië verder versprei en versterk het. Polities was dit egter tyd vir 'n verandering. Die laaste Arsacid-heerser was Artashes IV (r. 422-428 CE) nadat die Armeense kroon, wat nie die pro-Persiese en anti-Christelike faksies by die hof kon onderdruk nie, deur Persië en onderheersers, die marzpans, geïnstalleer, in 'n situasie wat eers in die middel van die 7de eeu nC sou verander.

Hierdie artikel is moontlik gemaak met ruim steun van die National Association for Armenian Studies and Research en die Knights of Vartan Fund for Armenian Studies.

In die dekades wat gevolg het op 60 v.C., het Armenië een van die gekoesterde doelwitte geword van die hegemonie van Romeine en Partiërs, wat steun van die pro-Romeine en pro-Partiërs gevind het binne die plaaslike politieke opset. 'N Nuwe politieke situasie het ontstaan ​​met die veldtog van Corbulo, wat geëindig het met die verdrag van Rhandeia in 63 v.C. In die toekoms sou Armenië sy eie koning hê wat deur die Partiërs aangestel sou word en terselfdertyd 'n beskermeling en bondgenoot van die Romeine sou wees. So begin die dinastie van die Arsacids (Arshakuni) in Armenië. Hulle was die kadettak van die dinastie wat oor Persië geheers het. As teken van die alliansie het die eerste verteenwoordiger van die Arsacids in Armenië, Tiridates (Trdat) I, aanvaar dat Nero in Rome in 66 gekroon word. Dit was waarskynlik die geleentheid wat gevier is deur die standbeeld van Tiridates wat gesien kan word in die Louvre in Parys ('n goue muntstuk met die hoof van Nero is onlangs in Armenië gevind).

Vir slegs twee jaar het Armenië 'n effektiewe Romeinse provinsie geword nadat Trajan dit in 114 geannekseer het. Maar sy dood en die opstand van die Jode in 117 het die plan om die Parthiese koninkryk te oorheers ondoeltreffend gemaak, en Trajanus se opvolger Hadrianus , verkies om die verdrag van Rhandeia na te kom.

In 224 het die internasionale politieke toneel skerp verander, met die koms van die Sassanids in Persië. Alhoewel die Armeense Arsacids die uitwissing wat hul parthiese familielede toegedien het, kon ontsnap, het hulle tog 'n onbuigsame teëstander in die nuwe stygende mag gevind. Die Sassanids-planne vir Armenië se politieke heerskappy en kultuur-godsdienstige assimilasie is slegs gedeeltelik verwesenlik, met die uitwissing van die Arsacid-dinastie in 428. Die spanning was veral hoog weens Armenië nadat hy tot die Christendom bekeer was tydens die bewind van Trdat III (287-330) deur St. Grigor Lusavoritch (die Illuminator). Militêre wisselvallighede tussen die Romeinse Ryk van die Ooste en die Sassanids het dit onvermydelik gemaak dat Armenië in twee verdeel word, en dit het in 387 plaasgevind, met 'n noord-tot-suid grenslyn wat deur die stad Karin of Theodosiopolis gegaan het -dag Erzerum. Ongelukkig is die deel wat wes van die lyn onder die Bisantynse hegemonie oorgebly het, onderworpe aan kultuur-godsdienstige druk, nie minder kragtig as die wat deur die Sassaniede uitgeoefen is nie.

Gegewe die godsdienstige gemeenskap, was 'n nie onbeduidende deel van die Armeense bevolking in daardie streke feitlik Hellenized. Die oostelike streke, aan die ander kant, het onder Persiese beheer gebly en kon hul etnies-kulturele identiteit behou. Afgesien van die invloed van godsdienstige en sosiopolitieke faktore om dit moontlik te maak, was 'n ander belangrike faktor die uitvinding van die Armeense alfabet in 406 deur vardapet Mesrop Mashtots, wat deur die Armeense Kerk as 'n heilige vereer is. Die westelike streke, onder die Bisantynse administrasie, is ook gedeeltelik hierdeur geraak.

Armeense dinastieë, konings, koninginne en patriate

Die wieg van die beskawing
- Gobekli tepe 10000bc
-Shulaveri-Shomu-kultuur 7000-4000 vc
- Kura -Araxes Kultuur 3400bc - 2000bc
- Trialeti -kultuur: 2000 v.C.
Die Armeense Shinars
- Armani Subartu 3000 vc
- Koninkryk van Aratta - Ararat 2700 vc
- Mestamor beskawing

Bronstydperk Armenië

Ar-men en Armania 2500bc-
- Haykazuni -dinastie 2300 v.C.
Hurrian Settlements 2500bc -
- Die stadstaat Urkesh
- Die koninkryk van Yamhad
- Die toestand van Arrapha
Hetitiese verower 1800 v.C.
Die Koninkryk van Mittanni-Hurri 1700bc-1270bc

Ystertydperk Armenië

Die Hayasa-Azzi-konfederasie 1500 vc-1290 vc
Die Nairi -konfederasie 1300bc - 1100bc
Die Koninkryk van Ararat 1100bc - 590bc
Koninkryk van Armenië - 635 vc - 428 n.C.
Orontid Armenië 635bc - 200bc
- Die Orontid -dinastie
- Koninkryk Sophene 330bc - 90bc
Die Armeense Ryk 190 vC - 66 vC
- Die artaxiade -dinastie 189bc - 12ad
- Koninkryk van Commagene163bc - 72ad
- die koninkryk van Osroene
- Koninkryk van Gordyene
- die koninkryk van Atropateen
- Media, Sirië, Filistyn, Judea, Cilicië, Kappadokië
Arshakuni -dinastie 54 - 428
- Die Gahnamak
- kerstening

Buitelandse oorheersing

Marzpan Armenië 428-640
- Nakharar Armenië (feodaal)
Islamitiese Arabiese verowerings 632-900
Die Zakarids
- Zakarid Armenië 1201 - 1330


Armeno-Bisantyne 387-900
- Bisantynse Armenië
- Armeense Masedoniese dinastie
- Armeense Herakliese dinastie
Streeks Armeense dinastieë:
- Saharuni -dinastie
- Xorxoruni -dinastie
- Amatuni -dinastie
- Kamsarakan -dinastie
Bagratuni Koninkryk 860 - 1064
- Die Bagratid -dinastie
- Kingdom of Kars 963 - 1065
- Koninkryk van Lori
Koninkryk Syunik
- Die Siwnid -dinastie
Die koninkryk van Vaspurakan 800 - 1021
- Die Artsrunid -dinastie
- Rshtuni -dinastie
- Andzevatsi -dinastie
Armeense Koninkryk Silisië 1078 -1375
- Die Rubenid -dinastie 1080 - 1226
- Die Hetumid -dinastie 1226 - 1373
- Die Lusignan -dinastie 1342 - 1393

Moderne tydperk

Demokratiese Republiek van Armenië 1918 - 1920
Republiek van die bergagtige Armenië 1918
Armeense Sowjet Sosialistiese Republiek 1936 - 1991
Republiek van Armenië 1991 -
Republiek van Artsakh 1992 -
Republiek van Nakhichavan


Hayk (2492 / 2107-2026)
Armenak, seun (2026-1980)
Aramaiyis, seun (1980-1940)
Amasia, seun (1940-1908)
Gegham (Gelam), seun (1908-1858)
Sisak, seun
Arma, seun (1858-1827)
Aram, seun (1827-1769)
Aray Geghetsik (die Knappe), seun (1769-1743)
Kardos (Aray), seun (1743-1725)
Anushavan Sosanwer, seun (1725-1662)
Paret (1662-1612)
Arbak, seun (1612-1568)
Zawan, seun (1568-1531)
Parnak, seun (1531-1478)
Sur, seun (1478-1433)
Honak (of Hawatak), seun (1433-1403)
Vashtak, seun (1403-1381)


Kirta 1500 vC – 1490 vC
Shuttarna I, seun van Kirta 1490 vC - 1470 vC
Barattarna, P/Barat (t) tussen 1470 en 1450 v.C.
Parshatatar, (kan identies wees aan Barattarna) 1450 vC - 1440 vC
Shaushtatar (seun van Parsha (ta) teer) 1440 vC - 1410 vC
Artatama I 1410 vC – 1400 vC
Shuttarna II 1400 vC – 1385 vC
Artashumara 1385 vC – 1380 vC
Tushratta 1380 vC – 1350 vC
Shuttarna III 1350 vC, seun van 'n usurpator Artatama II
Shattiwaza of Mattivaza, seun van Tushratta 1350 vC – 1320 vC
Shattuara I 1320 vC – 1300 vC
Wasashatta, seun van Shattuara 1300 vC - 1280 vC
Shattuara II, seun of neef van Wasashatta 1280 vC - 1270 vC, of ​​miskien dieselfde koning as Shattuara I.


