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George Sutherland is gebore in Stony Stratford, Engeland, op 25 Maart 1862. Toe hy 'n kind was, emigreer die gesin na die Verenigde State. Hulle vestig hulle in Utah en word later opgevoed aan die Brigham Young Academy en die Universiteit van Michigan.
Sutherland is in 1883 in die kroeg opgeneem en het in Provo, Utah, geoefen. Sutherland, 'n lid van die Republikeinse Party, dien die Huis van Verteenwoordigers (1901-03) en die Senaat van die Verenigde State (1905-17).
Nadat hy in 1916 verslaan is, word Sutherland 'n regsadviseur van Warren Harding. Kort nadat Harding president geword het, het hy Sutherland in die hooggeregshof aangestel. Sutherland was 'n konserwatiewe regter en het in 1923 die minimum loon verbied.
Franklin D. Roosevelt, die kandidaat van die Demokratiese Party, is verkies tot president in 1932. Oor die volgende paar jaar het Sutherland en die ander regters wat ondersteuners van die Republikeinse Party was, beslis teen die National Recovery Administration (NRA), die Agricultural Adjustment Act ( AAA) en tien ander New Deal -wette.
Op 2 Februarie 1937 het Franklin D. Roosevelt 'n toespraak gehou waarin hy die Hooggeregshof aangeval het vir sy optrede oor New Deal -wetgewing. Hy het daarop gewys dat sewe van die nege regters (Sutherland, Charles Hughes, Willis Van Devanter, Harlan Stone, Owen Roberts, Benjamin Cardozo en Pierce Butler) deur Republikeinse presidente aangestel is. Roosevelt het pas herverkiesing gewen met 10 000 000 stemme en was jammer oor die feit dat die regters veto kon maak teen wetgewing wat duidelik die steun van die oorgrote meerderheid van die publiek het.
Roosevelt het voorgestel dat die ouderdom 'n groot probleem is, aangesien ses van die beoordelaars ouer as 70 was (Sutherland, Charles Hughes, Willis Van Devanter, James McReynolds, Louis Brandeis en Pierce Butler). Roosevelt het aangekondig dat hy die kongres gaan vra om 'n wetsontwerp te aanvaar wat die president in staat stel om die Hooggeregshof uit te brei deur een nuwe regter by te voeg, tot 'n maksimum van ses, vir elke huidige regter ouer as 70 jaar.
Charles Hughes het besef dat die wetsontwerp op herorganisasie van die hof in Roosevelt tot gevolg het dat die Hooggeregshof onder die beheer van die Demokratiese Party val. Sy eerste stap was om te sorg dat 'n brief wat hy geskryf het deur Burton Wheeler, voorsitter van die Regterlike Komitee, gepubliseer word. In die brief weerlê Hughes al die bewerings van Franklin D. Roosevelt.
Agter die skerms was Charles Hughes egter besig met transaksies om seker te maak dat Roosevelt se wetsontwerp in die kongres verslaan word. Op 29 Maart het Owen Roberts aangekondig dat hy van plan verander het om teen minimumloonwetgewing te stem. Hughes het ook sy mening oor die Wet op Sosiale Sekerheid en die Wet op Nasionale Arbeidsverhoudinge (NLRA) omgekeer, en met 'n stemming van 5-4 is hulle nou as grondwetlik verklaar.
Toe kondig Willis Van Devanter aan, waarskynlik die konserwatiefste van die regters, sy voorneme om te bedank. Hy is vervang deur Hugo Black, 'n lid van die Demokratiese Party en 'n sterk voorstander van die New Deal. In Julie 1937 het die kongres die wetsontwerp op herorganisasie met 70-20 verslaan. Roosevelt het egter die bevrediging gehad om te weet dat hy 'n hooggeregshof het wat nou minder geneig is om sy wetgewing te blokkeer.
George Sutherland bedank uit die Hooggeregshof in 1938 op 76 -jarige ouderdom. Hy sterf op 18 Julie 1942 in Stockbridge, Massachusetts.
George Sutherland het as mederegter van die Amerikaanse hooggeregshof gedien tussen 1922 en 1938. Sutherland, 'n konserwatiewe regsgeleerde, het gekant teen die pogings van die kongres en staatswetgewers om sake- en werksomstandighede te reguleer. Gedurende die 1930's was hy deel van 'n konserwatiewe blok wat ongrondwetlike groot dele van president franklin d. roosevelt se nuwe ooreenkomsprogram.
Sutherland is op 25 Maart 1862 in Buckinghamshire, Engeland, gebore. Toe Sutherland 'n jong kind was, emigreer sy ouers na die Verenigde State en vestig hulle in Provo, Utah. Sutherland studeer in 1881 aan die Brigham Young University en volg die Law School van die University of Michigan in 1882 en 1883. Hy word in 1883 in die Michigan -bar opgeneem, maar keer dieselfde jaar terug na Utah, waar hy 'n regspraktyk in Salt Lake City vestig.
Sutherland het in die politiek belanggestel en in die territoriale wetgewer gedien. In 1896, nadat Utah 'n staat geword het, is Sutherland verkies tot die eerste Utah -senaat as 'n republikeinse partylid. In 1901 word hy verkies tot die Amerikaanse Huis van Verteenwoordigers, en in 1905 word hy 'n Amerikaanse senator uit Utah.
"[Die] hartseerste grafskrif wat in 'n geheue [vir] 'n verdwene vryheid uitgekap kan word, is dat dit verlore gegaan het omdat die eienaars nie daarin kon slaag om 'n reddende hand uit te steek terwyl daar nog tyd was nie."
- George Sutherland
Ondanks Sutherland se reputasie as 'n politieke konserwatief in die kongres, ondersteun hy wel president Theodore Roosevelt se hervormingsprogramme. Hy het ook werkersvergoedingswetgewing vir spoorwegwerkers ondersteun en die negentiende wysiging van die Amerikaanse grondwet, wat
voorsiening gemaak vir vroulike stemreg. Hy het nietemin geglo dat individuele regte van die allergrootste belang is en dat die regering nie die meeste ekonomiese aktiwiteite moet binnedring nie.
Nadat hy in die senaatverkiesing van 1916 verslaan is, het Sutherland betrokke geraak by die nasionale Republikeinse politiek en was hy adviseur vir president warren g. harding, wat in 1920 verkies is. Sutherland se naam is al etlike jare genoem as 'n moontlike hooggeregshof, en in September 1922 benoem Harding Sutherland tot die hof.
