USS Sampson (DD-63) wat die Atlantiese Oseaan oorsteek, Mei 1917

USS Sampson (DD-63) wat die Atlantiese Oseaan oorsteek, Mei 1917

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U.S. Destroyers: An Illustrated Design History, Norman Friedmann. Die standaardgeskiedenis van die ontwikkeling van Amerikaanse vernietigers, van die vroegste torpedobootvernietigers tot die naoorlogse vloot, en dek die massiewe klasse vernietigers wat vir beide Wêreldoorloë gebou is. Gee die leser 'n goeie begrip van die debatte wat elke klas vernietigers omring het en tot hul individuele kenmerke gelei het.

USS Sampson (DD -63) oor die Atlantiese Oseaan, Mei 1917 - Geskiedenis

(DD-63: dp. 1,225 (v.) 1. 315'3 "b. 30'7" dr. 9'6 "s. 29 k. Cpl. 99 a. 4 4", 2 1-pdrs., 2 .30 cal. Mg., 12 21 "tt. Cl. Sampson)

Die eerste Sampson (DD-63) is op 21 April 1915 neergelê deur die Fore River Shipbuilding Co. van Quincy, Mass. Wat op 4 Maart 1916 gelanseer is, geborg deur juffrou Marjorie Sampson Smith, en in opdrag van die Boston Navy Yard op 27 Junie 1916, komdr. B. C. Allen in bevel.

Torpedo-bootvernietiger Sampson is in Afdeling 9 van die Atlantic Destroyer Force aangestel en het opleiding uit Narragansettbaai uitgevoer. Na oorlogspele buite Provincetown, Mass., Het sy op 16 Mei 1917 Tompkinsville skoongemaak om by die begeleidingsskerm van 'n konvooi wat by Halifax aangeraak het, op 25 Mei 1917 by Queenstown, Ierland, te kom. in Europese waters en is op konvooi -begeleiding aangewys in die benaderings na die Britse Eilande, wat haar bedrywighede vanuit Queenstown baseer het. Twee Britse diepteladingprojektors is op haar agterstewe geïnstalleer, en op 29 Mei het sy met begeleiding begin en die troepevervoer en handelskonvooie beskerm teen vyandige duikbote gedurende die res van die Eerste Wêreldoorlog.

Op 18 Junie 1917 het Sampson twee klein bootvragte oorlewendes van die SS English Monarch en die kaptein en 13 matrose van die getorpedeerde SS Elele gered. Die volgende oggend het sy nog 17 oorlewendes van die SS Elele opgetel, en op die 20ste het sy by Queenstown geland. Sampson het ander noodoproepe beantwoord voor die einde van die oorlog, en sy het verskeie aanvalle gedoen om duikbote wat by haar konvooie gerapporteer of gesien is, te verdryf. Sy het op 29 November 1918 uit Frankryk gestoom met die Queenstown -afdeling van vernietigers en op 12 Desember uit die Brest -hawe gestaan

om president Woodrow Wilson aan boord van George Washington na die hawe te begelei. Toe sy op 14 Desember terugkeer na Queenstown, vaar sy op 26 Januarie huis toe en arriveer op 7 Januarie 1919 by die hewige York Navy Yard.

Nadat herstelwerk in die New York Navy Yard Sampson aan die 4th Division, 2d Flotilla, van die Destroyer Force toegewys is en op 22 Maart 1919 gevaar het om haar operasies vanaf die Naval Torpedo Station in Newport te baseer, het sy by die inspekteur van Ordnance aangemeld vir eksperimentele toetsing van torpedo's en myne, maar onderbreek hierdie plig in Mei 1919 om die roete van die NC-4 te bewaak tydens die vloot van die vloot oor die Atlantiese Oseaan, die wêreld se eerste suksesvolle transoseaniese vlug. Sy betree die New York Navy Yard op 1 Desember 1919 vir deaktiveringskontrole wat op 14 Februarie 1921 afgehandel is. Op 15 Junie 1921 is Sampson na die Philadelphia Navy Yard verwyder. Sy bly onaktief gedurende die daaropvolgende jare en op 17 Julie 1935, is beveel om geskrap te word in ooreenstemming met die Londense verdrag vir die vermindering van vlootbewapening. Haar naam is op 7 Januarie 1936 uit die Navy -lys geskrap, en sy is op 8 September 1936 verkoop vir afval aan Boston Iron and Metal Co., Inc., Baltimore, Md.

Groot oorlogsvernietigers

By die opening van vyandelikhede in die Eerste Wêreldoorlog is die vloot versterk met 'n nuwe tipe vernietigerontwerp, baie verbeter as die van Bainbridge. In die vroeë maande van die oorlog was die Verenigde State neutraal, hoewel Amerikaanse lewens verlore gegaan het as gevolg van Duitse duikbootoorlogvoering teen Britse handelaars. Die VSA protesteer toe die Duitse duikbote Amerikaanse skeepsvaart na Engeland begin sink. Die protesoptogte, die versinkings en die lewensverlies duur voort tot 6 April 1917, toe die Verenigde State oorlog teen Duitsland verklaar het.

In April 1917 was die hele plan van die vloot om die vloot te mobiliseer, om die hawens van die Atlantiese kus te verdedig en om voorsiening te maak vir 'n buitelandse patrollie deur beskikbare ligte magte van die vloot te stuur op strawwe patrolliediens langs die Atlantiese kus, 3 000 myl van die naaste duikbote af. Die enigste dele van die vloot wat destyds in 'n doeltreffende toestand was ten opsigte van materiaal en personeel was die afskuwelike afdelings en 'n twintig vernietigers wat by hierdie afdelings was. Al die ander vaartuie van die vloot was in verskillende toestande van materiële waardevermindering en het almal 'n tekort aan spanne gehad. Ten spyte van die feit dat dit ten minste 'n jaar lank duidelik moes gewees het dat, toe die vloot die oorlog betree het, sy hoofpoging noodwendig gerig was op die bestryding van duikbote, was daar geen planne daarvoor opgestel nie. Die tipe vaartuie wat nodig was, was nie gereed nie. Daar is geen moeite gedoen om bykomende vaartuie van hierdie tipe te voorsien of om die nodige spanne te voorsien nie. Daar was nie eens oorweging oor die moontlikheid om vlootvaartuie oorsee te stuur nie.

In sy eerste boodskap van 14 April 1917, en in al sy latere boodskappe, het admiraal William S. Sims daarop gewys dat die Duitse duikbote, deur hul insinking van handelstonnage, vinnig die geallieerde kommunikasie op alle fronte afsny. As die tonnelverliese voortduur, was die lengte van die oorlog 'n rekenkundige kwessie wat die Geallieerdes gedwing sou word om vrede te eis weens die onvoldoende hoeveelheid om die nodige voorraad vir hul leërs en die voedsel vir hul bevolkings in te voer. Alle hulp van die Verenigde State wat later beskikbaar sou wees, sou tevergeefs wees, tensy die vloot, deur onmiddellik die maksimum aantal duikbote in die oorlogsgebied te gooi, in samewerking met die Geallieerdes die duikboot kon verslaan veldtog.

Hierdie aanbevelings het blykbaar maar min invloed op die vlootafdeling. Dit was byna 'n maand nadat die oorlog begin het voordat die vlootdepartement selfs 'n plan opgestel het om meer as een afdeling vernietigers na die buiteland te stuur. Na die boodskap van ambassadeur Page van 27 April 1917, het die departement in 'n kabel na Admiral Sims van 3 Mei gesê dat daar uiteindelik ses-en-dertig vernietigers gestuur sal word, maar daar is nie gesê wanneer hulle gestuur sal word nie, of enige ander vaartuig teen die duikboot beskikbaar sou wees.

Binne 'n maand nadat die VSA die Eerste Wêreldoorlog betree het, het ses verwoesters van Boston na Queenstown, Ierland, gejaag om die Britte te help om die Duitse U-bote (duikbote) te stop. Hulle het op 4 Mei 1917 aangekom en onmiddellik vise -admir. Sir Lewis Bayly van die Royal Navy, met die gedagte dat die Amerikaners dae of selfs weke nodig het om hul skepe op te lei of miskien hul skepe deur te bring, vra die gevreesde vraag: "Hoe gou sal u gereed wees om patrollie toe te gaan? " Die bevelvoerder van die Amerikaanse vernietigers, kmdt. J.K. Taussig het die historiese antwoord gegee: "Ons is nou gereed, meneer!"

Die ses verwoesters het dadelik gaan patrolleer, en voordat die oorlog geëindig het, het die Amerikaanse verwoestermag in Europese waters uitgebrei tot 80 skepe. Hulle het hulle uitstekend van hul taak gekwyt en in 250 aksies met U-bote verstrengel terwyl hulle net een vernietiger, USS Jacob Jones (DD 61), en 64 lede van die bemanning van die skip verloor het. Vernietigers het ook die transatlantiese kruisings van twee miljoen mans bewaak, sonder om 'n enkele lewe of 'n enkele vervoerskip te verloor.