Hoofstad: Ani-Kamah (Kummaha)
Karanni (ongeveer 1400 - 1380) (in Armeense rekeninge - Kar, afstammeling van Hayk Nahapet)
Hukkana (ongeveer 1380 - 60) (in Armeense bronne - Haykaka I, afstammeling van Hayk Nahapet)
Maria (ongeveer 1360 - 50)
Annia (ongeveer 1350 - 30)
Mutti (ongeveer 1330 - 20)


Haykaka I, seun (1381-1363) (in die Hetitiese verslae staan ​​dit bekend as Hukkanas, 1380-1360 v.G.J.)
Ambak, seun (1363-1349)
Arnak, seun (1349-1332)
Shawarsh, seun (1332-1326)
Norayr, seun (1326-1302)
Vstam, seun (1302-1289)
Kar, seun (1289-1285) (in die Hetitiese verslae word dit genoem as Karanni, 14de eeu v.G.J.)
Gorak, seun (1285-1267)
Hrant, seun (1267-1242)
Yndzak, seun (1242-1227)
Glak, seun (1227-1197)
Horoy, seun (1197-1194)
Zarmayr, seun (1194-1180)
? Shawarsh II (1180 - 1137)
Baars, seun (1137-1102)
Arbun, seun (1102-1075)
? Baars II (1075-1035)
Bazuk, seun (1035-985)
Hoy, seun (985-941)
Husak, seun (941-910)
? Ambak II (910-883)
Kaypak, seun (883-838)
? Parnawaz (838-805)
? Pharnak II (805-765)
Skayordi, seun (765-748)


Arame (859 - 845 v.C.)
Lutipri (845 - 835 v.C.)
Sarduri I (835 - 825 v.C.)
Ishpuini (825 - 810 v.C.)
Menua I (810 - 788 v.C.)
Inushpua (788 - 786 v.C.)
Argishti I (786 - 764 v.C.)
Sarduri II (764 - 735 v.C.)
Rusa I (735 - 713 v.C.)
Argishti II (713 - 685 v.C.)
Rusa II (685 - 645 v.C.)
Sarduri III (645 - 635 v.C.)
643/639 v.G.J. vasal Assirië
Sarduri IV (635 - 625 v.C.)
Rusa III (625 - 600 v.C.)
Risa IV en Menua II (600 - 590 v.C.)


Yervandiaanse (Yervanduni of Orontid) dinastie

Orontes I Sakavakyats (570-560 vC)
Tigranes Orontid (560-535 vC)
Vahagn (530-515 vC)
Hidarnes I (laat 6de v.C.)
Hidarnes II (vroeg in die 5de eeu v.C.)
Hidarnes III (middel van 5de v.C.)
Ardashir (2de helfte van 5de v.C.)
Orontes II (336-331 vC)
Mithranes (331-323 vC)
Perdiccas (nie-dinasties) (323 vC)
Neoptolemus (nie-dinasties) (323-321 vC)
Eumenes (nie-dinasties) (321 vC)
Mihran (321-317 vC)
Orontes III (317-300 vC)
Sames (260-243 v.C.)
Arsames (243-226 v.C.)
Xerxes (226-212 v.C.)
Abdisares (212 v.C.)
Orontes IV (212-200 v.C.)

Artaxias I (189-160)
Artavasdes I (160-115)
Tigranes I (115-95)
Tigranes II die Grote (95-55)
Artavasdes II (55-34)
Alexander Helios (nie -dinasties)
Artaxias II (34-20)
Tigranes III (20-8)
Tigranes IV
Artavasdes III (5-2 v.C.)
Erato (2-12 v.C.)
Ariobarzanes (nie -dinasties)
Artavasdes IV (nie -dinasties)
Tigranes V (nie -dinasties)

Romeinse en Partiese nie-dinastiese kandidate

Ariobarzan van Atropateen 1 vC-2 (Romeinse protektoraat)
Artavazd V (seun) 2-11
Vonones (voormalige koning van Parthia) 12-16 (Romeinse protektoraat)
Romeinse interregnum 16-18 (Vonones as nominale koning)
Artaxias III 18-34 (Romeinse protektoraat)
Arsaces of Armenia (seun van Artabanus II van Parthia) 34-35 (Parthian protectorate)
Orodes van Armenië (pretender, seun van Artabanus II) 35
Mithridates 35-37 (Romeinse protektoraat)
Orodes (nou koning) 37-42 (Partiese protektoraat)
Mithridates (tweede keer) 42-51 (Partiese protektoraat)
Radamisto 51-53 (Romeinse protektoraat)
Tiridates I (seun van Vologases I van Parthia) 53 (Romeinse protektoraat)
Radamisto (tweede keer) 53-54 (Romeinse protektoraat)

Tiridates I (tweede keer) 54-56
Tiridates I van Armenië 56-58/59
Romeinse besetting 58-59
Tigranes VI van Armenië 59-62 (Romeinse protektoraat)
Tiridates I van Armenië 62-72 (Partiese protektoraat 62-63 Romeinse protektoraat 63-72)
Sanatruk 75-110?
Axidares (seun van Pacorus II van Parthia) 110 (Romeinse protektoraat)
Parthamasiris (broer van Axidares)? -114 (Partiese protektoraat)
Romeinse provinsie 114 - 118
Vologeses I (uit die Parthian Arsacid-dinastie) 118-? (Romeinse protektoraat)
Aurelios Pocoros? -140/44
Sohemo c. 140/144-161
Pakoros 161-163
Sohemo (tweede keer) 163-?
Sanatrik 164–180
Valarsaces of Vologeses II 180–191
Khosrov I (seun) 191–?
Aan Persië 238-252
Artavazd VI 252-283 (Partiese protektoraat)
Tiridates III van Armenië 283-330 (Romeinse protektoraat)
Khosrov II die Klein 330-339
Tigranes VII (seun) 339-c.350
Arshak II (seun) c. 350-368
Persiese besetting 368-370
Cylax (Zig), goewerneur 368-369
Artaban (Karen), goewerneur 368-369
Vahan Mamikonian, goewerneur 369-370
Merujan Ardzruni, goewerneur 369-370
Pap (seun van Archak II) 370-374
Varazdat (kleinkind van Tigranes VII) 374-378
Koningin Zarmandukht (weduwee van Pap) 378-379
Voorlopige regering van Enmanuel Mamikonian (sparapit) 378-379
Na Persië 379
Gesamentlike regering van die Persiese marzban (goewerneur), koningin Zarmandukht en Enmanuel Mamikonian 379-c. 380
Gesamentlike regering van Zarmandukht en Enmanuel Mamikonian c. 380-384
Arshak III (seun van Zarmandukht) 384-389 (getroud met Vardandukht, dogter van Enmmanuel Mamikonian)
Valarchak (geassosieer) 384-386 (getroud met 'n dogter van Sahak Bagratuni)
Khosrov III (uit arsacid-familie) 387-392
Zik (regent) 387-390
Vram Shepuh 392-414 (broer van Khosrov III) 392-414
Khosrov III (tweede keer) 414-415
Shahpur (erfgenaam van Perse) 415-421
Voorlopige regering van Narses Djidjrakatsi 421
Plaaslike onafhanklike regerings 421-423
Artaxes IV (seun van Vram Shepuh) 423-428