Sutherland het by 'n hooggeregshof aangesluit wat deur konserwatiewes gedomineer is. Net soos die konserwatiewe meerderheid, het Sutherland geglo in die leerstuk van 'n substantiewe behoorlike proses, wat aangevoer het dat die behoorlike prosesbepalings van die vyfde en veertiende wysigings aan die Amerikaanse grondwet ingeroep kan word om die inhoud van regeringsregulasies en ander aktiwiteite waarmee die regering beperk kan word, op te lê beïnvloed "lewe, vryheid en eiendom." Sedert die 1880's het die Hooggeregshof 'n substantiewe regsproses ingeroep om 'n verskeidenheid staats- en federale wette wat werkomstandighede, lone en sakebedrywighede gereguleer het, te skrap.
Sutherland hou ook by die konsep van kontrakvryheid, wat bepaal dat die regering nie die reg van individue om met hul werkgewers te kontrakteer in verband met lone, ure en werksomstandighede moet inmeng nie. Sutherland het die meerderheidsmening geskryf in Adkins v. Kinderhospitaal, 261 U.S. 525, 43 S. Ct. 394, 67 L. Red. 785 (1923), waarin die hof 'n federale wet op minimumloon vir vrouewerkers in die District of Columbia geskrap het. Sutherland het tot die gevolgtrekking gekom dat werkgewer en werknemer die konstitusionele reg het om te onderhandel oor die voorwaardes wat hulle wil oor lone. Sutherland verwerp die idee dat die kongres die gesag het om sosiale en ekonomiese ongelykhede wat die samelewing in die algemeen benadeel, reg te stel.
Met die ineenstorting van die aandelemark in 1929 en die Groot Depressie van die dertigerjare, het die konserwatiewe meerderheid van die Hof intensiewe openbare en politieke ondersoek ondergaan. Die verkiesing van Franklin D. Roosevelt in 1932 dui op 'n verandering in die filosofie rakende die rol van die federale regering. Roosevelt se New Deal was gegrond op nasionale ekonomiese beplanning en die oprigting van administratiewe agentskappe om sake en arbeid te reguleer. Dit was 'n afsku vir Sutherland en sy konserwatiewe broers.
Van 1933 tot 1937 het die hof talle New Deal -maatreëls getref. Sutherland, saam met Justices James c. mcreynolds, willis van devanter en pierce butler, vorm die kern van die opposisie teen federale pogings om die ekonomie te laat herleef en 'n sosiale veiligheidsnet te skep. Die sogenaamde Four Horsemen het gehelp om die nasionale wet op industriële herstel van 1933 as ongrondwetlik te staak Schechter Poultry Corporation teen die Verenigde State, 295 U.S. 495, 55 S. Ct. 837, 79 L. Red. 1570 (1935), en die Wet op Aanpassing van die Landbou van 1933 in Verenigde State v. Butler, 297 U.S. 1, 56 S. Ct. 312, 80 L. Red. 477 (1936).
Roosevelt het gereageer deur 'n plan vir die verpakking van die hof voor te stel wat 'n bykomende geregtigheid by die hof vir elke lid ouer as sewentig jaar sou gewees het. Hierdie plan was gerig op die vier ruiters en sou, indien dit uitgevoer word, hul stemme kanselleer. Alhoewel Roosevelt se plan deur die Kongres verwerp is, het die nasionale debat oor die rol van die federale regering en die herhaling van die Hooggeregshof daartoe gelei dat meer gematigde lede van die Hof hul standpunte verander en ten gunste van New Deal -voorstelle stem. Met die gety draai Sutherland in 1938 af.
Ondanks sy konserwatiewe opvattings oor die regering en sake, verdedig Sutherland vryheidsregte sowel as eiendomsreg. In powell v. Alabama, 287 U.S. 45, 53 S. Ct. 55, 77 L. Red. 158 (1932), het Sutherland die skuldigbevindings van die "Scottsboro -seuns" omvergewerp, 'n groep jong Afro -Amerikaners wat ter dood veroordeel is weens 'n beweerde seksuele aanranding op twee blanke vroue. Sutherland het beslis dat die sesde wysiging voldoende regsadvies waarborg in strafregtelike stappe.
Sutherland sterf op 18 Julie 1942 in Stock-bridge, Massachusetts.
George Sutherland - Geskiedenis
Die geskiedenis van Clan Sutherland, vol tradisie en gehul in die sluier van tyd, is vol raaisels. Daar word geglo dat die genealogiese boom van die Clan sy oorsprong kan hê in Vlaandere sowel as Skotland met sy stamvereniging Pikte en Kelte. 'N Groot deel van die geskiedenis, veral van die vroeë tydperk, gaan verlore, maar uit oorlewende geskrewe bronne word die genealogie van die stam teruggevoer vanaf Moray in die 12de eeu tot 'n nuwe patroon van vestiging en uitbreiding, eers in Sutherland en Caithness, later in Skotland en elders.
In die boom van die stam verteenwoordig die grawe van Sutherland, die Lairds of Forse en die Lairds van Duffus en Skelbo saam die stam en hooftakke. Hierdie opstel is bedoel om die afstammeling van hierdie drie gesinne te gee: om 'n paar van die jonger takke aan te dui en om die geskiedenis van die Clan in sy geografiese omgewing te plaas vir die tydperk wat voorafgaan aan die groot veranderinge van die 19de eeu. Chiefs, hoofmanne en stamlede, die 'clanna' of kinders van een gemeenskaplike voorouer, oorleef in die rekords van daardie tydperk, 'n tydperk van sewe eeue met meer as twintig generasies. In die geskiedenis van Highland het hulle deelgeneem aan die aangeleenthede van hul Clan en lande, lank voor die groot veranderinge wat gevolg het op die konflikte van Culloden, die Bastille en Waterloo en wat die antieke lewenswyse in die Hoogland geblus het. Baie van die Clan was betrokke by historiese gebeure tot so ver as Bannockburn en Halidon Hill, die diens van wapens aan die Lae Lande en Rusland en die aanplant van nuwe kolonies van Nova Scotia na die Wes -Indiese Eilande. Dit is nie bedoel om hierdie aspekte van die geskiedenis in te gaan nie. Hulle vorm deel van die agtergrond vir die genealogie van die Clan. Die inligting vir hierdie opstel kom uit gedrukte bronne wat in () genommer is en hieronder gelys word. 'N Besondere interessante werk uit die 17de eeu word baie in hierdie bronne aangehaal. Dit is ''n Genealogiese geskiedenis van die graafskap van Sutherland vanaf sy oorsprong tot die jaar 1630. met 'n voortsetting van die jaar 1651 ', geskryf deur sir Robert Gordon van Gordonstoun, seun van Alexander, elfde graaf van Sutherland en deur Gilbert Gordon van Sailagh, gedruk in 1813. Hierdie bronne hou groot belang vir studente uit die geskiedenis van Clan Sutherland .