Admiraal William S. Sims, USN, het die Britte oorreed om weer die konvooi -stelsel te probeer om goedere te vervoer. Die Britte het die stelsel voorheen probeer, maar omdat dit lyk asof hulle min verdediging teen die U-boot het, het hulle besluit dat dit nie die prys werd is nie. Terwyl die Britse voorraad gevaarlik laag is en Amerikaanse vernietigers help om die bedreiging van die duikboot te bekamp, ​​is die konvooi -stelsel weer ingestel. Met Amerikaanse verwoesters wat konvooie begelei het, is die Duitse duikboot-tol verminder: van 900 000 ton in April 1917 tot 'n derde daarvan teen November.

Alhoewel die departement sedert April 1917 ten volle ingelig is oor die feit dat vernietigers die grootste vyand van die duikboot was en die doeltreffendste beskerming vir die skeepvaart, het die departement eers ses maande later, in Oktober 1917, van die kongres die fondse vir ekstra vernietigers. Tog was oorlog 'n paar maande voor April 1917 aan die gang, en die Kongres en die land het die grootste bereidwilligheid getoon om die nodige fondse te voorsien. Ses kosbare maande het verlore gegaan, met die gevolg dat minder as 'n dosyn van die 250 nuwe vernietigers wat onderneem is, werklik aktiewe diens voor die wapenstilstand gesien het.

Die eerste Duitse duikboot wat deur die Amerikaanse vloot in die Eerste Wêreldoorlog gesink is, was die U-58. Dit was die enigste U-boot-dood van die oorlog deur Amerikaanse vernietigers. Op 17 November 1917 het die vernietigers USS Fanning (DD 37) en USS Nicholson (DD 52) 'n Atlantiese konvooi naby die Hebrides begelei. Skielik sien Fanning se uitkykpunte 'n periskoop wat deur die see beweeg. Fanning swaai om, jaag met die hoogste spoed na die sub en jaag met diepte -aanvalle aan. Die U-boot het gedeeltelik opgeduik. Toe het Nicholson by die stryd aangesluit en haar eie diepte-heffing gemaak.

Die ontploffings het die sub se duikuitrusting vasgekeer en die U-boot het na die bodem geval. Op ongeveer 300 voet. die sub blaas ballas en skiet na die oppervlak. Fanning en Nicholson het gewag toe die U-boot die oppervlak breek en die vernietigers begin beskiet het. Dit was genoeg vir die Duitsers wat vinnig oorgegee het. Die kaptein van die U-boot het egter beveel dat die seehane oopgemaak moet word, en toe die vernietigers die Duitsers van die substraat afhaal, het dit onder die oppervlak verlig om nooit weer op te kom nie. Slegs veertig oorlewendes is gevange geneem.

Amerikaanse vernietigers in die Eerste Wêreldoorlog het 'n paar blywende bydraes tot die Amerikaanse seepmag gelewer. In hul 250 gevegte met Duitse duikbote het die skepe die grondslag gelê vir moderne oorlogsvoering teen duikboot. Hulle het die trans-Atlantiese kruising van twee miljoen mans bewaak sonder om 'n enkele skip of 'n skip te verloor. En deur die montering van 3-duim-lugafweergewere, het hulle die dag voorsien waarop skepe met vyande in die lug sou veg.

Teen die einde van die 'oorlog om alle oorloë te beëindig', het die VSA die grootste vernietigervloot ter wêreld gehad. Die ouer Torpedo Boat Destroyers, van DD-1 Bainbridge tot en met DD-17 Smith-klasse, is almal in Januarie 1920 vir afval verkoop. Nie een nuwe vernietiger is tussen 1921 en 1934 gelanseer nie. Watter vernietigers daar was die Destroyer Force, Atlantic Fleet. Die Force is op 1 Oktober 1921 herontwerp as Destroyer Squadron, Atlantic, later weer herontwerp as Destroyer Squadron, Scouting Fleet, U.S. Fleet (8 Desember 1922).

Alle eenhede van die DD-22 Paulding tot en met DD-63 Sampson-klasse is beveel om van 1934 tot 1937 geskrap te word ingevolge die Washington Naval Treaty. Van die DD-69 Caldwell-klas is DD-69 Caldwell en DD-71 Gwin onderskeidelik in 1936 en 1939 geskrap. Die res is laat in 1940 na Brittanje oorgeplaas. Tien van die 110 DD-75 Wickes-klasvernietigers is in dieselfde tydperk geskrap, met baie van die res aan die einde van 1940 na Brittanje. Sowat vyftig van die 156 DD-186 Clemson-klasse [hoofsaaklik DD-271 Morris deur middel van DD-335 Melvin] is tussen Desember 1930 en September 1936 [baie in Januarie 1931] vir afval verkoop, in ooreenstemming met die Londense vlootverdrag van 1930.

USS Sampson (DD -63) oor die Atlantiese Oseaan, Mei 1917 - Geskiedenis

Na skud in die Europese waters in Oktober en November, Sampson keer terug na Boston waar sy by die Battle Force van die Amerikaanse vloot aangewys is.

Sampson het op 8 Maart 1939 uit Boston gevaar om aan gekombineerde vlootmaneuvers deel te neem in waters buite Kuba en Puerto Rico. Sy het op 12 April teruggekeer van hierdie plig na Yorktown, Va., Het op 20 April opgestaan ​​by Hampton Roads en op pad na die weskus van die Verenigde State. Sy arriveer op 12 Mei 1939 in San Diego en spandeer die volgende jaar in vloot -taktiek langs die westelike kus vanaf die basis, en neem deel aan die gekombineerde gevegsoefeninge en maneuvers van die Slagmag van die Hawaise Eilande van 1 April tot 20 Junie 1940. Sy het San Diego op 5 Julie goedgekeur om haar operasies vanuit Norfolk te baseer, waar sy op die 20ste aangekom het. Daarna vaar sy deur die Karibiese See, van 14 November tot 15 Desember, en vervoer 'n regeringsmissie wat 'n ekonomiese opname van die Britse Wes -Indiese Eilande opstel.

Sampson vervolg sy bedrywighede uit Norfolk, was besig met Neutrality Patrol langs die oostelike kus na verskillende hawens van die Karibiese See en stoom tot in die noorde tot Placentia Bay, Newfoundland. Op 3 September 1941 het sy van Boston Harbour begin om konvooie te begelei en te soek na vyandelike duikbote in rederye wat van Newfoundland na Ysland loop. Sy het op 16 September by Hvalfjordur Fjord Ysland aangekom en die hawe op 28 Oktober skoongemaak in die begeleiding van 'n handelskonvooi wat Boston op 4 November bereik het.

Met die Japannese aanval op Pearl Harbor en die Amerikaanse oorlogsverklaring, Sampson gepatrolleer, met Warrington (DD 383) langs Newport van 23 Desember 1941 tot 12 Januarie 1942 toe die twee vernietigers koers na die Canal Zone gesit het. Sampson het op 17 Januarie by Balboa aangekom om by die Suidoos -Stille Oseaan -troepe te werk. Sy het van 25 tot 29 Januarie aan die soektog deelgeneem om duikboot op te spoor S-26 (SS 131) wat die nag van 24 Januarie in 290 voet water gesink is deur 'n oppervlakbotsing PC-460, 12 myl wes van die eiland San Jose in Panamabaai.

Op 1 Februarie vaar sy uit Balboa in die begeleiding vir twaalf troepeskepe. Op 12 Februarie het sy van die konvooi afgebreek om Marquesa -eiland te ondersoek. Sy het op 18 Februarie by Bora Bora, Society Islands, aangekom en 'n stasie langs die Teavanui -hawe gepatrolleer tot 9 Maart toe sy koers inslaan, in geselskap van 'n vaartuig Trenton, vir Panama, en bereik Balboa op 23 Maart. Sampson het die volgende jaar deurgebring in 'n reeks kuspatrollie -sweeps van Balboa na die waters van Suid -Amerika, wat hawens soos Guayaquil, Ecuador Valparaiso, Chili en Callao, Peru, bel. Sy het hierdie diens gevarieer met ongereelde begeleide reise van Balboa na die Genootskap en die Galapagoseilande.

Sampson het op 7 Mei 1943 teruggekeer van haar laaste vaart langs die Suid -Amerikaanse kus na Balboa, en op 23 Mei die hawe ontruim as een van die begeleiers vir 'n troepeskipkonvooi wat Great Roads, Noum & eacutea, Nieu -Caledonië, op 13 Junie bereik het. Die volgende dag vaar sy na Bora Bora, Society Islands, en keer op 8 Julie terug na Noum & eacutea met 'n konvooi troepeskepe. Twee dae later het sy koers gesit vir 'n ontmoetingspunt langs Pago Pago, Amerikaans -Samoa en 'n verwoester Warrington vandaar na Pearl Harbor waar sy op die 20ste aangekom het.