Veh Mihr Shahpur 428-442
Vasak, koning van Siunik 442-451
Adhur Hordmidz (Adrormizd) 451-465
Adhur Guschnasp (Ardervechnasp) 465-481
Sahak Bagratuni 481-482
Militêre besetting deur generaal Mihran 482
Vahan Mamikonian (voorlopig) 482-483
Zarmihr Karen (militêre beroep) 483
Shahpur van Rayy 483-484
Vahan Mamikonian (tweede keer) 484-505/510 (voorlopige regering 484-485)
Vard Mamikonian (broer) 505/510-509/514
Gushnasp Vahram? 509/514-518
Mjej Gnuni 518-548
Tan Shapur 548-552
Guchnasp Vahram (tweede keer?) 552-554
Tan Shapur (tweede keer) 554-558/60
Varazdat 558/560-564
Sunen 564-572
Vardan Mamikonian (voorlopige regering) 572
Mihran Mihrevandak (militêre regering) 572
Vardan Mamikonian 572-573
Artur Madoyan 573
Golon Mihran (militêre regering) 573
Vardan Mamikonian 573-577
Tham Khusru 577-580
Varaz Vzur 580-581
Aspahbad Pahlav 581-582/588
Frahat 582/588-588/589
Hratzin 588/589-590
Na Bisantium 590
Mushegh Mamikonian 590-591 (goewerneur)
Hamarakar 591 (goewerneur)
onbekend 591-603 (goewerneurs)
Smbat Bagratuni 603-611
Shahrayanpet (in die Ooste) 611-613
Shahen Vahmanzadhaghan (in die Weste) 611-613
Parsayenpet 613-616
Namdar Guchnasp 616-619
Sharaplakan (Sarablagas) 619-624
Rozbihan 624-627
Bisantynse provinsie 627-628
Varaztirots Bagratuni 628-634
onbekend 634-?
Mjej Gnuni 627-635
Vahan 636
Davith Saharuni 636-638
Verskeie & quotnakharar & quot 638-643
Theodoros Rechtuni 643-645
Varaztirots Bagratuni 645-646

Thedoros Rechtuni 646-653
Smbat I Bagratuni 646-653 (saam met Theodoros, alleen in 753)
Theodoros Rechtuni (tweede keer) 653-654
Mushegh Mamikonian 654
Maurianos 654
Theodoros Rechtuni (derde keer) 654-655
Maurianos (tweede keer) 655
Theodoros Rechtouni (vierde keer) 655
Hamazasp Mamikonian 655-661
Grigor Mamikonian 661-685
Ashot Bagratuni 685-690
Nerseh Kamsarakan 690-693
Smbat II Bagratuni (seun van Varaztirots Bagratuni) 693-695 (Moslem protektoraat)
Abd Allh Ibn Hatim al-Bahili 695-696
Smbat II Bagratuni (tweede keer) 696-705 (onafhanklik)
Aan Omeyya Kalifaat 705
Ashot III Bagratuni die blinde 732-745
Grigor Mamikonian 745-746
Ashot III Bagratuni die blinde (tweede keer) 746-750
Grigor Mamakonian (tweede keer) 750-751
Mushegh Mamikonian (broer van Grigor) 751-?
Arabiese besetting 751-754
Sahak Bagratuni, heer van Taron 754-771
Smbat Bagratuni 771-772
vakant 772-781
Tatjat Antzevari 781-785
vakant 785-806

Ashot I die Grote, 885-890
Smbat I die Martelaar, 890-914
Ashot II the Iron, 914-928
Abas I van Armenië, 928-952
Ashot III die Genadige, 952-977
Smbat II die Veroweraar, 977-989
Gagik I, 989-1020
Hovhannes I van Ani-Hovhannes [John] -Smbat III (XI) (seun), 1020-1040
Ashot IV die Valiant, 1021-1039
Gagik II, 1042-1045, sterf c. 1079


Konings van Sophene

Xerxes c. 220-212/211 vC
Zariachis 211-? (onafhanklik 180 vC)
Mithrobuzanes c. 170 vC
Onbekende opvolgers tweede eeu vC
Artanes? -90 vC
Na Armenië 90 vC
Sohemo c. 56-63
Bygevoeg tot Rome c. 63


Ruben (of Rupen) I, Lord of the Mountains (1080-1095)
Konstantyn I (1095 - 1102)
Thoros I (1102 - 1129)
Konstantyn II (1129)
Prins Leo I (1129 - 1140)
Thoros II (1140 - 1169)
Ruben (of Rupen) II (1169 - 1170)
Mleh (1170-1175)
Ruben (of Rupen) III (1175-1187)
Leo I (voorheen prins Leo II) (1187 - 1198)
Isabella (of Zabel) (1219-1252)
Philip (1223-1225)

Hethum (of Hetoum) I (1226-1270) (Man van Isabella)
Keran, koningin van Armenië (1270-1285)
Leo II (1270-1289)
Hethum (of Hetoum) II (1289-1293)
Thoros III (1293-1298)
Hethum II (1294-1297)
Sempad (of Sambat) (1297-1299)
Konstantyn III (1299)
Hethum II (1299-1307)
Leo III (1301-1307) (gesamentlike heerser)
Oshin (1307-1320)
Oshin van Korikos, regent van Armenië (1320-1329)
Leo IV (1320-1341)

Konstantyn IV (1342-1344)
Konstantyn V (1344-1362)
Konstantyn VI (1362-1373)
Peter I, koning van Ciprus, Jerusalem en Armenië (1361-1369)
Leo V (1374-1393)
Ashot van Armenië, mededinger
James I, koning van Ciprus en Armenië (1396-1398), eiser
Janus, koning van Ciprus, Jerusalem en Armenië (1398-1432), eiser
Johannes II, koning van Ciprus, Jerusalem en Armenië (1432-1458), eiser
Charlotte, koningin van Ciprus, Jerusalem en Armenië (1458-1464), eiser

Sames 290 vC-260 vC
Arsames I 260 vC-228 vC
Xerxes van Armenië 228 BC-201 BC
Ptolemaeus van Commagene 201 vC-163 vC
Ptolemaeus van Commagene 163 vC-130 vC
Sames II Theosebes Dikaios 130 vC-109 vC
Mithridates I Callinicus 109 vC-70 vC
Antiochus I Theos van Commagene 70 vC-38 vC
Mithridates II van Commagene 38 BC-20 BC
Mithridates III van Commagene 20 vC-12 vC
Antiochus III van Commagene 12 vC-17
Regeer deur Rome 17-38
Antiochus IV van Commagene 38-72
Philopappos (afstammeling)


Die koninkryk van Vaspurakan

Artzruni -dinastie (ongeveer 320 - 1022)

Vache (ongeveer 320 - 340)
ongeveer 340 - 350 na die kroon oorgeplaas
Shavasp, seun van Vache (ongeveer 350 - 355)
Merujan, seun (ongeveer 355 - 371)
Babken (Babik), seun (ongeveer 371 - 410)
Vache, seun (ongeveer 410 - 430)
Mershapuh, seun (ongeveer 430 - 460)
ongeveer 460 - 680 onbekende naharars
Grigor (ongeveer 680 - 705)
Vahan, seun (ongeveer 705 - 742)
Sahak, seun (742 - 768)
Hamazasp, seun (768 - 786)
Gagik, seun (786 - 798)
Hamazasp, seun (798 - 826)
Ashot, seun (826 - 52) (859 - 875)
Gurgen, broer (852 - 853)
Vasak Kovaker, seun (854)
Gurgen Apupelch, seun van Ashot (854 - 857)
Grigor Derenik, broer (857 - 859) (875 - 885)
Ashot (Sargis), seun (885 - 904)
Gagik abu Mirvan (regent 885 - 897)
Gagik, seun (904 - 936, sedert 908 koning van Vaspurakan)
Gurgen, broer (mede -heerser 904 - 916)
908 - 1022 konings van Vaspurakan (sien hieronder)

Rshtuni -dinastie (ongeveer 320 - 750)

Here van Rshtuniq (Vaspurakan). Hoofstede: Axthamar en Vostan.
Waarskynlik terug na konings Rusa van Ararat (Urartu)
Manuchar (Manachixr) (ongeveer 320 - 335)
Zora, broer (ongeveer 335 - 340)
Megundak, seun van Manuchar (ongeveer 340 - 345)
ongeveer 345 - 360 tot by die kroon
Tachat, seun van Megundak (ongeveer 360 - 365)
Garegin (ongeveer 365 - 375)
Theodoros (Thoros) (ongeveer 615 - 654, ishxan 639 - 654)
Vard, seun (654 - 705)

Andzevatsi -dinastie (ongeveer 250 - 940)

Lords of Arberani (Vaspurakan).
Yeraxnavu (ongeveer 250)
Megar (ongeveer 350 - 370)
Gnel (ongeveer 370 - 374)
Xoren (ongeveer 374 - 390)
Shmavon (ongeveer 430 - 460)
Saxur (ongeveer 650)
Grigor (ongeveer 740 - 770)
Tachat (ongeveer 770 - 785, ishxan 781 - 785)
Gurgen (ongeveer 870 - 896)
Atoom (ongeveer 896 - 940)

Koninkryk Syunik

Syuni -dinastie (ongeveer 280 - 940)