Die geslagsregister van die stam en die dinastie van die graafskap begin met Freskin. Sy herkoms is onseker. Sy afstammelinge word beskryf as 'van Sutherland', later 'Sutherland'. Die oudste seun het opgevolg as hoof van die gesin, en uiteindelik as hoof van die stam en graaf (ou Noorse: graafhoof, edelman). Reeds in die 15de eeu, waarskynlik baie vroeër, het die gesin op Dunrobin Castle gewoon, wat vermoedelik een van die oudste huise in Brittanje is wat deurlopend deur een gesin bewoon word. Die naam is afkomstig van die Gaelic Dun Robin, Robin's hill of fort.
1. Freskin, die eerste opgetekende voorouer van die grawe van Sutherland, wat moontlik van Vlaamse oorsprong is, het van koning David I (1124-1153) Strabrock in Wes-Lothian en Duffus in Moray gekry. Freskin word genoem in 'n handves van sy seun William deur koning William the Lion (1165-1214) tussen 1166 en 1171.
2. William, seun van Freskin ,. was getuie van 'n handves in 1160 het 'n handves van sy vader se lande tussen 1166 en 1171 gehad en was moontlik William Fresekyn, & quotSheriff of Invernaryn & quot genoem in 1204. William het drie seuns:
b. William, seun van William, seun van Freskin, wat na 1195 saam met sy broer Hugh as getuie genoem is, was Lord of Petty, Bracholy, Boharm en Arteldol, en word vermoedelik die stamvader van die Morays of Bothwell.
c. Andrew, wat voor 1203 genoem is as seun van William, seun van Freskin, en as Parsons van Duffus, later as broer van Hugh Freskin en William, het moontlik in 1221 geleef.
3. Hugh, die seun van William, die seun van Freskin, wat ook vanaf 1195 genoem is Hugh Freskin en Hugh de Moravia, was erfgenaam van Duffus en Strabrock. Die biskop van Moray het hom, Lord of Duffus, 'n gratis kapel in Duffus Castle gegee tussen 1203 en 1214. Teen 1211 het hy ook Skelbo en ander grond in Sutherland gehad. Hy het Skelbo, Invershin en Fernebucklyn aan Gilbert de Moravia, aartsdiaken van Moray, gegee. Skelbo is gegee vir die diens van een boogskutter en diens aan die koning. Hugh Freskin is oorlede voor 1222 en is begrawe in die kerk van Duffus en het drie seuns agtergelaat:
b. Walter, seun van Hugh Freskin, trou met Euphemia, dogter van Ferquhard, graaf van Ross. Hy is dood c. 1263 en is begrawe te Duffus.
c. Andrew, seun van Hugh de Moravia, genoem tussen 1203 en 1214 as pastoor van Duffus en in 1222 as biskop van Moray, het moontlik begin met die bou van die Elgin -katedraal. Hy is in 1242 oorlede.
4. William, seun en erfgenaam van Hugh Freskin en Lord of Sutherland, bevestig sy pa se handves van Skelbo en ander lande wat tussen 1211 en 1222 aan aartsdiaken Gilbert gegee is. Hy word in 1232 genoem as William van Sutherland en miskien in 1235 of later graaf van Sutherland gemaak. Sir Robert Gordon verklaar dat hy Gilbert, biskop van Caithness, gehelp het met die bou van die Dornoch -katedraal. Daar word gesê dat die graaf in 1248 gesterf het en in die katedraal begrawe is. Hy het 'n seun William gehad.
5. William, seun van William en tweede graaf van Sutherland. genoem in rekeninge van betaling aan die koning (Alexander m, 1249-1286) in 1263 en 1266, in 1269 getuie van 'n handves deur die graaf van Ross van lande aan die Church of Moray. Op Scone in Perthshire woon hy in 1283-84 die parlement by wat die baba Margaret van Noorweë as koningin van Skotland aanvaar het. As kleindogter van koning Alexander III het die meisie van Noorweë in 1286 die Kindom of Scotland opgevolg, maar sterf op pad na Skotland c. 1290. Graaf William ondersteun die aanspraak op die troon van koning Robert I ('The Bruce' 1306-1329) en onderteken in Berwick in 1296 die huldeblyk, maar hou later by die Engelse koning (Edward I, 'Longshanks,' 1272- 1307) en sterf c. 1306-7. Hy het twee seuns gehad:
a. William, seun van William en derde graaf van Sutherland. 'n minderjarige toe sy pa sterf, volg in 1306-7 op. Sy afdeling is gegee aan John, die jongste seun van die graaf van Ross. In 1308-9 woon die jong graaf die parlement in St Andrews by. Sir Robert Gordon verklaar dat die graaf by Bannock-burn (Stirling) geveg het, die slag van 1314 wat Bruce die bewind van Skotland gegee het. Die graaf onderteken in 1320 die brief van die edeles aan pous Johannes XXII, bekend as die Declaration of Arbroath, waarin die volle onafhanklikheid van Skotland van die Engelse Kroon bevestig word. Hy is voor 1331 oorlede.