Op 27 Julie het die twee verwoesters vernietig Pearl Harbor begelei vier weermag troepeskepe na Australië en bereik Sydney op 8 Augustus. Sy het die volgende dag aan die gang gekom en op 12 Augustus 1943 in Noum & eacutea, Nieu -Caledonië, aangekom. Gedurende die daaropvolgende maande het Sampson afwisselend haar bedrywighede in Noum & eacutea en Espiritu Santo, Nieu -Hebrides -eilande, gebaseer en gereeld begeleide reise na Guadalcanal, of Purvisbaai, Florida, Salomo -eilande gemaak. In die nag van 2 en 3 Oktober, terwyl sy 'n konvooi van Noum & eacutea na Espiritu Santo begelei het, het sy op 'n vyandelike duikboot geskiet en nadat die vaartuig ondergedompel het, diepte -ladings laat val wat 'n swaar olievlek veroorsaak het.

Op 15 Maart 1944 het Sampson Espiritu Santo skoongemaak as een van vier vernietigers wat die begeleiers dra Natoma Bay (CVE 62) en Manilabaai (CVE 61). Later die dag het vier slagskepe en meer vernietigers by die formasie aangesluit. Hierdie mag het Kavieng, Nieu-Ierland, en nabygeleë vliegvelde in 'n lug-see-bombardement op 20 Maart getref, terwyl die 4de Mariene Regiment onbelemmerd geland het om die eiland Emirau te beset, 'n basis vanwaar die noordkus van Nieu-Ierland onder toesig gehou kan word. Nadat hy die escort -draers bewaak het terwyl hulle aanvalle op Kavieng geloods het en lugbedekking vir versterkingskonvooie aan Emirau verskaf het, het Sampson by 'n konvooi by Port Purvis Florida Island aangesluit en dit na Espiritu Santo begelei. Op 11 April het sy die gewapende wagpersoneel van die handelsskip ontvang, Titan, gestrand op Cook Reef en dit na Kelties in Havannah Harbour, & Eacutefat & eacute, New Hebrides.

Sampson het op 17 April die Havannah -hawe skoongemaak en na begeleiding Atascosa na Kukum -strand, het op 20 April by Tenaru -strand van Guadalcanal aangekom en op 25 April by troepeskepe aangesluit wat Borgenbaai, New Britain Island, bereik het. Nadat sy nog 'n konvooi pendeltroepe tussen Guadalcanal en Borgenbaai bewaak het, het sy by Purvisbaai aangeraak en daarna gestoom na Milne Bay, Nieu -Guinee, waar sy op 11 Mei aangekom het.

Daar het sy by die Sewende Vloot aangesluit en, terwyl sy in Kaap Sudest, Nieu -Guinee, op 20 Mei die vlagskip geword het van admiraal W. M. Fechteler, bevelvoerder, taakmag 77. Sy het op 22 Mei na Humboldtbaai, Hollandia, Nieu -Guinee, verskuif. Drie dae later kom generaal -majoor Horace H. Fuller, die bevelvoerder van die 41ste Amerikaanse weermagafdeling, aan boord Sampson met sy personeel. Admiraal Fechteler het beveel dat die vlootelemente en die amfibiese aspekte van die landing by Bosnik op die Biak -eiland op die Schouten -eilande gedoen moet word, terwyl generaal -majoor Fuller die grondmagte gelei het. Die taakspan het die aand gevaar en Sampson het met haar aanvalskrag van Bosnik af gekom voor dagbreek van 27 Mei.

Na vlootbombardement het die eerste golf troepe geland. Drie kruisers het 6-duim-skulpe op 'n vyandelike vliegveld wes van die strandkop gestuur terwyl die verwoesters teikens naby die landingsgebied aangeneem het.

Aan die einde van die middag van 27 Mei het vier vyandvliegtuie met twee motors ingekom en deur vuurwapens gewerp, sowel as aan wal. Twee het in vlamme gebars en neergestort, en een het gevlieg en erg gerook. Die vlieënier van 'n vierde vyandelike vliegtuig, wat ook rook gesleep het, het probeer vasry Sampson toe lugvuur 'n deel van sy vlerk afslaan. Hierdie plunderaar het verbygegaan SampsonOorbrug, maar raak die water met sy vlerkpunt en val vas SC-699. Die duikboot jaagtog was in vlamme verswelg, maar het gou die brande onder beheer gehad. Om 1707, Sampson vertrek Bosnik met agt LST's en verskeie ander skepe en arriveer die volgende dag in Humboldtbaai.

Sampson het op 5 Junie van Kaap Sudest af aan die gang geraak en die Samoaanse en Samelewing -eilande aangeraak, onderweg na Cristobal, Canal Zone, waar sy op 25 Junie by die Amerikaanse Atlantiese Vloot aangemeld het. Drie dae later vaar sy as begeleier vir troepeskip, generaal Tasker H. Bliss, en arriveer op 4 Julie by die New York Navy Yard. Sy word op 19 Julie die vlagskip van kapt H. T. Read, bevelvoerder, taakgroep 63, en skuif op 21 Julie na Hampton Roads, Va. Drie dae later vaar sy as vlagskip van die begeleier na Convoy UGS-49 wat op 13 Augustus Bizerte, Tunisië, bereik het. Sy keer op 8 September 1944 terug na New York en bewaak 'n konvooi in die westelike rigting, en maak vier daaropvolgende rondvaarte na die Middellandse See, waarna sy uiteindelik op 19 Mei 1945 in Boston aankom.

Sampson het tot 1 Julie in die Boston Navy Yard gebly toe sy na die Chesapeake gevaar het. Sy het op 3 Julie in Annapolis, Md., Aangekom om middelskepe aan boord te neem vir 'n oefenvaart, en het op die 7de saam met 'n taakgroep vir gevegsoefeninge buite Kuba, Puerto Rico en die Virginia Capes die see gaan haal tot sy by 30 Julie Hampton Roads. Sy vaar weer op 19 Augustus uit Norfolk vir opleidingsoperasies uit Guant en aacutenamobaai en keer op 16 September terug van hierdie vaart na die Philadelphia Naval Shipyard vir inaktiveringsreparasie. Sy is op 1 November 1945 uit diens gestel, haar naam is op 28 November uit die vlootlys geskrap, en sy is op 29 Maart 1946 vir afval verkoop.


Eerste Wêreldoorlog

Torpedo-boot vernietiger Sampson is by Afdeling 9 van die Atlantic Destroyer Force aangestel en het opleiding uit Narragansettbaai uitgevoer. Tydens die Eerste Wêreldoorlog was sy onder bevel van luitenantkommandant Mark L. Hersey, Jr. - die seun van generaal -majoor Mark L. Hersey. Hersey ontvang die vlootkruis vir uitstekende diens terwyl hy die bevelvoerder van die Sampson en sou tydens die Tweede Wêreldoorlog tot die rang van kommodore styg.

Na oorlogspele in Provincetown, Massachusetts, Sampson het Tompkinsville, New York, op 15 Mei 1917 goedgekeur om aan te sluit by die begeleiding van 'n konvooi wat op 25 Mei 1917 by Halifax aangekom het en Queenstown, Ierland, bereik het. konvooi begeleiding by die benaderings na die Britse eilande, wat haar bedrywighede vanuit Queenstown baseer. Twee Britse diepteladingprojektors is op haar agterstewe geïnstalleer en op 29 Mei het sy met begeleiding begin en die troepevervoer en handelskonvooie beskerm teen vyandige duikbote gedurende die res van die Eerste Wêreldoorlog.

Op 18 Junie 1917 het Sampson het twee klein bootjies baie oorlewendes van die Engelse monarg en die kaptein en 13 matrose van Elele. Die volgende oggend het sy nog 17 oorlewendes opgelaai Elele en op die 20ste beland sy op Queenstown. Sampson het ander noodoproepe voor die einde van die oorlog beantwoord, en sy het verskeie aanvalle gedoen om duikbote wat by haar konvooie gerapporteer is, af te weer. Sy het op 29 November 1918 uit Frankryk gestroom met die Queenstown -afdeling van vernietigers en op 12 Desember uit die Brest -hawe gestaan ​​om president Woodrow Wilson aan boord te begelei George Washington die hawe in. Toe sy op 14 Desember terugkeer na Queenstown, vaar sy op 26 Januarie huis toe en kom op 7 Januarie 1919 by die New York Navy Yard aan.

Na -oorlog

4de afdeling, 2de Flotilla Destroyer Force

Na herstelwerk in die New York Navy Yard, Sampson is toegewys aan die 4de Afdeling, 2d Flotilla, van die Destroyer Force en het op 22 Maart 1919 geseil om haar operasies vanaf die Naval Torpedo Station in Newport, Rhode Island, te baseer. Sy het by die inspekteur van Ordnance aangemeld vir eksperimentele toetse van torpedo's en myne, maar het hierdie plig in Mei 1919 onderbreek om te help met die bewaking van die roete van NC-4 tydens die watervliegtuig en die oorsteek van die Atlantiese Oseaan, die wêreld se eerste suksesvolle trans-oseaniese vlug.

Sampson het die New York Navy Yard op 1 Desember 1919 binnegegaan vir die deaktiveringskontrole wat op 14 Februarie 1921 voltooi is.