Bakur (ongeveer 280 - 310)
Vaghinak (ongeveer 310 - 330)
Andovk (ongeveer 330 - 370)
Babken (Babik) (ongeveer 370 - 400)
Sam Gnthuni (ongeveer 400 - 410)
Vaghinak (ongeveer 410 - 430)
Vasak (ongeveer 430 - 451)
Varaz -Vahan (452 ​​- 460)
Babken (Babik) (ongeveer 460 - 480)
Vram (ongeveer 480 - 491)
Vasak (492 - 503)
Achir (ongeveer 503 - 515)
Babken (ongeveer 515 - 535)
Ohan (ongeveer 535 - 554)
Vagug (554 - 555)
Grigor (ongeveer 555 - 565)
Vahan (ongeveer 565 - 590)
Vram (ongeveer 590 - 594)
Supan (Stephanos) (594 - 596)
Sargis (596 - 598)
Sahak (598 - 608)
608 - 621 Persiese besetting
Grigor Nonirak (621 - 637)
Hrahat (637 - 653)
Xoran (653 - 680)
Qurd (ongeveer 680 - 698)
698 - 750 onbekende naharars
Artr -Nerseh (ongeveer 750 - 780)
Vasak (ongeveer 780 - 810)
Sahak (ongeveer 810 - 832)
Grigor Supan I, seun (832 - 851)
Vasak Gabur (Swak), seun (851 - 859)
Vasak Ishxanik, seun (859 - 909)
Grigor Supan II, broer (in Gugarq 859 - 912/913)
Smbat (Sahak), seun (909 - 940)
ongeveer 940 - 1220 onbekende here
ongeveer 1220 - 1530 Proshian (Xaghbakian) prinse


Kamsarakan -dinastie (ongeveer 320 - 800)

Lords of Arsharuniq (Shirak, Ayrarat). Capital: Marmet.
Kamsar (about 320)
Arshavir, son (about 320 - 340)
Nerses, son (about 340 - 365)
365 - 369 to the crown
Spandarat, brother of Nerses (about 369 - 385)
Gazavon, son (about 385 - 390)
Arahat, nephew (about 390 - 420)
Nerses (about 670 - 693)
Nerses (about 770)

Saharuni dynasty (about 320 - 625)

Lords of Saharuniq (Shirak, Ayrarat).
Zomn (about 320 - 345)
Mushk (about 345 - 350)
Sahak (about 350 - 369)
Bat, son (369 - 375, sparapet 375)
Davit (about 590 - 625, died 639)

Xorxoruni dynasty (about 300 - 800)

Ancestor and the founder of the house - Xor (Xoren), son of Hayk Nahapet
Garjuyl (about 300 - 320)
Manasp (about 320 - 340)
Vahan (about 340 - 360)
Garjuyl (about 360 - 390)
Suren (about 390 - 420)
Vagram (about 770)
(about 300 - 800)
Vahan (about 300 - 330)
Karen (about 330 - 340)
Vahan (about 340 - 350)
Zareh (about 350 - 369)
Kenan (about 370 - 390)
Vahan (about 450)
Shapuh (about 660)
Varaz-Shapuh (about 680 - 705)
Shapuh (about 750 - 778)

Arsacid dynasty

Arsacid dynasty, (247 bc-ad 224), ancient Iranian dynasty that founded and ruled the Parthian empire. The progenitors of the dynasty were members of the Parni tribe living east of the Caspian Sea. They entered Parthia (q.v.) shortly after the death of Alexander the Great (323 bc) and graduall The Arsacid (Arshakuni) dynasty of Armenia ruled that kingdom from 12 CE to 428 CE. A branch of the Arsacid dynasty of Parthia, the Armenian princes also played out a prolonged balancing act by remaining friendly to the other great power of the period and region: Rome.As so often before, Armenia continued to be a hotly disputed territory between Persia and Rome with both sides intervening. . They started as a branch of the Parthian Arsacids but became a distinctly Armenian dynasty later on. Armenia was between the Parthian and Roman Empires and both were trying to control it. Arsacid Kings reigned intermittently throughout the chaotic years after the fall of the Artaxiad. ARSACIDS. vii. The Arsacid dynasty of Armenia. Third dynasty of Armenia (in Armenian, Aršakuni), from the first to the mid-fifth century. The preceding dynasty of the Artaxiads became extinct about CE 12, amid a secessionist chaos caused by the perennial struggle of Iran and Rome over Armenia—the second throne, after Media, in the Iranian scheme of vassal kingdoms The rise of the Arsacids is closely linked to the history of another dynasty, that of the Seleucids (q.v.). After 308 B.C. its founder, Seleucus I, had conquered the eastern part of Iran and also after the battle of lpsus (301 B.C.), annexed large portions of Syria. In the following decades the Seleucids were mostly to concentrate their interest and their power on the western half of their.

Arsacid dynasty ancient Iranian dynasty Britannic

  1. The Arsacid dynasty or Arshakuni dynasty (Armenian: Արշակունի Aršakuni) ruled the Kingdom of Armenia from 54 to 428. They are a branch of the Iranian Parthian Arsacids.Arsacid Kings reigned intermittently throughout the chaotic years following the fall of the Artaxiad Dynasty until 62 when Tiridates I secured Arsacid rule in Armenia. An independent line of Kings was established by.
  2. Third dynasty of Armenia (in Armenian, Arsakuni), from the first to [he mid-fifth century. The preceding dynasty of the Artaxiads became extinct about A.D. 12, amid a successional chaos caused by the perennial struggle of Iran and Rome over Armenia-the second throne, after Media, in the Iranian scheme of vassal kingdoms.
  3. The Arsacid dynasty or Arshakiani (Georgian: არშაკიანი, romanized: arshak'iani), a branch of the Arsacid dynasty of Parthia, ruled the ancient Kingdom of Iberia (Kartli, eastern Georgia) from c. 189 until 284 AD.The Arsacid dynasty of Iberia was succeeded by the Chosroid dynasty
  4. Before Arsaces I founded the ArsacidDynasty, he was chieftain of the Parni, an ancient Central-Asian tribe of Iranian peoples and one of several nomadic tribes within the confederation of the Dahae. The Parni most likely spoke an eastern Iranian language, in contrast to the northwestern Iranian language spoken at the time in Parthia
  5. The Arsacid Dynasty was the ruling dynasty of Persia following the conquest of the earlier Achaemenids by Alexander the Great and his successors. From its origins in the lands of Parthia by the Caspian Sea, the Arsacids progressively took land from the Seleucids, Alexander's successors who owned the regions of Persia and Bactria
  6. Arsacid Dynasty The Arsacid Dynasty ruled Parthia , which included the Iranian plateau and intermittently Mesopotamia , from 253 BC until their overthrow by the Sassanid Dynasty in AD 226 . Arsacid Kings of Parthia, 250 BC - 226 A
  7. ARSACIDS. ii. The Arsacid Dynasty. 1. History.The rise of the Arsacids is closely linked to the history of another dynasty, that of the Seleucids.After 308 BCE its founder, Seleucus I, had conquered the eastern part of Iran and also, after the battle of Ipsus (301 BCE), annexed large portions of Syria

Arsacid definition is - a member of a dynasty of Parthian rulers established in revolt against the Seleucids about 250 b.c. and overthrown by the Persian Sassanids a.d. 226 The Arsacid Dynasty, and where you can find the Arsacids, you can also find Persian, and Armenian Dynasties as well. And what do you know. I found the Sassanians as well, and I wondered how superb the R&D team of Crusader Kings were. Rest assured, they indeed did they homework The Arsacid dynasty or Arshakiani (Georgian: არშაკიანი, romanized: arshak'iani), a branch of the Arsacid dynasty of Parthia, ruled the ancient Kingdom of Iberia (Kartli, eastern Georgia) from c. 189 until 284 AD.The Arsacid dynasty of Iberia was succeeded by the Chosroid dynasty. Why the Arsacid court retroactively chose 247.

The Arsacid Dynasty was the ruling dynasty of Persia following the conquest of the earlier Achaemenids by Alexander the Great and his successors. [85], With some 20,000 Romans dead, approximately 10,000 captured, and roughly another 10,000 escaping west, Crassus fled into the Armenian countryside Arsacid dynasty. 52-428 AD. Roman-Parthian War. 58-63 AD. Roman Province of Armenia.

. Remove Ads Advertisement Arsacid synonyms, Arsacid pronunciation, Arsacid translation, English dictionary definition of Arsacid. adj. Of or relating to the Parthian dynasty that ruled Persia and parts of Asia Minor from c. 250 bc until its overthrow in ad 224 Arsacid definition: adjectiveOf or relating to the Parthian dynasty that ruled Persia and parts of Asia Minor from c. 250 BC until its overthrow in AD 224. nounA member or subject of this dynasty.Origin of Arsacid After Arsaces (fl. 250 BC), founder..