6. Kenneth, seun van William en vierde graaf van Sutherland. volg sy broer William op voor 1331. Die Skotte, wat probeer om die beleg van Berwick te verhoog, is met groot verliese deur die Engelse verslaan en die graaf is dood in die slag by Halidon Hill in 1333. Sir Robert Gordon verklaar dat Earl Kenneth getroud is Mary, dogter van Donald, graaf van Maart. Hy het twee seuns en een dogter gehad.
c. Eastachia getroud c. 1330 Gilbert Moray van Culbin
7. William, seun van Kenneth en vyfde graaf van Sutherland, volg sy vader op in 1333. Die graaf het vermoedelik by Kilblene geveg en deelgeneem aan die beleg van Cupar Castle, Fife. Met die graaf van Maart neem hy deel aan 'n aanval in Engeland. Graaf William trou met Margaret, suster van koning David II (1329-71). Die eggenote het in 1345 lande in Angus, Kincardine en Aberdeen gehad, en Sutherland is 'n koninklike regering. In 1346-47, na die dood van prinses Margaret sy gravin, trou die graaf met Joanna Menteith. Blykbaar vergesel die graaf met 'baie wapens' koning David II na Engeland en albei is in 1346 tydens die slag van Neville's Cross deur Durham gevange geneem, maar in 1351 het die graaf 'n veilige optrede gehad om die losprys van die koning in Newcastle te verleen. Vir die terugkeer van die koning na Skotland het die graaf sy babaseun en erfgenaam as gyselaar gegee. In 1357 word beide die graaf en sy seun gyselaars vir die betaling van die koning se losprys. Hulle het meer as tien jaar in Engeland gebly en soms Skotland besoek. In 1358-59 het hulle van die koning die baronie en die kasteel van Urquhart deur Inverness gehad. Graaf William sterf waarskynlik in 1370, vermoor moontlik as wraak vir sy aandeel in die moord op Dingwallof Iye Mackay, hoof van die stam, en Donald sy seun, dieselfde jaar. Graaf William het drie seuns, van wie die oudste deur sy eerste vrou was:
a. John, 'n gyselaar in Engeland, is blykbaar nog baie jonk daar in Lincoln in 1361 aan die pes dood.
8. Robert, seun van William en sesde graaf van Sutherland (in of voor 1389) word deur die kroniekskrywer Froissart genoem as 'n leier van die Skotte wat in 1388 die Weste van Engeland binnedring. In 1400-1 het hy aan sy broer Kenneth 'n handves van Drummoy en ander lande. Die handves gee die vroegste bekende verwysing na Dunrobin Castle. Die graaf is getroud met Margaret Stewart, dogter van Alexander, graaf van Buchan en word gesê dat hy in 1442 oorlede is. Hy het drie seuns gehad:
b. Robert, vernoem deur sir Robert Gordon as seun van Earl Robert.
c. Alexander, ook vernoem deur sir Robert.
9. John, seun van Robert en sewende graaf van Sutherland, vergesel sy oom Alexander Stewart, graaf van Mar, na Vlaandere c.1408. Die hedendaagse kroniekskrywer Wyntoun verklaar dat die graaf van Mar tot 'n ridder geslaan het, van wie Johannes van Sutherland 'n heer van hernuwing, Heretabil Eri van daardie land, hernu het. In 1427 was graaf John waarskynlik een van die gyselaars vir koning James I wat van 1406 tot 1424 in Engeland aangehou is. Sutherland van Duffus. In 1448 was hy in Dunrobin en in 1451, saam met sy vrou Margaret Baillie, grond in die Parochie van Loth in Sutherland. Sir Robert Gordon verklaar dat graaf John in 1460 oorlede is en begrawe is in die kapel van St Andrew's op Golspie in Sutherland. Hy het vier of vyf seuns gehad, 'n natuurlike seun en een dogter:
a. Alexander, seun van John en meester van Sutherland wat in 1449 genoem is, is waarskynlik in of voor 1456 oorlede.
c. Nicholas, vernoem deur graaf John in 'n handves van 1448 as sy seun.
d. Thomas Beg (Little Thomas), vernoem deur sir Robert Gordon as voorvader van die Sutherlands in Strathullie, (die strate van Kildonan), 'n breë vallei wat deur die rivier Uilligh (Helmsdale -rivier) deurkruis is met stukke plat, laagliggende grond (srath) , begrens deur hoë grond in die gemeente Kildonan in Sutherland.
e. Robert, is miskien die graaf se oom wat deur sir Robert Gordon genoem is, teenwoordig by die konflik in Aldycharrish (Strath Oykell) in 1487.
f. Janet trou in 1480 met Alexander, seun van sir Alexander Dunbar van Westfield, broer van sir James Dunbar van Cumnock.
g. Thomas Mor (Big Thomas), beskryf deur sir Robert Gordon as die natuurlike seun van die graaf wie se twee seuns deur hul oom Earl John vermoor is.
10. John, seun van John en agtste graaf van Sutherland, genoem in 1455-56, is in 1494 as kranksinnig verklaar en onder toesig van sir James Dunbar van Cumnock, wat die graaf en sy seun in 1497-98 vergesel het na koning James IV (1488-1513). Sir Robert Gordon verklaar dat die graaf met 'n dogter van Alexander MacDonald getroud is. Lord of the Isles wat amper verdrink het toe hy by Littleferry die rivier die Unes (die vlootmonding tussen Dornoch en Golspie) oorgesteek het, is sy deur 'n rower vermoor. Die graaf se tweede vrou was blykbaar Fingole, dogter van William van Calder, Thane van Cawdor, weduwee van John Monro van Fowlis, wat in of voor 1491 gesterf het, 'n egskeiding tussen haar en die graaf word in 1497-98 voorberei en hy trou derde Catherine, aangewys as gravin van Sutherland in 1509-12. Daar word gesê dat die graaf in 1508 gesterf het. Hy het twee seuns en een dogter gehad:
b. Elizabeth, dogter van John en gravin van Sutherland, trou in 1500 met Adam Gordon van Aboyne, die jaar wat deur sir Robert Gordon gegee is. Haar eggenoot was die seun van George, graaf van Huntly. Elizabeth het haar broer John opgevolg deur 'quotefeftment' van 1515, en die erediens afgestaan aan haar oudste seun Alexander. VOORVADER VAN DIE DIE GESIN VAN GORDON, OORS VAN SUTHERLAND. Die gravin Elizabeth sterf in 1505 op Aboyne Castle, Deeside in Aberdeen.
c. Alexander, wat deur sir Robert Gordon beskryf word as die natuurlike seun van graaf John deur 'n dogter van Ross van Balnagown, gebore in 1491, het die opvolging van sy broer, agtien in 1509, gekant. Alexander se erfopvolging was voorbehou as sy halfsuster Elizabeth se erfgenaam sou misluk. Hy is ook vergoed met gronde van veertig jaarliks, maar in 1514, bygestaan deur sy halfbroer Robert Munro, het hy sy suster gekonfronteer as erfgenaam van haar broer Earl John. In 1515 het hy die Dunrobin -kasteel in beslag geneem en aangehou, waarna hy in Edinburgh opgesluit was. In 1515 neem hy weer die kasteel aan, maar word gedwing om oor te gee en in 1519-20 word hy in Kintradwell deur Brora vermoor. Hy trou met 'n dogter van Iye Roy-Mackay van Strathnaver en het afstammelinge.