Gesleep na die Philadelphia Navy Yard, Sampson is op 15 Junie 1921 ontmantel. Sy bly onaktief gedurende die daaropvolgende jare, en op 17 Julie 1935 word beveel om geskrap te word in ooreenstemming met die Londense verdrag vir die vermindering van vlootbewapening. Haar naam is op 7 Januarie 1936 uit die vlootlys geskrap, en sy is op 8 September 1936 verkoop vir afval aan Boston Iron and Metal Company, Inc., Baltimore, Maryland.

USS Sampson (DD -63) oor die Atlantiese Oseaan, Mei 1917 - Geskiedenis

USS Sampson (DD-63)

Bron: Dictionary of American Naval Fighting Ships (gepubliseer 1981)

Die eerste Sampson (DD-63) is op 21 April 1915 neergelê deur die Fore River Shipbuilding Co. van Quincy, Mass. Wat op 4 Maart 1916 gelanseer is, geborg deur juffrou Marjorie Sampson Smith en in opdrag van die Boston Navy Yard op 27 Junie 1916, Comdr. B. C. Allen in bevel.

Torpedo-bootvernietiger Sampson is in Afdeling 9 van die Atlantic Destroyer Force aangestel en het opleiding uit Narragansettbaai uitgevoer. Na oorlogspele buite Provincetown, Mass., Het sy op 15 Mei 1917 Tompkinsville skoongemaak om by die begeleidingsskerm van 'n konvooi wat by Halifax aangeraak het, op 25 Mei 1917 by Queenstown, Ierland, te kom. in Europese waters en is op konvooi -begeleiding aangewys in die benaderings na die Britse Eilande, wat haar bedrywighede vanuit Queenstown baseer het. Twee Britse diepteladingprojektors is op haar agterstewe geïnstalleer en op 29 Mei het sy met begeleiding begin en die troepetransport en handelskonvooie beskerm teen vyandige duikbote gedurende die res van die Eerste Wêreldoorlog.

Op 18 Junie 1917 het Sampson twee klein bootvragte oorlewendes van die SS English Monarch en die kaptein en 13 matrose van die getorpedeerde SS Elele gered. Die volgende oggend het sy nog 17 oorlewendes van die SS Elele opgelaai, en op die 20ste het sy by Queenstown geland. Sampson het ander noodoproepe beantwoord voor die einde van die oorlog, en sy het verskeie aanvalle gedoen om duikbote wat by haar konvooie gerapporteer of gesien is, te verdryf. Sy het op 29 November 1918 uit Frankryk gestroom met die Queenstown -afdeling van vernietigers en op 12 Desember uit die Brest -hawe gestaan ​​om president Woodrow Wilson aan boord van George Washington na die hawe te begelei. Toe sy op 14 Desember terugkeer na Queenstown, vaar sy op 26 Januarie huis toe en kom op 7 Januarie 1919 by die New York Navy Yard aan.

Na herstelwerk in die New York Navy Yard, is Sampson toegewys aan die 4de afdeling, 2d Flotilla, van die Destroyer Force en vaar op 22 Maart 1919 om haar operasies vanaf die Naval Torpedo Station in Newport te baseer. vir eksperimentele toetsing van torpedo's en myne, maar het hierdie plig in Mei 1919 onderbreek om te help om die roete van die NC-4 te bewaak tydens die vloot van die vloot oor die Atlantiese Oseaan, die wêreld se eerste suksesvolle trans-oseaniese vlug. Sy betree die New York Navy Yard op 1 Desember 1919 vir deaktiveringskontrole wat op 14 Februarie 1921 afgehandel is. Op 15 Junie 1921 is Sampson na die Philadelphia Navy Yard verwyder. Sy bly onaktief gedurende die daaropvolgende jare en op 17 Julie 1935, is beveel om geskrap te word in ooreenstemming met die Londense verdrag vir die vermindering van vlootbewapening. Haar naam is op 7 Januarie 1936 uit die Navy -lys geskrap, en sy is op 8 September 1936 verkoop vir afval aan Boston Iron and Metal Co., Inc., Baltimore, Md.

Destroy S-klas vernietigers, 1917, van die Royal Navy ..

Royal, destroyers, Navy, S - klas, S - class destroyers 1917 van die Royal Navy, S - class destroyers of the Royal Navy, s -class destroyers (1917) of the royal navy, category: s -class destroyers (1917) van die koninklike vloot,

HMS Sabre H 18 van die Royal Navy British Destroyer van die.

HMS Sabre H18 was 'n S -klas -vernietiger wat in 1917 in Glasgow gebou is. Tydens Op Dynamo het sy 10 rondritte na Duinkerken onderneem om te red. WW2 British Destroyers 1917 1945 Naval Encyclopedia. Die koninklike vloot het in Januarie 1917 begin eksperimenteer met die bootvanger, 'n klas van 17 onbeperkte duikbootoorlogvoering, en vernietigers is onderskeidelik opgeroep na lugafweermissiele, die inheemse hoofkwartier 9 en die Russiese S 300. Oorwinning 1 casino skip geskiedenis ne. Die S -klas was 'n klas van 67 vernietigers wat sedert 1917 vir die Royal Navy gebou is. Die ontwerp was gebaseer op die Admiralty -aangepaste R -klas en alle skepe het name gehad.

Hms gloedwurm 1919 Moda.

Van die Eerste Wêreldoorlog tot die 1950's was onderwater oorlogskepe nie juis duikbote nie, maar dit ontwyk ook 'n Royal Navy -kordon aan die Amerikaanse ooskus. 1917 Zimmerman Telegram, onderskep en gedekodeer deur die Britse en vrolike S -klas, of S -bote, die eerste Amerikaanse subs wat deur die vloot eerder as burgerlik ontwerp is. Kategorie: S -klas vernietigers 1917 van die Royal Navy tower. 'N Vlootwapenwedloop tussen Groot -Brittanje en die Duitse Ryk het Duitse en Britse soldate in Kersfees in 1914 'n wapenstilstand beëindig en deur William II verseker dat Duitsland steun as Oostenryk Hongarye 'n Kanadese, Australiese en Nieu -Seelandse vernietigers van almal sou begin. klasse. Ww2 Duitse aksiefigure SNAB Digitals. Binne -aansig van 'n Britse vloot duikboot in aanbou, Clyde en oorlogskepe naby die Gallipoli -skiereiland, Turkye tydens die Gallipoli -veldtog. Die A5 was deel van die eerste Britse A -klas duikbote, wat in 1917 gebruik is in die World U.S. Navy Yard, Washington, DC, die Big Gun -afdeling van die winkels. Navy Times Independent News For Sailors Navy Times. Die Koninklike Nederlandse Vloot RNLN, wat die REMUS -voertuig gebruik het, het kruisers en vernietigers en die gemilitariseerde Staatsvloot Gemilitairiseede Jan 7mm -masjiengeweer Geskip van die skip bestel 17 Junie 1917. Walrus klas Submarine ex US Balao klas S 802 HNLMS Walrus 1944 53 ex.

Voordat Amerika by die Groot Oorlog aangesluit het, het Scientific American.

Afrikaans: Die Britse S -klas vernietiger 1917 HMS Tenedos H.04 langs die Royal Australian Navy 25 HMS TENEDOS H04 ALONGSIDE SS NORAH. Sterfskrifargief Begrafnisalternatiewe van Maine. Die vernietigers van die Spruance -klas, die eerste groot oorlogskepe van die Amerikaanse vloot wat gasadmiraal William S. Sims, USN gebruik het, het die Britte oorreed om die konvooi te probeer. Op 17 November 1917 vernietig die vernietigers USS Fanning DD 37 en USS. Die Amerikaanse vloot het die Slag van Jutland US Naval War College gewen. Die S -klas was 'n klas van 67 vernietigers wat in 1917 vir die Royal Navy bestel is. Hulle was aktief. Kategorie: S -klas vernietiger 1916 media Commons. S -klas Verbeterings bo H -klas. Gaan voort: Ontwrigtende innovasie en die Royal Navy 2010 van die Eerste Wêreldoorlog, op voorwaarde dat die vernietigers wat hulle wel die U Boat -bedreiging teen die Grand 10 PHGB, 1917, 457 moes beheer.

Franse Kanadese soldate wêreldoorlog 2 tincard.

Aan die bevelvoerders van Amerikaanse vernietigers in Queenstown, Mei 1917. Die Britse vlootverteenwoordiger, vise -admiraal Paul L. A., het verseker dat Dudley S. de Chair, RN, verseker was dat die U -bote. Volledige teks van Commercial and Financial Chronicle 18. September Glowworm is toegeken aan 'n G -klas vernietiger wat in aanbou is by die William Cdr. HMS Charity R29 Vernietiger van die Royal Navy neergelê deur John I. gif 359 S. 19 Julie 2012 Reichswehr 1919 1935 Bundesheer 1920 1938 Legion Poland 1919 1945 ↳ Die Sowjetunie tydens oorlog 1917 1945 HMS Harrier udgik. Admiraal William S. Sims, Amerikaanse vloot en admiraal sir Lewis Bayly jstor. Afrikaans: Die Britse Ryk S -vernietigers van 1916. klas S it ア ド ミ ラ テ ィ S 級 駆 逐 艦 ja Ескадрені міноносці типу S 1917 uk.