The Arsacid dynasty first formed in the northern steppes of what is now Turkestan. Rome and Parthia competed with each other to establish the kings of Armenia as their subordinate clients. He promised Pompey that he would act as a guide through Armenia, but, when Tigranes II submitted to Rome as a client king, Tigranes the Younger was brought to Rome as a hostage Arsacid Kings reigned intermittently throughout the chaotic years following the fall of the Artaxiad dynasty until 62 when Tiridates I secured Arsacid dynasty of Parthia rule in Armenia. Tiridates I (Տրդատ Ա, Trdat A, Tīridāt Τιριδάτης, Tiridátes) was King of Armenia beginning in 53 AD and the founder of the Arsacid dynasty of Armenia The Arsacid dynasty known natively as the Arshakuni dynasty (Armenian: Արշակունի Aršakuni) ruled the Kingdom of Armenia from 54 to 428. They are a branch of the Arsacid dynasty of Parthia. Arsacid Kings reigned intermittently throughout the chaotic years following the fall of the Artaxiad Dynasty until 62 when Tiridates I secured Arsacid dynasty of Parthia rule in Armenia

Its rulers, the Arsacid dynasty, belonged to an Iranian tribe that had settled there during the time of Alexander. They declared their independence from the Seleucids in 238 BC, but their attempts to unify Iran were thwarted until after Mithridates I advent to the Parthian throne in about 170 BC The Arsacid dynasty or Arshakuni (Armenian: Արշակունի Arshakuni), ruled the Kingdom of Armenia from 12 to 428.[1] The dynasty was a branch of the Arsacid dynasty of Parthia. Arsacid kings reigned intermittently throughout the chaotic years following the fall of the Artaxiad dynasty until 62 when Ti Arsacid dynasty, (247 bc-ad 224), ancient Iranian dynasty that founded and ruled the Parthian empire. The progenitors of the dynasty were members of the Parni tribe living east of the Caspian Sea. They entered Parthia (q.v.) shortly after the death of Alexander the Great (323 bc) and gradually.. Download 2 Arsacid Dynasty Stock Illustrations, Vectors & Clipart for FREE or amazingly low rates! New users enjoy 60% OFF. 148,246,040 stock photos online

During the internal disruption following the death of Mithradates II (c. 123 - 88 B.C.), Kamnaskires II was able to restore a measure of Elymean independence, and his dynasty was to endure until about A.D. 100, when it was replaced by an Arsacid dynasty, or at least one which used Parthian names The Arsacid dynasty or Arshakuni (Armenian: Արշակունի Arshakuni), ruled the Kingdom of Armenia from 12 to 428. The dynasty was a branch of the Arsacid dynasty of Parthia.Arsacid kings reigned intermittently throughout the chaotic years following the fall of the Artaxiad dynasty until 62 when Tiridates I secured Parthian Arsacid rule in Armenia. . However, he did not succeed in. . After the Parni nomads had settled in Parthia and had built a small independent kingdom, they rose to power under king Mithradates the Great (r.171-138 BCE). The Parthian Empire occupied all of modern Iran, Iraq, and Armenia, parts of Turkey, Georgia, Azerbaijan, Turkmenistan, Afghanistan, and.

Arsacid dynasty (247 BC-AD 224) Persian dynasty. It was founded by Arsaces (r. с 250-211? BC) of the Parni tribe, which originally dwelt east of the Caspian Sea and entered. Arsacid dynasty of Armenia. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. This article needs additional citations for verification. Please help improve this article by adding citations to reliable sources. Unsourced material may be challenged and removed Arsacid dynasty of Armenia: | | | Arsacid| Արշակունի| Arshakuni | World Heritage Encyclopedia, the aggregation of the largest online encyclopedias available, and the most definitive collection ever assembled Arsaces' historic invasion of Parthia was a process. Before Arsaces I, King and founder of the Arsacid dynasty, and his brother, Tiridates captured Parthia, they appeared to be residing in the province previous to the appointment of Andragoras as satrap, or governor

Ancient Civilizations. Ancient Of Egypt , Greece , Persian , Sumer , China , Japan , Mexico.. Menu and widget . The dynasty was a branch of the Arsacid dynasty of Parthia.Arsacid Kings reigned intermittently throughout the chaotic years following the fall of the Artaxiad Dynasty until 62 when Tiridates I secured Arsacid dynasty of Parthia rule in Armenia

. It was founded by Arsaces (r. с 250-211? BC) of the Parni tribe, which originally dwelt east of the Caspian Sea and entered Parthia after the death of. The Arsacid dynasty or Arshakiani (Georgian: არშაკიანი Arshak'iani), a branch of the Arsacid dynasty of Parthia, ruled the ancient Kingdom of Iberia (Kartli, eastern Georgia) from c. 189 until 284 AD. The Arsacid dynasty of Iberia was succeeded by the Chosroid dynasty

Unique Arsacid Dynasty Stickers designed and sold by artists. Decorate your laptops, water bottles, helmets, and cars. Get up to 50% off. White or transparent The Arsacid dynasty known natively as the Arshakuni dynasty ruled the Kingdom of Armenia from 54 to 428.They are a branch of the Arsacid dynasty of Parthia.Arsacid Kings reigned intermittently. Kingdom of Armenia under the Arshakuni Dynasty, 150 History of Armenia

Arsacid Dynasty of Armenia - Ancient History Encyclopedi

The Arsacid dynasty known natively as the Arshakuni dynasty (Armenian: Արշակունի Aršakuni) ruled the Kingdom of Armenia from 54 to 428. They are a branch of the Arsacid dynasty of Parthia.Arsacid Kings reigned intermittently throughout the chaotic years following the fall of the Artaxiad Dynasty until 62 when Tiridates I secured Arsacid dynasty of Parthia rule in Armenia Hi there! Below is a list of arsacid dynasty of armenia words - that is, words related to arsacid dynasty of armenia. There are 95 arsacid dynasty of armenia-related words in total, with the top 5 most semantically related being kingdom of armenia, tiridates i of armenia, vologases iii of parthia, nero and parthian empire.You can get the definition(s) of a word in the list below by. Check out Arsacid Dynasty by Arkial on Amazon Music. Stream ad-free or purchase CD's and MP3s now on Jump to: General, Art, Business, Computing, Medicine, Miscellaneous, Religion, Science, Slang, Sports, Tech, Phrases We found 3 dictionaries with English definitions that include the word arsacid dynasty: Click on the first link on a line below to go directly to a page where arsacid dynasty is defined Of or relating to the Parthian dynasty that ruled Persia and parts of Asia Minor from c. 250 bc until its overthrow in ad 224. n. A member or subject. Arsacids - definition of Arsacids by The Free Dictionary. https the multi-cultural and multi-lingual Arsacid Empire was Rome's major opponent in the East from the first century BC to the.

Arsacid Dynasty of Armenia - Simple English Wikipedia, the

  • Arsacid The Arsacid dynasty, also known as the Ashkanian dynasty built the empire of Parthia in ancient Persia. Originally, Parthia was a region in ancient Persia corresponding approximately to Northwest Khurasan. History of the Arsacid Dynasty. In 318 B.C.E. Pithon, satrap of Media, seized Parthia and installed his brother Eudamus
  • The Arsacid dynasty was recognized as the lawful ruler of Parthia, but the kings had to pay tribute to Antiochus. After 188 BCE, when Antiochus had died, a new phase of Parthian expansion started. King Mithradates I the Great (171-138 BCE) first attacked the eastern kingdom of Bactria
  • Arsacid Dynasty Of ArmeniaThe Arsacid dynasty' or Arsagid dynasty, known natively as theArshakuni dynasty (Armenian Արշակունի Aršakuni) ruled the Kingdom of Armenia from 54 to 428 They are a branch of the Iranian Parthian Arsacids. Arsacid Kings reigned intermittently throughout the chaotic years following the fall of the Artaxiad Dynasty until 62 when Tiridates I secured.
  • Look at other dictionaries: Arsacidæ — • It was under the Dynasty of the Arsacids, who ruled the Persian empire from the year 256 B.C. to A.D. 224, that Christianity found its way into the countries watered by the Euphrates and the Tigris Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006 Catholic encyclopedia. Arsacid
  • Arsacid Ar·sa·cid (ärʹsə-sĭd, är-sāʹ-) adj. Of or relating to the Parthian dynasty that ruled Persia and parts of Asia Minor from c. 250 B.C. until its overthrow in A.D. 224
  • The Iberian Arsacid or Arshakiani (Georgian: არშაკიანი) is the name of the dynasty of Georgian kings of Kartli of Parthian Arsacid and Pharnavazid origin that ruled Iberia from c. 189 until 284 AD. They were succeeded by the Chosroid dynasty.. History. Once the Arsacids, in the person of Vologases II (r. 180-191), had consolidated their hold on the Armenian throne by 180.
  • ted between 75 and 62 BC.jpg 500 × 226 47 K

Video: ARSACIDS vii. The Arsacid dynasty of Armenia ..