11. John, seun van John en negende graaf van Sutherland, is op 'n vroeë ouderdom saam met sy vader geneem in die teenwoordigheid van koning James IV in 1493 en volg in 1508 op as wyk van die kroon, die graafskap word bestuur deur Andrew Stewart, biskop van Caithness. In 1514 word die graaf in Perth as ongeskik verklaar. In die vraag van sy opvolger het die graaf verklaar dat sy suster en Adam Gordon, haar man en hul kinders, sy naaste erfgename was. Sy dood 'n maand later in 1514 was die einde van die eerste dinastie van die grawe van Sutherland.
Die gesin stam van Freskin af deur Kenneth, vierde graaf van Sutherland en Mary, dogter van die graaf van Mar, sy gravin. Hulle woon in Duffus by Elgin in Moray en Skelbo by Dornoch in Sutherland, twee kastele van eerbiedwaardige oudheid, albei nou ruïnes.
1. Nicholas, seun van Kenneth, vierde graaf van Sutherland, het in 1360 Torboll in Sutherland van sy broer William, vyfde graaf van Sutherland, vir die diens van een ridder. Sy vrou, Mary, dogter van Reginald le Cheyne en van Mary, Lady of Duffus, bring vir hom 'n deel van Duffus in Moray en land in Caithness In 1370 was Nicholas betrokke by die moord op Dingwall (Ross-shire) van Iye Mackay, hoof van die Clan, en Donald, sy seun. In 1408 word hy aangewys as die heer van die kasteel van Duffus. Hy het twee seuns gehad:
a. John, seun en erfgenaam van Nicholas, bekragtig 'n toekenning van grond deur sy vader aan sy broer Henry m 1408. Van 1424 tot 1427 was John een van die gyselaars vir koning James I (1406-24 gevange in Engeland, r. 1424-37 ).
b. Henry (as 2). 2. Henry, seun van Nicholas, het Torboll gehad van Robert, sesde graaf van Sutherland. Hy sterf voor 1434. Margaret Mureff (Moray) word genoem as eggenoot van Henry van Sutherland in 1438. By haar dood het sy grond gehad met huise oos van Wick in Caithness 'op die sand' van God en 'Haly Kirk' en van St. . Fergus beskermheer van Wick. Henry het 'n seun gehad (as 3).
3. Alexander volg sy vader Henry op in Torboll en het Duffus in of voor 1434, toe hy een-en-twintig grond in Wes-Lothian aan Robert Crichton van Sanquhar gegee het. Hy verkoop sy grond in Forfar. In 1444 het hy 'n bevestiging van sy land van Torboll gekry van John, sewende graaf van Sutherland en het hy moontlik die graaf besoek wat toe gyselaar was in die Pontefract -kasteel. In 'n kroonbrief van 1541 word hy Sir Alexander Sutherland van Duffus genoem. Hy trou met Muriel, dogter van John Chisholm van Chisholm in 1433-34 en het Quarrelwood en ander lande naby Elgin in Moray. Dit lyk asof hy voor 1484 gesterf het en twee seuns en drie dogters gehad het:
b. Angus het Torboll gehad en met Christina getroud. Hulle het 'n probleem gehad.
c. Isabella, lewend in 1502, trou met Alexander Dunbar van Westfield.
d. Dorothea, na bewering die dogter van Alexander Sutherland van Duffus, is genoem as 'n bydraende motief vir die dood in die geveg van Alli Charrais van Alexander Ross, haar eggenoot in 1486 (let wel: Sir Robert Gordon noem die geveg soos by Aldycharrish in 1487, DJJS).
e. Muriel was 'n ander dogter van Alexander, getroud met Alexander Seton van Meldrum en Andrew Fraser van Stanywood, met wie sy in 1501 'n Crown Charter van Stanywood gehad het.
4. William word in 1451 'van Berydall' (Berriedale in Caithness) genoem en as seun en skynbare erfgenaam van Alexander Sutherland en van Muriel sy vrou. Hy sterf kort na 1474. Hy het twee seuns en een dogter:
a. Alexander, waarskynlik hy wat in 1475 'n deel van Strabrock gehad het, is voor 1479 oorlede as kleinseun van 'Ald Alexander van Sutherland' en het 'n dogter Christina agtergelaat wat in 1494 genoem is as dogter van Alexander Sutherland van Strabrock en opgevolg het na Duffus en land in Caithness. Sy trou c. 1489 William Oliphant en later sir Thomas Lundin van Pratis. 'N Geskil tussen Chnstina en haar oom William Sutherland is besleg deur 'n beroep op die pous, c. 1507.
c. Isabel trou in 1474 met Hew Rose, jonger van Kilravock.
5. William, tweede aangeneem van William, genoem in 1484, het Quarrelwood en Duffus, en in 1507 'n Crown Charter van Duffus. Hy het die legitimiteit van Christina, sy niggie, aangekla. Hy is dood in of voor 1514, miskien in die slag van Flodden (Berwiek), die nederlaag van die Skotte onder koning James IV (1488-1513) in 1513. William trou glo met Janet Innes se Lady Greeship 'en 'n seun gehad (as 6).
6. William, seun van William, het Duffus gehad. het waarskynlik ook Quarrelwood in of voor 1513-14 gehad. en by die vestiging van 1519-26 het sy vader se lande Birchmond (Brichtmony in Nairn) gehad. in 1524 het Ring James V (1513-42) hom Kinsteary (Nairn) gegee. In 1525 het hy Torboll en Pronsy gehad. Die grondwerke van Pronsy Castle in die gemeente Dornoch is die oorblyfsels van 'n antieke vesting. Hierdie lande was voorheen in besit van Hugh Sutherland, seun van Angus (as 3b), van Elizabeth, gravin van Sutherland en Adam Gordon as oorheersers. Hy trou met Janet dogter van Alexander Innes van Innes en sterf in 1529. Hy het twee seuns en een dogter gehad:
b. Alexander was rektor van Duffus in 1512, kapelaan vir die kapel van Duffus Castle in 1524 en Dean (hoof van die hoofstuk vir 'n katedraal) van Caithness. (Dit was Gilbert van Moray, biskop van Caithness en beskermheilige van Dornoch wat die katedraal van Dornoch gestig het in die bisdom Caithness, insluitend die graafskap van Sutherland, DJJS>. Alexander het herdenkings gestig (die viering van die mis ter nagedagtenis aan iemand op die dag van sy of haar dood) vir sy ouers, sy broer William en ander. In 1549 was hy kurator vir sy grootvader Alexander Sutherland van Duffus en leef nog in 1551.
c. Elizabeth trou met John, derde graaf van Caithness.