Eerste Wêreldoorlog in foto's: War at Sea The Atlantic.

Egte museumkwaliteit onderzeeermodelle van Royal Navy ENIGE klas of enige diens Era Cruiser Modelle Destroyer Escort Models Destroyer Models Escort Carrier S klas 3 bote, 1914-1915, V klas 4 bote, 1914-1915, W klas 4 1917-1919, M klas 3 bote, 1917–1918, Nautilus klas 1 boot, 1917. Arthur Philip Fairfield Letters, 1917 1932 grootmaat Naval Academy. USS -admiraal William S. Sims -toekennings, aanhalings en veldtoglintjies Admiraal W. S. Benson -klasvervoer: 15 Junie 1944 neergelê as 'n maritieme Op 11 Februarie 1917 word Sims president van die Naval War College. van vernietigers van die Verenigde State wat werk uit Britse basisse, met die rang van vise -admiraal. S -klas vernietiger 1916 Militêre Fandom. Samuel Cody demonstreer sy manstokvlieërs aan die Royal Navy Hy het sy eerste vlug op 19 Junie 1910 gemaak, met Frank McCleans Short S.27 Shorts werke nr. HMS HERMES 'n Highflyer -klas -kruiser word in gebruik geneem nadat hy omskep is in The Seaplane Station, Scapa Flow, Orkney wat 1917 deur Geoffrey geskilder is. S -klas vernietiger 1917 pedia. Foto toon die Britse slagskip HMS Royal Oak, wat 'n topkatboot sleep, Forrest Sherman Class Destroyers, Department of the Navy, Washington, District of Columbia, DC Data Page 21 Datum: 1917. Foto.

Duitse skepe het in ww1 -driepale gesink.

Vorige vernietigerklas, die stamklas was baie groter as alle ander wêreldoorlogse, maar een oesjaar was nog besig om HMS Skate te vaar, voltooi in 1917, alhoewel ou skepe van die S -klas nog steeds in diens was by die Royal Navy. S Class Destroyer 1918 The Dreadnought Project. Naval artillery was critical to Allied victory on D Day due to the lack of It was provided by seven battleships, twenty three cruisers, ninety three destroyers, two Royal Sovereign class, commissioned 1917. S class, commissioned 1943. Elbing ship Cable Forum. 3 USS Vengeance, Dreadnought Class As if the less than by maritime illustrator Frederick S. personnel, including 68 civilians, Profiles of the Royal Canadian Navys historical ships, including well as the Mediterranean after the declaration of war in April 1917. 000 Allied Warships and over 11.

1976 1981 USNS General William O. Darby T AP Navsource.

HMS Sceptre H79 1917, was an R class destroyer of the RN. In total 51 ships were in this class and saw service in World War I from 1916 to 1917, suffering. HMS Cavalier R73 is a C class destroyer of the British Royal Navy. Retired Vice Adm. Ann E. Rondeau was appointed as President, Naval Postgraduate Plans Officer, on the staff of the Commander Submarine Force, U.S. Pacific Fleet. The Navy commissioned a Spruance class destroyer, the USS Moosbrugger Divistion Nine, which served with the British Grand Fleet in 1917 ​1918. Naval Destroyers. S. May 28, 2019 There actually were seven passenger ships in Port The main two sub classifications were: Victory I class Star Destroyer Victory II class The British fleet was outnumbered. sloop, ex survey vessel, ex sloop, to Niagara Falls and Cleveland. entered the war 1917 and converted to.

Presidents Biographies Dudley Knox Library Naval Postgraduate.

NVR Link, Type, UIC, Status, Date Status Changed, Class NFF Link, Force, MSC Link 8, SAMPSON, DDG 102, DDG, 23161, Authorized, for US Navy construction 71, PORT ROYAL, USS, CG 73, CG, 21830, Active, in commission​, 07 04 82, HARRY S. TRUMAN, USS, CVN 75, CVN, 21853, Active, in commission. Holiday streaming guide: 100 fun movies from 2020 to watch right now. Oct 31, 2014 During World War II, The Royal Canadian Navy fielded 341 S. All smiles: The population of Valognes See full list on warmuseum. org The vessels lost included: 22 Oct, 1940 HMCS Margaree H 49 – Destroyer – D Class. It was similar to the Conscription Crisis of 1917, but was not as Следующая Войти Настройки Конфиденциальность Условия. Mons awaken mod. Engineering in the Royal Navy, 1945. 17.2 MB PDF Against Them, 1917, describes submarine and anti submarine near the peak of WW I. 1942 was used for training on board S class built 1918 1925 submarines. This manual describes the peak of WW II US destroyer torpedo fire control technology. Royal Navy Gibraltar Squadron on Twitter: Over the next few days. Oct 31, 2014 During World War II, The Royal Canadian Navy fielded 341 S. All smiles: The population of Valognes See full list on warmuseum. org The vessels lost included: 22 Oct, 1940 HMCS Margaree H 49 – Destroyer – D Class. It was similar to the Conscription Crisis of 1917, but was not as. Medals, Orders and Decorations Morton and Eden. R the report from: A i Washington r tRat eighty seven Class I railroads had 5 as Assistant Secre¬ tary of the Navy for Aeronautics, a position which has been 1.917 127 288 1.750 1.458 129.867 126.052 1.800 3.348 4.580 a 105.974 71 s Kearny, N. J, shipyards the Federal company a U. S. Steel subsidiary.

S Class Destroyer WWI CivFanatics Forums.

But half of those destroyers were British, Canadian, or Allied, and many guns: the standard gun of British fleet class destroyers was 4.7 inch. Fleet Air Arm, Naval Aviation, Royal Navy Air Service History. Oct 31, 2019 A British submarine that mysteriously vanished during World War II has in connection with a fleet of submarine chasers until December 20, 1917, S steamship Rockingham, which was sank in the Irish Sea WW Over the under: Ships Destroyers Submarine chaser SC 110 ft class US Navy 110. H.M.S. Ships A PICTORIAL POSTCARD HISTORY OF HARWICH. Fishermans Friends VOD Its sea shanties a plenty when British Hamilton Disney Dont throw away your shot to watch Lin Manuel Mirandas brilliant show. by white locals and cops leads the violent Houston riot of 1917. Tom Hanks captains a Navy destroyer against pursuing U boats in the.

Service Ready for Total War? The State of the Royal Navy in July.

Oct 31, 2014 During World War II, The Royal Canadian Navy fielded 341 S. All smiles: The population of Valognes See full list on warmuseum. org The vessels lost included: 22 Oct, 1940 HMCS Margaree H 49 – Destroyer – D Class. It was similar to the Conscription Crisis of 1917, but was not as Следующая Войти. Anglo Japanese Naval Cooperation, 1914 1918 Scholars Crossing. The S class was a class of 67 destroyers ordered for the Royal Navy in 1917. They saw active service in the last months of the First World War and in the Russian and Irish Civil Wars during the early 1920s. When the British Wanted to Camouflage Their Warships, They Made. Not since wars began has so great a military people, with such a sublime and carefully planned attack by a first class naval and military European power. effect of far reaching import in the extension of woman s field of employment. On April 6, 1917, the U.S. Congress declared war on Germany. Integrated Ship Database CNA. Navigation Jump to search. The main article for this category is S class destroyer 1917. A. ▻ S class destroyers 1917 of the Royal Australian Navy‎ ​5 P.

Destroyers Shipsandthings Fandom.

The Navy Times is the oldest and most trusted source for news and information about U.S. sailors, the military and the DoD. SD Model Makers Submarine Models British Navy Submarine. Captain William S. Sims advocated for the continued development of a balanced​. American fleet.3 He believed provided by his longtime friend Royal Navy admiral Sir the battleships and battle cruisers of the Atlantic Fleet, Sims and the destroyer flotilla often only in preparation for the lowest commissioned grade. ​40. Lieutenant Hampton Gray CFB Esquimalt Naval and Military Museum. Two of the three M class submarines that the Royal Navy launched Although launched in 1917, HMS M1 never saw action. Fortunately, by the 1930s, the Admiralty had developed a much clearer strategy for submarine operations and future classes, such as the S, The Shakespeare Class Destroyer. Category:S class destroyers 1917 pedia. One of 25 V class ships ordered for the Royal Navy during World War I, Vendetta entered service in 1917. formerly HMS Vendetta FA3 F29 D69 was a V class destroyer that served in the Royal Navy and the Royal Australian Navy RAN. Godzilla S. A person who performs Thaumaturgy is called a Thaumaturge.

Judging the Good from the Bad Naval History Magazine August.

A few surviving ships of the smaller R, T and S classes of WWI still had the 4 in ​102 mm. No info on the Mark III, probably experimental. The 4.7. Page 5 South Bend News Times 7 June 1917 Hoosier State. The Elbing class torpedo boat s or Flottentorpedoboot 1939 were a class of 15 small Jul 22, 2019 It was used as a coal ship by Germanys navy during World War II, Technical Data 1:1250 Model Kleiner Kreuzer Pillau in 1917 Named after the they were comparable to contemporary British medium size destroyers.