IRANIAN HISTORY: PARTHIANS: Dynasty of Arsacid Empire

  1. The Arsacid Dynasty may refer to: * Arsacid Dynasty of Armenia * Arsacid dynasty of Iberia * Arsacid Dynasty of Caucasian Albania * Parthia Wikimedia Foundation. 2010
  2. The family Arsacid dynasty, 247 B.C.-224 A.D represents a social unit related by birth, marriage, adoption, or civil union that is associated with resources found in Colby College Libraries
  3. Arsacid (not comparable) of or pertaining to the Parthian dynasty established by Arsaces I which ruled the Parthian Empire during 247 BC - 224 AD, Armenia during 54-428, as well as Iberia and Caucasian Albania of or pertaining to the realms ruled by that dynasty Translation
  4. The Arsacid dynasty was a dynasty of Parthian origin, which ruled the kingdom of Caucasian Albania from the 1st to the 5th century CE. They were a branch of the Parthian Arsacid dynasty and together with the Arsacid rulers of the neighboring Armenia and Iberia formed a pan-Arsacid family federation. [1] The Arsacids were succeeded by the Mihranid dynasty. The historian Movses Kaghankatvatsi.
  5. The Arsacid dynasty, known natively as the Arshakuni dynasty (Արշակունի Aršakuni), ruled the Kingdom of Armenia from 54 to 428. 121 relations
  6. The concept Arsacid dynasty, 247 B.C.-224 A.D represents the subject, aboutness, idea or notion of resources found in Missouri University of Science & Technology Library
  7. So great was the influence of the following Arsacid dynasty that we have about as many Parthian words and stems in the Armenian language as we have those of unmediated Indo-European origin (Armenian was considered a curious Iranian dialect until 1876)

The Arsacid dynasty was a dynasty of Parthian origin, which ruled the kingdom of Caucasian Albania from the 3st to the 6th century. They were a branch of the Parthian Arsacid dynasty and together with the Arsacid rulers of the neighboring Armenia and Iberia formed a pan-Arsacid family federation This file is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported license.: Attribution: Gegart at Russian Wikipedia You are free: to share - to copy, distribute and transmit the work to remix - to adapt the work Under the following conditions: attribution - You must give appropriate credit, provide a link to the license, and indicate if changes were made Listen to Arsacid Dynasty on Spotify. Arkial · Single · 2013 · 1 songs The Arsacid Dynasty was a dynasty of Parthian origin, which ruled the kingdom of Caucasian Albania from the 1st to the 5th century AD. They were a branch of the Parthian Arsacid dynasty and together with the Arsacid rulers of the neighboring Armenia and Iberia formed a pan-Arsacid family federation. The Arsacids were succeeded by the Mihranid dynasty. The historian Movses Kaghankatvatsi. The family Arsacid dynasty, 247 B.C.-224 A.D represents a social unit related by birth, marriage, adoption, or civil union that is associated with resources found in Boston University Libraries

Accueil / Uncategorized / arsacid dynasty wiki. Publié sur octobre 5, 2020 par — Laisser un commentaire arsacid dynasty wiki. Arsacid dynasty of Iberia and Amazasp II of Iberia · See more » Amazasp III of Iberia. Aamazasp III or Hamazasp (ამაზასპ III, Latinized as Amazaspus) was a king of Iberia (natively known as Kartli ancient Georgia) from 260 to 265 AD. New. Arsacid dynasty of Iberia and Amazasp III of Iberia · See more » Anti-kin The Iberian Arsacid or Arshakiani (Georgian: არშაკიანი) is the name of the dynasty of Georgian kings of Kartli of Parthian Arsacid and Pharnavazid origin that ruled Iberia from c. 189 until 284 AD. They were succeeded by the Chosroid dynasty

Arsacid dynasty of Armenia : definition of Arsacid dynasty

  • The Arsacid dynasty was a dynasty of Parthian origin, which ruled the kingdom of Caucasian Albania from the 1st to the 5th century CE. They were a branch of the Parthian Arsacid dynasty and together with the Arsacid rulers of the neighboring Armenia and Iberia formed a pan-Arsacid family federation. The Arsacids were succeeded by the Mihranid dynasty. The historian Movses Kaghankatvatsi.
  • The Arsacid Dynasty was a dynasty of Parthian origin, which ruled the kingdom of Caucasian Albania in the 1st - 5th century A.D. They were a branch of the Parthian Arsacid dynasty and together with the Arsacid rulers of the neighboring Armenia and Iberia formed a pan-Arsacid family federation. The Arsacids were succeeded by the Mihranid dynasty. The historian Movses Kaghankatvatsi provided a.
  • The Arsacid Dynasty or (sometimes called the Arshakuni Dynasty) ruled the Kingdom of Armenia from 54 to 428. They used to be a branch of the Parthian Arsacids but became a distinctly Armenian dynasty later on. Arsacid Kings reigned intermittently throughout the chaotic years after the fall of the Artaxiad Dynasty until 62 when Tiridates I of Armenia secured Arsacid rule in Armenia
  • Arsacid Dynasty Of Armenia. The Arsacid dynasty' or Arsagid dynasty, known natively as theArshakuni dynasty (Armenian: Արշակունի Aršakuni) ruled the Kingdom of Armenia from 54 to 428.They are a branch of the Iranian Parthian Arsacids. Arsacid Kings reigned intermittently throughout the chaotic years following the fall of the Artaxiad Dynasty until 62 when Tiridates I secured Arsacid.
  • According to a treaty, concluded in 20 BCE between the Roman ruler Augustus and his Parthian colleague Phraates IV, the Romans had the right to appoint the Armenian kings. However, in 52 CE the Parthian king Vologases I, a member of the Arsacid dynasty, using an internal crisis in Armenia and a change of government in Rome, installed his brother Tiridates as king of Armenia

Arsacid Dynasty Also called Arshakuni (247 BC-AD 224), ancient Iranian dynasty that founded and ruled the Parthian empire. The progenitors of the dynasty were members of the Parni tribe living east of the Caspian Sea. They entered Parthia (q.v.) shortly after the death of Alexander the Great (323 BC) and. The family Arsacid dinastie, 247 B.C.-224 A.D represents a social unit related by birth, marriage, adoption, or civil union that is associated with resources found in Missouri University of Science & Technology Library The family Arsacid dynasty, 247 B.C.-224 A.D represents a social unit related by birth, marriage, adoption, or civil union that is associated with resources found in Qatar National Library - مكتبة قطر الوطنية Arsacid-dynastin i Armenien - Arsacid dynasty of Armenia. Från Wikipedia, den fria encyklopedin. Arsacid Արշակունի Arshakuni Föräldrahus: Arsacid of Parthia: Land: Armenien Syrien Cilicia Albanien: Grundad: 52: Grundare: Tiridates I: Nuvarande huvud

Arsacid Dynasty of Armenia - (CAIS

  • Arsacid (Arshakuni) dynasty, 66-428 19 works Search for books with subject Arsacid (Arshakuni) dynasty, 66-428. Soek. Hay-byuzandakan haraberutʻyunnerě IV-VII dd V. K. Iskanyan Not In Library. Not In Library. Arshak arkʻa, Drastamat Nerkʻini Levon Khechʻoyan Not In Library
  • An arsacid is a dynasty belonging to a historical region located in north-eastern Iran
  • Listen today about new interesting topic - Arsacid dynasty. *---*---*---*---*---*---*---*---*---*--­*---*---*---* Check out more exciting topics to verify YOUR LEVEL.
  • Arsacid dynasty of iberia: ltp|>The |Iberian Arsacids| (|Georgian|: |არშაკიანი|, |Aršakiani|, or არშაკუნიანი, |Aršakuniani.
  • The family Arsacid dynasty, 247 B.C.-224 A.D. represents a social unit related by birth, marriage, adoption, or civil union that is associated with resources found in Boston University Libraries
  • The Arsacid Dynasty was a dynasty of Parthian origin, which ruled the kingdom of Caucasian Albania from the 1st to the 5th century AD. They were a branch of the Parthian Arsacid dynasty and together with the Arsacid rulers of the neighboring Armenia and Iberia formed a pan-Arsacid family federation. The Arsacids were succeeded by the Mihranid dynasty