7. William volg in 1527-29 op as oudste seun, sy vader William Sutherland van Duffus en Quarrelwood in Elgin en Nairn, die lande Brichtmony, Kinstearie en Auldearn. In 1529 koop hy by John Kynnard van daardie Ilk sekere lande, waaronder Skelbo in die heerskappy van die graaf van Sutherland, betaal 2300 merks Skotte en gee 'n verband van manrent (die manne wat 'n heer in oorlog kan aanroep) as huurder en vasaal aan die graaf. In 1530 gee koning James V hom sekere regte in Stratnaver wat voorheen deur Hugh Mackay van Farr besit is. Soos gesê deur sir Robert Gordon, was William Sutherland van Duffus op aandrang van die biskop van Caithness wat in 1530 deur die Clan Gunn vermoor is. Hy het 'n seun gehad (as 8).
8. William, seun van William Sutherland van Duffus, daag die biskop uit om vir sy pa se dood te antwoord. Toe die biskop sy uitdaging ignoreer. die jong laird Die grootte van die biskop se knegte, waarop hy en sy oom, die dekaan van Caithness, opgesluit was en deur die Privy Council genoop was om vrede met die biskop te sluit. In 1535 het William Terboll ander lande geërf en in 1540 Kinsteary en Brichtmony aan John Campbell van Calder gegee. In 1542 verklaar 'n jurie hom as wettige erfgenaam van sy vader se erf in lande en huurgeld in Inverness-shire. Ook in 1542 besleg hy 'n gewelddadige geskil met Donald Mackay van Farr oor grond wat sy vader in 1530 toegestaan is, terwyl die graaf Moray as arbiter optree. William sterf in 1543. Sy vrou Elizabeth trou tweedens met James Murray van Culbardie. Hy het vier seuns gehad:
b. William van Evelix (gemeente Dornoch), 'n getuie in 1562, het deelgeneem aan die neem van die Berriedale-kasteel (Caithness) in 1566 en aan die aanval op Dornoch van 1570. waar hy na bewering die as van biskop Gilbert verstrooi het Moray ('Saint Gilbert') en is kort daarna oorlede. (Die kasteel is nou 'n baie minder ruïne).
c. Nicholas, ook 'n getuie in 1562, genoem in handveste van 1562 en 1566, was in 1566 te Berriedale.
d. Walter word (miskien verkeerdelik) in 1562 as broer van Alexander genoem).
9. Alexander het sy vader William Sutherland van Duffus opgevolg voor 1544. Nog 'n minderjarige in 1554 was hy bedrywig met die bedeling van die graaf van Sutherland as heerser in die lande en kasteel van Skelbo, ook in Invershin en ander lande. Hy het sasine van Duffus in 1555. In 1562 maak die graaf van Sutherland Skelbo. Invershin, Pronsy, Torboll en alle ander lande in Sutherland wat deur Alexander Sutherland van Duffus gehou word vir 'wyk en verligting' en ander dienste in die Baronie Skelbo. In 1560 woon hy die parlement by wat die eerste belydenis van geloof bekragtig het. In 1563 het die graaf die graafskap verbeur en Alexander het Skelbo van die kroon gehou. In 1559 het die leër van Duffus en die graaf van Caithness 'n ooreenkoms aangegaan vir die huwelik van hul onderskeie oudste kinders. Hy het by die graaf se geskille betrokke geraak en waarskynlik ingestem tot die beslaglegging deur sy broers van die Berriedale -kasteel van Lord Oliphant. Alexander het ook saam met die graaf se manne deelgeneem aan die aanval op Dornoch in 1567 en 1570. Hy trou (kontrak gedateer 1552-53) met Janet, dogter van James Grant van Freuchie. Sy trou tweedens met James Dempster van Auchterless (kontrak van 1577). Alexander het drie seuns en een dogter gehad:
a. Alexander, gebore c. 1554 word genoem in die kontrak van sy beoogde huwelik met Elizabeth Sinclair.
c. James, gebore in 1561. was 'in pleegsorg met Angus Hectorsone' aan wie James 'vader Alexander' fyve meris (merries) met ane stallione 'gegee het en deur wie' vier meris 'toegevoeg is ten bate van die kind. In 1590 was James 'n waarskuwing vir sy ma, Janet Grant. By sy huwelik met Violet, dogter van Thomas Fraser van Strichen, het hy Kinsteary in Moray van sy broer William Sutherland gehad. James was die voorvader van die Sutherlands van Kinstearie.
d. Elizabeth trou (kontrak van 1590) met Archibald Douglas van Pittendreich.
10. William, son and heir to Alexander Sutherland of Duffus, was infeft in Duffus and Greschip in 1579. He also had Quarrelwood and other lands. Although he had been appointed to keep order in the North, he is said to have reset (harbour) 'broken men' (outlaws) on his lands in 1587. In 1588 Duffus, Quarrelwood, Greschip and other lands were made into the barony of Duffus. In 1606 the laird of Duffus and the burgh of Dornoch agreed the boundaries between the lands of Skelbo and Pronsy and the burgh, a subject of prolonged disputers He married first in 1579. Margaret, daughter of George Sinclair, Earl of Caithness and secondly, before 1604, Margaret. daughter of William Macintosh of Dunachton. He died in 1616 and had three sons and two daughters:
b. James bought Kinminitie in Banff from James Grant of Freuehie and Blanch in the parish of Rogart in Sutherland together with other lands from John Murray of Aberscors in 1624. He was tutor to his nephew Alexander Sutherland of Duffus. He married Margaret, daughter of Sir John Seaton of Mionylangain, Longford. He died in 1679-80 and was ancestor to the Sutherlands of Kinminitie
c. John, ancestor to the Sutherlands of Clyne. (parish of Clyne, Sutherland).
d. Margaret married (contract of 1610) Colonel Robert Monro of Fowlis. She died young.
e. Janet married George Ogilvy, first Lord Banff.