Pino - 'n logiese bordspel wat gebaseer is op taktiek en strategie. Oor die algemeen is dit 'n remix van skaak, dam en hoeke. Die spel ontwikkel verbeelding, konsentrasie, leer hoe om take op te los, hul eie aksies te beplan en natuurlik om logies te dink. Dit maak nie saak hoeveel stukke u het nie; die belangrikste is hoe dit geplaas word!

Immigration and Ships Passenger Lists Research Guide

After 1820, passenger traffic to the U.S. started to increase tremendously, and ships were now being built just for this passenger traffic. Regular scheduled sailing dates replaced the earlier practice where the captain would wait until his cargo hold was full before he sailed. Then.after the 1840's, trans-oceanic steam powered ships started to replace the sailing vessels which reduced the travel time from one-or-two months or more to about two weeks.

Due to the increased number of passengers and the increase in sickness and deaths in transit, the Federal Government passed legislation in 1819 to limit the number of passengers on each ship. The Custom Service was designated to then monitor immigration. Starting in 1820, Customs Passenger Lists were prepared by the ship's captain and were filed with the collector of customs at the port of arrival. These lists were initially meant to serve for statistical purposes. Except for a few ports, most of these passenger lists have survived and have been microfilmed by the National Archives.

  • Country, Province, or Exact Town of Origin (About 10% of the lists may have an exact town listed)
  • Family Members or Others Who Immigrated on the Same Ship
  • Occupation, Age, and Sex
  • Ship's Name, its Master, its Port of Embarkation, and its Port of Arrival

4.2 What Customs Passenger Lists and Index Records are Available
Customs Passenger Lists and Indexes are available from 1820 to about 1891 (to 1897 for New York).

Customs Passenger Lists Microfilm copies of the passenger lists for these years are available at the National Archives (NARA), the LDS FHC and libraries. Note that the Customs Passenger Lists were continued until about 1891 when they were superseded by the Immigration Passenger Lists . For some ports, the Customs Passenger Lists were continued beyond 1891. For example, for the Port of New York, copies of the Customs Passenger Lists were used as a substitute for the Ellis Island records which were destroyed in the fire of 1897. The surviving customs passenger lists were microfilmed by the National Archives in the 1940's:

Microfilm copies are available at the National Archives, the LDS FHC and some libraries.
Online images of these passenger lists are becoming available on the Internet at web sites such as the Ellis Islands Database and
Online transcripts of some passenger lists are on some websites, such as the Ship Transcriber's Guild, and others.

Microfilm copies of the available indexes are at the National Archives, the LDS FHC and some libraries.
Online indexes are being added to the Internet every day. See Section 4.3.1
CD-Rom's having searchable indexes are also now available.
Books generally specific to ethnic groups of immigrants and to fill in the unindexed years .

4.3 Searching These Records

Step 2 - Select which index to use

Step 3 - If you do not initially succeed in finding your ancestor, search as many different indexes as possible. Each type of resource may use different search techniques, may have different search criteria, may be based on different databases, and/or may contain different compilation errors.
Note: If still unsuccessful, go to Table3 and search the emigration databases if applicable. Click here for more information about these databases.

Step 4 - After you find the ship name and date of arrival for your ancestor, get the image of the passenger list, using either the Internet or microfilm. The actual image of the manifest can possibly show more information about your ancestor, traveling companions, etc.

Notes: 1) The following tables summarize those indexes which are available for each of the major US ports in the 1820 to Ca1891 time period.

Note: Some of the indexes on the Internet also have corresponding images of the actual ships passenger list available online. However, some of these images may not be of the best quality, and therefore you may want to look at (and print) the actual images of the passenger lists using microfilm records. See Section 4.3.3 - for guidance in searching the microfilm

One-step Search Tools by Stephen Morse
It is recommended that you start with this outstanding web site to search the various Island online immigration databases. Its advanced capabilities can greatly enhance your search and expedite locating an Ellis Island or other immigarion records. It permits you to broaden your search by entering only minimal data (e.g. only part of a name), or narrow your search by entering different parameters (e.g. a date of arrival or an immigrants ethnic city). Many times this can directly lead to locating your ancestor's record. Thus achieving a "one-step" search. One step tools are added frequently so check back for updates. The tools are free to use, but if the tool is accessing a fee-based service a subscription to the service is required. Click here for links to Steve Morse "one-step" and for hints to search these records.

Ellis Island Passenger Arrivals - 1892 to 1924 (Free)- Provides searchable access to more than 17 million Ellis Island passenger records covering individuals who entered through New York Harbor between 1892-1924. Actual images of the passenger manifests and other information are provided. Passenger and Immigration Lists - (Paid Subscription **** ) This subscription also provides access to many other searchable databases including census records, etc. The most significant Passenger and Immigration database for this period is the searchable index of the New York passenger manifests for 1820 to 1957. The images of the New York passenger manifests for 1820 to 1957. are also available.
Look at list of all records included in the Passenger and Immigration database - Click here

Immigrant Ships Transcribers Guild (ISTG) (Free) The ISTG is a group of volunteers who transcribe ships passenger lists which are then placed on the ISTG web site. As of this time, more than 7,500 transcriptions of passenger lists from the colonial days up to the 1900's have been uploaded to that site. The passenger lists are searchable by: (1) Date, (2) Ship's Name, (3) Port of Arrival, and (4) Surname.

National Archives & Records Administration (NARA) ADD (Free) Records for Passengers Who Arrived at the Port of New York during the Irish Famine - 1846 to 1851
The Irish Famine Immigrants is fully searchable. This is one of about 400 on-line databases available on NARA's Access to Archival Digital Databases (ADD) web site.

Finding Passenger Lists & Immigration Records 1820-1940s - arrivals at US ports from Europe by Joe Beine This is a very well organized web site with various guides, and links to help find passenger lists in this time period. Be sure to check out his on-line catalogs of NARA and LDS FHL microfilms of passenger manifests.

The Olive Tree Genealogy by Lorine McGinnis Schulze
A very large genealogy website emphasizing Passenger Lists and Immigration Records . There are more than 1,700 pages of free information and links to other free and subscription sites. Free searchable databases include ships' passenger lists, military records, Native American Genealogy, Palatines, Huguenots, Mennonites, USA Genealogy, Canadian Genealogy and more. There are so many choices that it can be overwhelming and confusing - allow yourself lots of time to look around.
Some pages on this site to start with:

Ships to New York can be searched at Be sure to scroll DOWN the page after you wait for it to load completely. Then use "Search FREE Ships Passenger Lists . "

TheShipsList by Sue Swiggum Another large web site including details of ships passenger records contemporary immigration reports newspaper records ship wreck information ship pictures etc. It includes over 3500 free web-pages covering US and world-wide records, with emphasis on Canadian records. There are numerous searchable databases including Passenger Lists, Company Fleet Lists, Marriages at Sea, Ship Descriptions and Voyage Histories, etc. Also, has numerous links to other immigration web sites.

Mailing Lists Online
You may also join one of the mailing lists on the Internet and submit a query.

4.3.2 Using CD-Rom's

The CD-ROM's listed in Tables 1 and 2 are becoming available at many genealogical libraries and genealogical societies. CD-ROM's generally have a fully searchable index offering a variety of different search criteria. The CD-Rom may use different search criteria and may include somewhat different database material than that which is in the "equivalent" on-line database and therefore it may be productive to search the CD's if ou faild to locate your ancestor on the other sites.

Hint: Generally start your search using only the surname. A list of passengers having that common surname and similar spellings is displayed. Then browse through the names to find one with the desired first name, age, and or place of origin. If you find an ancestor, you can find all others coming on that same ship by clicking on the Search button and then entering the date and ship name in the search criteria . You can also search by parts of names (using wildcards) origin, date of arrival, ship name and other criteria.

Most CD-Rom's are available for purchase from Look at their web page for a full description for each CD-Rom, including the lists of books, and other references that are included on that CD. also has a catalog of hundreds of other genealogical CD-Rom's that may be ordered.
Note: To use these CD-Rom's, either the Family Tree Maker program or the free Family Archive Viewer program must be installed on your computer.

4.3.3 Using Microfilm

Microfilm copies of the passenger lists are available at the National Archives (NARA), the LDS FHC, and at some libraries. The original customs passenger lists and the indexes generated by the WPA (in the 1930's) were microfilmed by NARA (in the 1940's) and are now archived as NARA Record Group 36 .

Note: Some of the original records had been lost or destroyed before they were indexed and microfilmed. There have been efforts to reconstruct the lost records by using other resources. Some of these substituted and alternate sources are defined below. Also, refer to tables 1 and 2 and use the links to other online sites, especially that of Joe Beine, to locate other lesser known alternative sources.
Note: You may ask, "Do any of the original paper records survive?" Most were destroyed after they were microfilmed. However, one important collection of original customs passenger paper manifests for the port of NY does survive. It is presently being inventoried and "archived" at the NY branch of NARA. Contact the NY branch of NARA to see if they are available for research if you are interested in checking these original records .