The Arsacid dynasty was a dynasty of Parthian origin, which ruled the kingdom of Caucasian Albania from the 1st to the 5th century CE. After the rise of the Parthian Empire the kings of Caucasian Albania were replaced with an Arsacid family and would later be succeeded by another Iranian royal family in the 5th century AD, the Mihranids The Arsacid Dynasty was a dynasty of Parthian origin, which ruled the kingdom of Caucasian Albania in the 1st - 5th century AD. They were a branch of the Parthian Arsacid dynasty and together with the Arsacid rulers of the neighboring Armenia and Iberia formed a pan-Arsacid family federation Look at other dictionaries: Arsacidæ — • It was under the Dynasty of the Arsacids, who ruled the Persian empire from the year 256 B.C. to A.D. 224, that Christianity found its way into the countries watered by the Euphrates and the Tigris Catholic Encyclopedia. Kevin Knight. 2006 Catholic encyclopedi

Arsacid dynasty of Iberia - Wikipedi

  • Arsacid Dynasty Of Iberia - HistoryOnce the Arsacids, in the person of Vologases II (r with his son Rev I, whose reign (189-216) inaugurated the Arsacid dynasty in Iberia Even as the Arsacids set on the thrones of three Caucasian kingdoms - those of Armenia, Iberia, and Albania - the dynasty was dislodged, in 226, from power in its original homeland and the more powerful and.
  • Listen to the audio pronunciation of Arsacid Dynasty of Parthia on pronouncekiwi. Sign in to disable ALL ads. Thank you for helping build the largest language community on the internet. pronouncekiwi - How To Pronounce Arsacid Dynasty of.
  • in İngilizce İngilizce sözlükte anlamı (247 BC-AD 224) Persian dynasty. It was founded by Arsaces (r. 250-211? BC) of the Parni tribe, which originally dwelt east of the Caspian Sea and entered Parthia after the death of Alexander the Great (323 BC), gradually extending control southward
  • The members of the Arsacid line who fell into the hands of the victor were put to death a number of the princes found refuge in Armenia where the Arsacid dynasty maintained itself till A.D. 0 The new empire founded by Ardashir 1.the Sassanian, or Neo-Persian Empireis essentially different from that of his Arsacid predecessors
  • Arsacid Dynasty Arsaces, the leader of the Parni tribe, conquered Parthia in north-eastern Iran, then secured the satrapy of Parthava from the Seleucid Empire following a rebellion. Zoroastrian Slavery Aversion: +25% servile unres
  • Arsacid Dynasty. Download Arsacid Dynasty by Arkial at Juno Download. Listen to this and millions more tracks online. Arsacid Dynasty. GENRES. All Genres Balearic/Downtempo Bass Breakbeat Disco/Nu-Disco DJ Tools Drum And Bass Dubstep Deep Dubstep Dirty Dubstep/Trap/Grime EDM Electro Euro Dance/Pop Dance Footwork/Juke
  • Category:Arsacid dynasty | Military Wiki | FANDOM powered by Wikia. FANDOM. Search Sign In Don't have an account? Register Military. 254,166 Pages. Add new page. Popular pages. Most visited articles. List of serving generals of the Pakistan Army Japanese.

Check out our arsacid dynasty selection for the very best in unique or custom, handmade pieces from our shops If you enjoy the video please a like and if you have not jet subscribe please do, to show your support to the channel and help me reach my 500 subcriber goal. Link to mod page steam : https. The family Arsacid dynasty, 247 B.C.-224 A.D represents a social unit related by birth, marriage, adoption, or civil union that is associated with resources found in Bowdoin College Library Arsacid Dynasty Also called Arshakuni (247 BC - AD 224), ancient Iranian dynasty that founded and ruled the Parthian empire. The progenitors of the dynasty were members of the Parni tribe living east of the Caspian Sea. They entered Parthia (q.v.) shortly after the death of Alexander the Great (323 BC. The Arsacid dynasty or Arshakiani ( Georgian: არშაკიანი, romanized: arshak'iani), a branch of the Arsacid dynasty of Parthia, ruled the ancient Kingdom of Iberia ( Kartli, eastern Georgia) from c. 189 until 284 AD. The Arsacid dynasty of Iberia was succeeded by the Chosroid dynasty

Պարթև Արշակունիներ. 1,038 likes · 10 talking about this. Communit The Flag of the Arsacid Dynasty of Armenia Here at Fun With Flags we strive to find all the flags from around the world that you the consumer wants. All of our flags and flag apparel that you purchase is of the highest quality and the designs are cleaned up and colours enhanced to further make your purchase exceptional. If there is a flag that we don't have yet that you would like to.

Arsacid Dynasty of Armenia - History

The predecessor of the Kingdom was the Satrapy of Armenia ("Armina" in the Old Persian, "Harminuya" in the Elamite and "Urashtu" ("Urartu") in the Bablylonian parts of Behistun Inscription of Darius the Great ) part of the Achaemenid Empire , which later became an independent Kingdom under the Orontid Dynasty with Macedonian influence.

After the destruction of the Seleucid Empire , a Hellenistic Greek successor state of Alexander the Great 's short-lived empire, a Hellenistic Armenian state was founded in 190 BC by Artaxias I at its zenith, from 95 to 66 BC, Armenia extended its rule over parts of the Caucasus and the area that is now eastern Turkey , Syria and Lebanon for a time, Armenia was one of the most powerful states in the Roman East. It came under the Roman sphere of influence in 66 BC, after the battle of Tigranocerta and the final defeat of Armenia's allied Mithridates VI of Pontus . Mark Antony invaded and succumbed the kingdom in 34 BC, but Romans lost hegemony at time of the Final war of the Roman Republic in 32-30 BC. In 20 BC, Augustus negotiated a truce with the Parthians, making Armenia a buffer zone between the two major powers.

Subsequently, Armenia was often a focus of contention between Rome and Persia . The Parthians forced Armenia into submission from 37 to 47, when the Romans retook control of the kingdom.

Under Nero , the Romans fought a campaign (55–63) against the Parthian Empire , which had invaded the Kingdom of Armenia, allied to the Romans. After gaining (60) and losing (62) Armenia, the Romans sent XV Apollinaris from Pannonia to Cn. Domitius Corbulo , legatus of Syria . Corbulo, with the legions XV Apollinaris, III Gallica , V Masedonika , X Fretensis and XXII , entered (63) into the territories of Vologases I of Parthia , who returned the Armenian kingdom to Tiridates .

Another campaign was led by Emperor Lucius Verus in 162-165, after Vologases IV of Parthia had invaded Armenia and installed his chief general on its throne. To counter the Parthian threat, Verus set out for the east. His army won significant victories and retook the capital. Sohaemus, a Roman citizen of Armenian heritage, was installed as the new client king . But a result of an epidemic within the Roman forces, Parthians retook most of their lost territory in 166 and forced Sohaemus to retreat to Syria, аnd in Armenia Arsakid’s dynasty was restored.

After the fall of the Arsacid Dynasty in Persia, there succeeded the Sassanian Dynasty which aspired to establish control over Armenia. The Sassanid Persians occupied Armenia in 252. In 287 Tiridetes III the Great , was established king of Armenia by the Roman armies. He soon accepted Christianity. The traditional date is in 301, earlier than Constantine the Great .

In 387 the kingdom was split between the East Roman Empire and the Persians. Western Armenia quickly became a province of the Roman Empire under the name of Armenia Minor Eastern Armenia remained a kingdom within Persia until 428, when the local nobility overthrew the king, and the Sassanids installed a governor in his place.

By the second century BC the population of Greater Armenia spoke Armenian , implying that today’s Armenians are the direct descendants of those speakers.

Afshin defeated

Sembat, advised of troop movements towards Nakhitchévan, began to mobilize his forces. But in an effort to avoid armed conflict, he sent the Katholikos George to the headquarters of the Emir for negotiation. Afshin showed a pretended readiness for friendly settlement of differences, but proposed that the king come in person for discussion. Sembat, scenting a trap, declined the invitation, and the Katholikos was thereupon placed in detention. The Emir now dropped his mask, and hostilities began. The Atrpatakan army advanced as far as the center of the Armenian kingdom, and an engagement took place at the foot of Mount Aragadz (Alagöz), the enemy force being defeated and put to flight.