11. William, son and heir to his father William Sutherland of Duffus inherited the barony of Skelbo in 1616. He was involved in several disputes with Sir Robert Gordon, with the Earl of Sutherland in or before 1617 over tithes and with John Gordon of Embo, a feud breaking out in 1625. In 1612 he married Jean or Janet, daughter of John Grant of Freuchie. He died in 1626 and had three sons and one daughter:
b. William, heir to his brother John in the lands of Kinminitie and other lands in Banff, infeft in 1662: named in the testament of his brother Lord Duffus in 1674 had Inverhassie in 1694.
c. John, named in 1649 as brother to the laird of Duffus and Commissioner of Supply for Elgin. He married (contract of 1656) Isabella, daughter of David Ross of Bainagown who married secondly (contract of 1659) James Innes Lichnet. John died in or before 1658.
d. Anne married Patrick Grant. As lieutenant-colonel took part in the battle of Worcester in England in 1651. She was still alive in 1663.
12. Alexander succeeded his father William when five years old In 1627 she was named heir to Duffus. His uncle, James Sutherland of Kinminitie, became his tutor. In 1641 Alexandar accompanied the Earl of Sutherland on his visit to England attending that same year the Parliament at Edinburgh and the arrival of King Charles I (1625-49). He was knighted before 1643 and served as a Commissioner for Sutherland in 1646. In 1647 he petitioned and received from Parliament, for loss in adhering to the Covenant, 3000 merks Scots of which one third for his uncle James Sutherland. He travelled in France and Holland returning from the continent with King Charles II (1649-85) to Scotland in 1650. He was fined for his opposition to Cromwell and the taking of Perth with 600 men. Alexander married first Jean, daughter of Colin Mackenzie, Earl of Seaforth secondly Jean, daughter of Sir Robert Innes of Innes thirdly Margaret, daughter of James Stewart, Ear] of Moray and fourthly Margaret, daughter of William, Lord Forbes. Lord Duffus died in 1674. He had three sons and three daughters:
c. Robin, named in his father's letter of 1666.
d. Marie, (named as Robin her brother).
e. Margaret, named in her father's will.
f. Henrietta, named in her father's will, married George, Earl of Linlithgow.
13. James, second Lord Duffus, succeeded his father Alexander in 1674. He attended the Scots Parliament in 1678, 1681 and 1685, and became a Privy Councillor in 1686. Much indebted he sold or mortgaged his estate to his son James. In 1688, apparently in exasperation, Duffus drew his sword and killed William Ross of Kindeace, who had been pressing him for payment. Duffus fled to England but later appears to have been pardoned. In 1639 he supported the Prince of Orange and in 1690 took oath of allegiance to him as King William III (1689-1702). In 1695 his privilege of fairs and markets at Duffus was enacted in the Scots Parliament and in 1701 he supported the Darien Company, the dream of a Scots merchant colony in Central America (1698-1700), perhaps the worst economic disaster in Scottish history. He married (contract of 1674) Margaret daughter of Kenneth Mackenzie, Earl of Seaforth. He died in 1705 and had five sons and seven daughters:
b. James, advocate, in 1704 acquired his father's estate with a loan from Archibald Dunbar of Thunderton. Unable to pay, he parted with the estate to his creditor. After he married Elizabeth, daughter of Sir William Dunbar of Hempriggs. Assuming the surname Dunbar, he was made a baronet. He died before 1739 and had issue.
c. William of Roscommon married (contract of 1702) Helen, daughter of William Duff of Dipple. As a Jacobite he left Scotland after the rebellion of 1716.
f. Elizabeth had dancing lessons in Edinburgh in 1704 and married (contract of 1709) Sir John Gordon of Embo.
ek. Mary married James Sinclair of Mey.
j. Katharine married John Cuthbert, town clerk of Inverness.
k. Isabel was buried at Greyfriars, Edinburgh, in 1694.
1. Esther married John Ross. They were infeft in Easter Balvraid, parish of Dornoch, Sutherland, in 1711.
14. Kenneth, third Lord Duffus, succeeded his father James in 1705. As a captain in the Queen's Navy (Queen Anne.1702-14), he, in 1711 with his frigate of forty-six guns, engaged eight French privateers, and wounded by five bullets was captured. Although he voted for the Union of the English and Scottish Parliaments (1707), he joined the Jacobites in 1715, leading that year more than four hundred of the rebels into Tain and there proclaimed the Chevalier St. George, 'The Old Pretender' as King James VIII. The Lairds of Culloden and Kilravock refusing to surrender, the rebels marched South to join the Earl of Mar at Perth. After the Jacobite defeat of 171S the estate of Duffus was forfeited and Lord Duffus, by way of Caithness, escaped to Sweden. Preparing to return to Britain he was seized in Hamburg and imprisoned in the Tower of London but freed without trial in 1717. Later he entered the Russian Navy. He married (contract dated 1708) Charlotta Chnstina, daughter of Eric Sioblade, Governor of Gottenberg in Sweden. He died in or before 1734 and had one son and two daughters:
b. Charlotta named in 1778 as one ef her mother's executors.
c. Anna married Baron and Count Marshall Gustaff Adolf Palbitzki of Sweden. She also was named in 1778 as one of her mother's executors.
15. Eric, baptized in 1710, succeeded his father Kenneth as titular Lord Duffus. In 1734 he petitioned King George II (1727-60) but his claim to the Lordship of Duffus was reflected by the House of Lords. It is said that Eric was an ensign in Colonel Disney's regiment in 1731. Residing at Ackergill Castle by Wick in Caithness and on a friendly footing with the Earl of Sutherland, he supported King George in the Jacobite rising of 1745-46. He married his cousin Elizabeth, daughter of Sir Dunbar of Hempriggs. He died probably at Skelbo, perhaps at Skibo, in 1763 and had two sons and three daughters:
a. James born in 1747, named as heir to his father in 1770 was captain in the 26th Regiment when he eloped with Mary, daughter of James Hayt Earl of Erroll, wife of General John Scott of Balcomie, who divorced her in 1771. The title of Lord Duffus was restored to James by Act of Parliament in 1826. He died unmarried at Marylebone in 1827. His death marked the end of the Sutherlands of Duffus.
c. Elizabeth married first Captain Alexander Sinclair, son of Sir William Sinclair of Keiss secondly Charies Sinclair of Olrig and thirdly, in 1772, the Reverend James Rudd, rector in Yorkshire.
e. Anne, third daughter born 1750, married at Embo in 1766 George Mackay of Skibo, advocate in 1737, 'captain in one of London's independent companies' in 1745. (1)
(Words marked- may require explanation)
Archdeacon: chief of the attendants upon a bishop.