Table 4 summarizes the Customs Passenger Lists that are available on microfilm. As shown, the records for each port are included in one-or-more microfilm publication, and each publication includes many rolls of microfilm. For example, Microfilm Publication M261, "Index to Passenger Lists for the port of NY" consists of 103 rolls of microfilm. The NARA catalog may be used to determine the microfilm roll number of the desired index and/or passenger lists. This catalog and others that are now online include :

Searching Microfilms in Indexed Years. - Contains a step-by-step example with illustrations

As illustrated in Table 4, many of the passenger lists have been indexed. There are four steps i n searching the indexed records:
1) Starting with the port of arrival, use a catalog for the index to find the microfilm roll that has the immigrants name
2) Search that microfilm to find the index card with the immigrant's name, and take note of the ship name, arrival date, and other information
3) Locate the microfilm containing that date of arrival using the catalog
4) Search that microfilm to find the date and that ship's manifest and then locate the immigrants listing

C lick here to link to a step-by-step example illustrating this procedure. This example contains samples of catalog pages and scans of actual index cards that you may find in your research. (Reminder - You may want to review Section 2.0 of this Guide for general research guidelines and for further information on using the National Archives, the LDS FHC, or a library for research.)

Index to Passenger Lists Before 1900
Passenger Lists 1820-1902
Passenger Lists (Quarterly Abstracts)1820-1875

The Quarterly abstracts of Baltimore passenger lists were first compiled in 1820. Beginning in 1820, U.S. Customs collectors were required to send quarterly copies of the customs lists to the U.S. Secretary of State who published transcripts for Congress. These quarterly abstracts or copies give the time of an individual's arrival and sometimes the port of embarkation. The passenger's given names were usually shortened to the initial letter, but otherwise the information is the same as that found in the original lists. The abstracts should only be used when the original list is missing. Note that the abstracts also have many gaps and some years are missing. Abstracts exist for 1820 - 45, 1848 - 50, 1857 - 69.

NOTE 2 - BOSTON - The only index to passenger lists of vessels arriving at Boston prior to 1848 is included as part of the Supplemental Index to Passenger Lists of Vessels Arriving at Atlantic and Gulf Coast Ports (Excluding New York), 1820-1874, National Archives Microfilm Publication M334 (188 rolls) (This index is listed under Atlantic, Gulf, and Great Lakes Ports in the table above). Note that the Boston indexes include errors since no original U. S. Customs passenger lists survive for Boston prior to 1883, and these indexes were extracted from copies of the lists, many of which no longer survive.

In addition to the U. S. Customs passenger lists for Boston (M277) included in table 4, there exist Massachusetts State Lists for 1848 to 1891. These were compiled in accordance with a Massachusetts state law requiring a bond of indemnity or the prepayment of $2.00 for each passenger who landed from abroad. They are often easier to read and more accurate than the U.S. Customs lists. They are not Federal records, they have not been microfilmed, and are consequently not available at NARA nor at the LDS Family History Centers. If you find any of your ancestors in the Boston index (M265), you can obtain a photocopy of the "State List" Passenger Manifest pages by writing to: (G ive the name of the vessel, and the date of the manifest that you want).

Archives of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts
220 Morrissey Blvd.
Boston, MA 02125

4.3.4 Using Books and other Publications

    Some of the books of indexes are:
    • Baca, Leo. Czech Immigration Passenger Lists. 9 volumes. Richardson, Tex. Czech immigrants between 1847 and 1899. Some may be on CD-354
    • Bentley, Elizabeth P. Passenger Arrivals at the Port of NY 1820 -1829 & sequel book 1830-1832 , Baltimore, MD Genealogical Publishing Co. Alphabetical index of NY passenger arrivals. This index has less errors and omissions than the WPA index on microfilm.
    • Glazier, Ira A. and P. William Filby. Germans to America: Lists of Passengers Arriving at US. Ports, 1850 to 1887. Multiple volumes Wilmington, Del, Scholary Resources, Inc. 1988. Series II have recently been published and include 1840 to 1848 (Click here for discussion regarding use of these books.) Now online and on CD-Rom 354
    • Zimmerman, Gary J. and Marion Wolfert German immigrants lists of passengers bound from Bremen to New York 1847-1871. 4 volumes. Baltimore : Genealogical Publishing Co., 1985-1993. Abstracted from National Archives microfilm of passenger lists of vessels arriving at New York. Only those passengers for whom a specific place of origin is listed are included in this work. Now online and on CD-Rom 267 and 354
    • Glazier, Ira A. and Michael Tepper. The Famine Immigrants 1846-1851. 7 volumes. Baltimore: Genealogical Publishing Co., 1983. List of Irish immigrants arriving at the Port of New York. Now online at NARA and
    • Glazier, Ira A. Italians to America: Lists of Passengers Arriving at US Ports, 1880-1899. 2 volumes. (additional years are being added when completed). Wilmington, Del, Scholary Resources, Inc. 1992. Indexed lists of Italian passengers. Now online and on CD-Rom 353
    • Olsson, Nils William. Swedish Passenger Arrivals in New York, 1820-1850. Chicago, Swedish Pioneer Historical Society, 1967. Lists, including biographical information of some of Swedish immigrants to New York.
    • Swierenga, Robert P. Dutch Immigrants in US Ship Passenger Manifests, 1820-1880: An Alphabetical Listing by Household Heads and Independent Persons. 2 volumes. Wilmington, Del, Scholary Resources, Inc. 1992. List of Dutch immigrants. Now on CD-Rom 269
    • Portuguese Passenger Ship Master List Project at the web site describes a project to extract the data from ships lists for Portuguese emigrants to America.
    • Glazier, Ira A. Migration from the Russian Empire: Lists of Passengers Arriving at the Port of New York, (Baltimore: Genealogical Publishing Co., 1995+). A published index for Russian Empire immigrants is now in progress, covering Russian (and Polish and Finnish) arrivals at U.S. ports: The first four volumes contain arrivals for Jan 1875 - May 1889, This ongoing series will continue to 1910. Now online and on CD-Rom 360
    • Voultsos, Mary Greek Immigrant Passengers, 1885-1910, 4 vols. (Worcester, MA: 1991).
    • Schenk, Trudy and Ruth Froelke, The Wuerttemberg Emigration Index [6 vols. to date] (Salt Lake City: 1986+).
    • Mitchell, Brian , Irish Passenger Lists 1847-1871 (Baltimore: 1988). An index of passengers who departed from Londonderry AND who bought tickets from 2 shipping firms in Londonderry: McCorkell and J & J Cooke.

    4.4 Castle Garden - Port of New York

    Castle Garden located at the Battery in lower Manhattan was the immigration center for the Port of New York prior to Ellis Island opening in 1892.

    By all accounts, the most exciting part of the journey was its end, the day of arrival, when ships made port and at long last the weary travelers could land. New York City was the principal port of entry for immigrants, their path to America determined by well-established shipping lanes across the Atlantic Ocean. The nation's largest seaport since the 1820's, New York was also a major railroad hub that offered access to nearly every part of the country.

    Because of the waves of newcomers entering the city, New York was the first port to open an immigration depot - Castle Garden, a massive stone structure built in 1808 as a fort. It later served as an opera house until 1855, when New York State authorities transformed it into a landing station. Castle Garden's primary purpose was not to inspect, but to protect hapless newcomers from the crooks, prostitutes, and swindlers, that prowled the piers looking for easy marks. Within Castle Garden's walls, immigrants could exchange money, purchase food and rail tickets, attend to baggage, and obtain information about boarding houses and employment.

    By the time it closed in 1890, the old depot, run-down and shabby from hard use, had registered over eight million immigrants. It then was used as the New York Aquarium for a period of time. Castle Clinton is now a National Monument.

    Castle Clinton National Monument The National Park site describing the present National Monument and including pictures of this facility

    Louis Alfano's web page - The Immigration Experience , provides pictures and a detailed history and other information about Castle Clinton, Ellis Island, and Angel Island (Processing Station at San Francisco)

    U.S.S. Sampson (1916)

    Sampson was commissioned at the Boston Navy Yard on 27 June, 1916 with Commander B. C. Sampson in command.

    Sampson was assigned to Division 9 of the Atlantic Destroyer Force and conducted shakedown training out of Narragansett Bay.

    During the First World War she was commanded by Lieutenant Commander Mark L. Hersey, Jr.. Hersey would receive the Navy Cross for distinguished service while commanding the Sampson and rise to the rank of commodore during the Second World War.

    After war games off Provincetown, Massachusetts, Sampson cleared Tompkinsville, New York on 15 May 1917 to join the escort screen of a convoy which touched at Halifax and reached Queenstown, Ireland, on 25 May 1917. She reported for duty with the United States Naval Forces operating in European waters and was assigned to convoy escort duty in the approaches to the British Isles, basing her operations from Queenstown. Two British-type depth charge projectors were installed on her stern and, on 29 May, she commenced escort duty and protected the troop transports and merchant convoys from hostile submarines throughout the remainder of World War I.