Arsacid dynasty

Arsacid Dynasty of Armenia — The Arsacid Dynasty (Arshakuni Dynasty) ruled the Kingdom of Armenia from 54 to 428. Formerly a branch of the Parthian Arsacids, they became a distinctly Armenian dynasty. [cite book | last = Olson |first = James | title = An Ethnohistorical… … Wikipedia

Arsacid Dynasty of Caucasian Albania — The Arsacid Dynasty was the dynasty of Parthian origin, which ruled the kingdom of Caucasian Albania in the 1st 5th century A.D. They were a branch of the Parthian Arsacid dynasty and together with the Arsacid rulers of the neighboring Armenia… … Wikipedia

Arsacid dynasty of Iberia — The Iberian Arsacids ( ka. არშაკიანი, Aršakiani , or არშაკუნიანი, Aršakuniani ), a branch of the eponymous Parthian dynasty, ruled the ancient Georgian kingdom of Iberia from c. 189 until 284 A.D., when they were succeeded by the Chosroid Dynasty … Wikipedia

Dynasty — A dynasty is a succession of rulers who belong to the same family for generations. A dynasty is also often called a house , e.g. the House of Saud or House of Habsburg . In the histories of Europe, much of Asia and some of Africa, ruling and… … Wikipedia

Arsacid Empire — Infobox Former Country native name = Ashkâniân (اشکانیان) conventional long name = Parthian Empire common name = Parthia| continent = Asia region = Middle East, Central Asia, and Western Asia country = Iran era = Classical antiquity status =… … Wikipedia

dinastie — dynastic /duy nas tik/ Brit. also /di nas tik/, dynastical, adj. dynastically, adv. /duy neuh stee/ Brit. also /din euh stee/, n., pl. dynasties. 1. a sequence of rulers from the same family, stock, or group: the Ming dynasty … Universalium

الگو:Country data Arsacid dynasty of Armenia

الگو:Country data Arsacid dynasty of Armenia ظرف داده‌ای داخلی است که برای تراگنجانش مستقیم در نظر گرفته نمی‌شود. این الگو به طور غیر مستقیم توسط الگوهایی مانند پرچم ، پرچمک ، و غیره استفاده می‌شود.

این الگو در محدودهٔ ویکی‌پروژهٔ الگوی پرچم قرار دارد، که تلاش مشترکی برای نگهداری از الگوهای پرچم در ویکی‌پدیا است. بحث کامل‌تر سامانهٔ الگوی پرچم را، شامل پارامترها که اینجا توضیح داده نشده‌است، می‌توانید در صفحهٔ پروژه بیابید.

پارامترهای استاندارد

نام پارامترمقدارمفهوم
alias سلسله اشکانی ارمنستان نام مقالهٔ اصلی (سلسله اشکانی ارمنستان)
flag alias Standard of the Arshakuni Arsacid dynasty.svg نام تصویر (File:Standard of the Arshakuni Arsacid dynasty.svg، نمایش داده‌شده در سمت راست)

کاربرد نمونه

  • <<پرچم|arsacid dynasty="" of="" armenia="">> →   سلسله اشکانی ارمنستان
  • <<پرچمک|arsacid dynasty="" of="" armenia="">> →

داده‌های الگو

Country data Arsacid dynasty of Armenia

این الگو نباید مستقیم استفاده شود، بلکه به طور غیر مستقیم توسط الگوهای پرچم مانند الگو:پرچم و الگو:پرچمک مورد استفاده قرار می‌گیرد. رده:سامانه الگوی پرچم را برای یک فهرست کامل از الگوهای پرچم و Wikipedia:WikiProject Flag Template را برای توضیحات بیشتر ببینید.

The list is a reconstruction, using. on Parthian, Greek and Roman sources. It is based on A.D.H Bivar 1983, "The Political History of Iran Under the Arsacids" in The Cambridge History of Iran pp. 98 99,

Arsaces I c. 247 - ?? B.C.EE

Tiridates I c. 246 - 211 B.C.E

Arsaces II c. 211 - 191 B.C.E (also called Artabanus )

Phriapatius c. 191 - 176 B.C.E

Phraates I c. 176 - 171 B.C.E

Mithridates I c. 171 - 138 B.C.E

Phraates II c. 138 - 127 B.C.E

Artabanus I c. 127 - 124 B.C.E

Mithridates II c. 123 - 88 B.C.E

Gotarzes I c. 95 - 90 B.C.E

Orodes I c. 90 - 80 B.C.E

Unknown kings c. 80 - 77 B.C.E

Sanatruces c. 77 - 70 B.C.E

Phraates III c. 70 - 57 B.C.E

Mithridates III c. 57 - 54 B.C.E

Orodes II c. 57 - 38 B.C.E

Pacorus I c. 39 - 38 B.C.E (co-ruler with his father Orodes II)

Phraates IV c. 38 - 2 B.C.E

Tiridates II c. 30 - 26 B.C.E

Phraates V (Phraataces) c. 2 B.C.E - A.C.E. 4

Musa c. 2 B.C.E - AD 4 (co-ruler with her son Phraates V)

Orodes III c. AD 6

Vonones I c. 8 - 12

Artabanus II c. 10 - 38

Tiridates III c. 35 - 36

Vardanes I c. 40 - 47

Gotarzes II c. 40 - 51

Sanabares c. 50 - 65

Vonones II 51

Vologeses I c. 51 - 78

Vardanes II c. 55 - 58

Vologeses II c. 77 - 80

Pacorus II c. 78 - 105

Artabanus III c. 80 - 90

Vologeses III c. 105 - 147

Osroes I c. 109 - 129

Parthamaspates c. 116

Mithridates IV c. 129 - 140

Unknown king c. 140

Vologeses IV c. 147 - 191

Osroes II c. 190 (rival claimant)

Vologeses V c. 191 - 208

Vologeses VI c. 208 - 228

Artabanus IV c. 216 - 224

Synonyms and alternate spellings: Iran, Persia

Note - This encyclopedia is a work in progress. It is far from complete and is being constructed and improved all the time. If you would like to contribute articles or expansions of existing articles, please contact news (at) Suggestions and corrections are welcome. The concise version of this dictionary is at our Middle East Glossary.

Spelling - Spelling of words in Middle-Eastern languages is often arbitrary. There may be many variants of the same name or word such as Hezbollah, Hizbolla, Hisbolla or Husayn and Hussein . There are some conventions for converting words from Semitic languages such as Arabic and Hebrew . There are numerous variant renderings of the same Arabic or Hebrew words, such as "Hizbollah," "Hisbulla" etc. Dit is nie moontlik om presiese ekwivalente vir verskeie letters te vind nie.

Uitspraak - Arabiese en Hebreeuse vokale word anders uitgespreek as in Engels. & quoto & quot is baie kort. Die & kwota & quot word gewoonlik uitgespreek soos die & kwota & quot in m 'n rket, soms as die & quot & quot in & quotArafat. & Quot Die & quot 'A & quot is guttural. & quot 'H & quot- die 'het ('Hirbeh, 'Hebron, 'Hisbollah ') dui 'n geluid aan wat ietwat soortgelyk is aan die ch in & quotloch & quot in die Skotse uitspraak, maar gemaak deur die agterkant van jou tong teen die dak van jou mond. Die CH moet uitgespreek word soos Loch, 'n meer assertiewe medeklinker as 'het.

Die & quotGh & quot -kombinasie, en soms die & quotG, & quot; dui op 'n diep gutturale klank wat Westerlinge ongeveer kan hoor as & quot.

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Arsacid Armeense ineenstorting (Saint Muhammad)

Bisantynse Ryk
Sassanidiese Ryk

Arsacid Armenië

Konstantyn IV
David van Armenië
Peroz III
Narsieh van Persië
Shapur van Persië, Prins van Udistan


Die Arsacid Armeense ineenstorting (alternatiewelik, die Oorlog van Armenië en die Armeense opvolgingsoorlog) was 'n konflik in Armenië na die Bisantynse optog oor Armenië. Die oorlog was lank en eindig met die ineenstorting van die Arsacid Armenië in die kortstondige Republiek Iberia, die Sassanidiese Koninkryk Udistan en die anneksasie van Klein Armenië deur Bisantium. Die arme Armeense koninkryk het in die Midde -Oosterse politiek onbeduidend geraak.

Kyk die video: Tóm Tắt Nhanh Lịch Sử Ba Tư Iran.. Từ Đế Quốc Ba Tư Vĩ Đại Nhất Thế Giới Đến Iran Đầy Bất Ổn