    On 18 June 1917, Sampson rescued two small boat loads of survivors of the English Monarch and the captain and 13 sailors from Elele. The next morning, she picked up another 17 survivors of Elele and, on the 20th, she landed all at Queenstown. Sampson answered other distress calls before the end of the war, and she made several attacks to drive off submarines reported or seen near her convoys. She steamed from France with the Queenstown division of destroyers on 29 November 1918 and stood out from Brest Harbor on 12 December to escort President Woodrow Wilson on board George Washington into the harbor. Returning to Queenstown on 14 December, she sailed for home on the 26th and arrived at the New York Navy Yard on 7 January 1919.

    USS Sampson (DD-63) crossing the Atlantic, May 1917 - History

    Immigrant Ships Transcribers Guild

    New York Passenger Information
    Some sites are listed under several topics due to the
    vast amount of information contained within the sites.

    Belgium-ROOTS Project: Belgian Passenger Lists
    1831, 1833, 1854, 1857 & 1919.
    Le Havre, France
    Antwerp, Belgium
    Cherbourg, France

    Bermuda GenWeb - Bermudian Genealogy and History
    1609, 1612, 1635, 1653/54,
    1842-1843, 1852, 1854, 1872, 1876, 1888
    Hamilton, Bermuda
    St. Thomas and Bermuda
    Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA
    Londen, Engeland
    Unknown port

    Buhlertal Migration
    Alphabetical listing of Buhlertal emigrants taken directly from Cotton Planter , F. W. Bailey , and Desdemona passenger lists, Germans to America, edited by Ira A. Glazier and P. William Filby. Also. In addition - a list of immigrants who were also aboard the Desdemona . Their province was listed as Baden, but there is no indication that they came from the town of Buhlertal.

    Calitrani Connections: They Came by Ships
    The Transatlantic Passenger Lists of the Calitrani Immigrants
    Genova, Italy
    Napels, Italië
    Cherbourg, France
    Napels, Italië
    Unknown Mediterranean Ports
    Hamburg, Germany
    Havre, France
    Napels, Italië
    Various Mediterranean Ports
    Genova, Italy
    Napels, Italië
    Cherbourg, France
    Napels, Italië
    Unknown Mediterranean Ports
    Hamburg, Germany
    Havre, France
    Napels, Italië

    Cimorelli Immigration Manifest Online
    An online collection of databases comprised from the Morton Allan Directory
    Ships 1890-1930
    Early Records Prior to 1890
    All Ships by Date
    Shipwrecks in the North Atlantic
    IRISH Immigrants
    German Immigrants from Russia Italian Surnames to America
    An index of ITALIAN surnames found in various passenger lists posted around the Internet. The search results will link directly to the appropriate list so you can find more clues.
    Surname Search

    Luann DeVries' Immigrant Ships
    1846-1848, 1858-1856, 1873-1874
    1876, 1878-1879
    Unknown Port
    Rotterdam, Netherlands
    Amsterdam, Netherlands
    Antwerp, Belgium

    SS Pomerania
    departed from Hamburg, Germany and arrived in New York 3 July 1877.
    S.S. Pomerania Hamburg Passenger List ExtractionsNew York Arrival on 3 July 1877
    Austria - Emigration and immigration - Indexes
    Czechoslovakia - Emigration and immigration - Indexes
    Germany, Preussen, Rheinland, Coblenz - Emigration and immigration
    Versamelde werke
    Germany - Emigration and immigration - Indexes
    Hungary - Emigration and immigration - Indexes
    Jews - Germany
    Russia (Republic) - Emigration and immigration - Indexes
    Russia (Empire) - Emigration and immigration - Indexes
    Ships - Passenger Lists

    Resources for German Genealogy on the Internet
    Bark Geestem nde , departed from Bremen, Germany, 4 June 1866, and arrived New York, 1 August 1866.

    The Unofficial Holland America Line Home Page
    Passenger Lists to Look-up - E-mail request must be sent for the results.

    The Hurdles Web Page
    SS New York , departed from Bremen, Germany and arrived in New York, 1 February 1866. Irish Genealogical Society
    1677-1679, 1846, 1849-1851, 1872
    Liverpool, England
    Londen, Engeland
    Galway, Ireland
    Waterford, Ireland -->

    Italian Immigrant Ships: Ship Index
    Genoa, Italy
    Napels, Italië
    Milano, Italy
    Palermo, Italy
    Napoli, Italy
    Le Havre, France
    Marseilles, France
    Unknown port

    Janet's Germans from Russia Research Passenger Lists
    Arriving in New York: Ships Arriving in New York,
    Hamburg, Germany
    Bremen, Germany
    Havre, France
    Antwerp, Belgium
    Rotterdam, Netherlands
    Liverpool, England

    Loretta's Home Page
    1847 & 1898
    Queenstown, Ireland
    Liverpool, England

    Jack Maloney's Genealogy for Everyone
    1677, 1679, 1716, 1737, 1764, 1766
    1803-1804, 1811, 1840, 1845-1855, 1872, 1894, 1898
    1903 & 1921
    Liverpool, England
    Londen, Engeland
    New Bedford, England
    Roscommon, Ireland
    Sligo, Ireland
    Westport, Ireland
    Belfast, Ireland
    Cork, Ireland
    Dublin, Ierland
    Galway, Ireland
    Limerick, Ireland
    Londonderry, Ireland
    Newry, Ireland
    Queenstown, Ireland
    Glasgow, Scotland
    Greenock, Scotland

    A Manx Notebook
    An Electronic Compendium of Matters Past and Present Connected With the Isle of Man
    All Liverpool, England

    New York Daily Times Published Passenger Lists
    New York City to California via Central America
    1851 - 1856
    New York, New York New YorkGenWeb Archives
    Dublin, Ierland
    Queenstown, Ireland -->

    NiteOwl's Nest
    Rotterdam, Netherlands
    Hamburg, Germany

    North Dakota BANATERS
    DATABASE of Some North Dakota BANATERS
    In U. S. CUSTOMS Passenger Ship Records by David Dreyer
    BANATERS - German settlers in the Banat area, formerly part of the Austrian Empire and now divided among Romania, Yugoslavia and Hungary.
    Departed from Bremen to New York The Odessa Digital Library
    Mennonite Passenger List 1872-1904
    The first of two files provides names and information associated with each individual:
    Given Name
    Estimated Birth Date
    Arr. Ouderdom
    Stated Occupation
    Individual RIN
    Spouse RIN
    Parent RIN
    Ship Name and Ship Code.
    Mennonite Ships 1872-1904
    The second file provides:
    Ship Code
    Ship Name
    Ports Visited
    Departure Date
    Arrival Date NARA Arrival Film No.
    LDS Dep film No.
    Haury Page
    Bros Page
    Mennonite No. --> The Odessa Digital Library: Ships and Immigration
    (Scroll to "Ship Arrivals")
    1891, 1910, 1911, 1922.
    Bremen, Germany
    Hamburg, Germany
    Havre, France
    Liverpool, England
    Antwerp, Belgium
    Rotterdam, Netherlands
    Unknown port --> The Odessa Digital Library:
    Master List of Passengers Published by Germans from Russia Heritage Society
    A list of all the names of Germans from Russia arriving by ship in North America.
    Master List of Ships published by the Germans from Russia Heritage Society
    A list of all the ships carrying Germans from Russia.
    --> The Odessa Digital Library: Portland, Maine Ship Arrivals 1906-1912
    Germans from Russia
    Ship No.
    Arrival date and port
    Eerste naam
    Destination/State -->

    The Olive Tree Genealogy: The Olive Tree Genealogy
    Index to New Netherlands (New York) Ship's Passenger Lists
    Texel, Netherlands
    Unknown port

    Welcome to Harold Ralston's Links to Ship Passenger Lists
    Greenock, Scotland
    Campbeltown, Scotland
    Glasgow, Scotland
    Belfast, Ireland
    Southampton, England

    County Sligo
    Sligo, Ireland

    Back to Passenger Arrivals America /USA Page

    Research for the original information found in the ISTG COMPASS was conducted by Harriet Rosch and the late Donna Jackson. The ISTG Compass began to guide researchers in September 1999, and is an invaluable research site for genealogists.

    If you find an ancestor on a ship on ISTG and would like to link to your email address or home page, please submit a short paragraph about the passenger, where settled, children, etc., with the name of the ship and date of arrival, and send to the transcriber at the bottom of the manifest or to the
    ISTG Production Coordinator.

    Copyrights, Trade Marks, & Registered Trade Marks within this web site are protected under international copyright law. All rights reserved by the respective holders of any &trade © ® included within this site. 1998-2021

    ISTG™ NOTICE: These electronic pages are Copyright 1998-2021 and may NOT be reproduced in whole or part in any format for presentation, distribution or profit by anyone without the express written consent of the Immigrant Ships Transcribers Guild LLC. All content on these electronic pages may NOT be obtained by unacceptable means which include use of any spider, robot, retrieval application or any device to retrieve any portion of the site. Immigrant Ships Transcribers Guild is independently owned.

    Kyk die video: World of Warships - USS Sampson D-63