Chalder: 16 bolls or 64 firlots of corn (1 boll: 6 imperial bushels 1 bushel: 2218.19 cubic inches). Charter: document or evidence for certain privileges or rights granted, originally by the sovereign to a subject.
Crag of Dunnottar: Gaelic, creag, rock (of difficult access): locality with ruins of ancient stronghold on the coast of Angus.
Esquire: old French, esquier, shield bearer in chivalry, a young man of gentle birth.
Fier: the owner of the fee-simple of a property (as opposed to a life-renter). Fee-simple: an estate in land belonging to the owner and his heirs for ever in absolute possession.
Forfeited: from forfeit, to lose in consequence of a breach of law.
Homage roll: (in feudal law) record or list of acknowledgement of allegiance by tenants or vassals declaring themselves men of the king or the lord of whom they hold and bind themselves in service.
Ilk: same, identical of that ilk, of the same place, territorial designation or name.
Infeftment: from enfeoffment, the action of putting a tenant legally in possession of a holding, or to surrender a holding.
Lord apperand: lord from old English hlaford, (hlaf, loaf and weard, ward or keepers master, ruler. Apperand: heir apparent, manifest heir, successor.
Master: heir apparent to a Scottish peerage (noble title).
Moravia: Latin for Moray or Morayshlre.
Merk: money of the value of a mark weight of pure silver or, in history, 2/3 of the L Sterling. In Scotland, a coin worth 13 shillings and four pence Snots: 13 l/2 pence English (1480) .
Oxgang: the eighth part of the ploughland, 10 to 18 or more acres. Ploughland: the unit of assessment of land after the Norman Conquest (1066) based upon the area capable of being tilled by one plough team of eight oxen in the year.
Parson: holder of a parochial benefice in full possession of its rights and dues, (clergyman).
Petty, Bracholy, Boharm and Arkldol:
Privy Council: the counsellors of the sovereign.
Regality: sovereign rule, territorial jurisdiction of a royal nature granted by the king area subject to a lord of regality.
Sasine: the act of giving possession of feudal property.
Sheriff: the representative of the sovereign, responsible for certain administrative functions and the execution of the law in a shire.
Teinds: from teind. tenth part or tithe of yearly produce from land, payable for the support of the clergy by the laity.
Thane: person ranking with the son of an earl, holding lands of the king.
Toune: from Gaelic, dun, fortified place, hence enclosed ground. 'In Scotland a single house may be called a town' (Sir Walter Scott in 'Waverley').
Vassal: In the feudal system, one holding lands from a superior on conditions of homage and allegiance. (See homage).
Ward and Relief: Ward, the control and use of the lands of a deceased tenant by knight service and the guardianship of the infant heir which belonged to the superior until the heir attained majority. Relief: a payment made by the heir of a feudal tenant on taking up possession of the vacant estate.
Writer to the Signet: a clerk in the Secretary of State's office who prepared writs to pass the royal signet later a law- agent practicing before the Court of Session and preparing Crown writs, charters, etc. Signet: a Small seal.
1. Paul, Sir James Balfour, Lord Lyon King of Arms, 'The Scots Peerage founded on Wood's edition of Sir Robert Douglas's Peerage of Scotland, containing an historical and genealogical account of the nobility of that Kingdom', Vol. VIII, Edinburgh, 1904-14.
2. Fraser, Sir William, 'The Sutherland Book', 3 Vols., Edinburgh, 1894.
3. Henderson, John, 'Caithness Family History', Edinburgh, 1884.
4. Grant, F. J. 'Register of Marriage, Edinburgh 1751-1800'. Edinburgh, 1922.
5. Shorter Oxford English Dictionary and other sources.
George Sutherland, U.S. Supreme Court Justice, U.S. Senator and Congressman, and Women’s Rights Advocate
George Sutherland, the only Supreme Court Justice to come from Utah, supported women’s rights, particularly the right of women to vote and to engage as full members in American society. Sutherland was born in Stony Stratford, Buckinghamshire, England, March 25, 1862, to Frances Slater and Alexander George Sutherland. The extended Sutherland family joined the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and George and his parents traveled to Utah by ship, train, and wagon when he was only eighteen months old. Once in Utah, they settled in Springville, where George described his childhood as very simple and very hard. Because of his father’s problems with alcoholism, his parents left the church, and George was never baptized as a church member.
George quit school at age 12 and worked full-time to save money to attend Brigham Young Academy (BYA), a precursor to Brigham Young University. At age 16 he started at BYA, attended for two years, and then attended University of Michigan Law School for one year.
George Sutherland. Courtesy of Utah State Historical Society.
Returning to Utah, George married Rosamond Lee in 1883. They eventually became parents to three children. He practiced law with his father in Provo for three years, and then formed his own firm with Samuel Thurman in Salt Lake City. He entered politics, and in 1895 served on a commission drafting the Utah Constitution that provided for women’s suffrage, a cause which George would champion throughout his career.
In 1896, when Utah was admitted as a state to the Union, George, a Republican, was elected to the Senate in the first state legislature. In 1900, he was elected to Utah’s only U.S. Congressional seat, and in 1905, the Utah State Legislature elected him to the U.S. Senate, the method at the time for selecting U.S. senators.
Over the next decade, George became a leading figure in the national suffrage movement. Both he and his wife gave speeches and held meetings supporting the right to vote. The Sutherlands became friends with Alice Paul, the leader of the more radical Congressional Union for Woman Suffrage, later the National Women’s Party, and helped her with events staged to garner support for the movement. In August 1915, women held a meeting in Salt Lake City to welcome Paul and her automobile train traveling from the Women’s Voter Convention in San Francisco to Washington, D.C. that gathered more than 500,00 signatures in support of a women’s suffrage amendment. At the meeting, Annie Wells Cannon, daughter of leading Utah suffragist Emmeline B. Wells, thanked George for his support, and he gave a few supporting remarks. When the train arrived in Washington, D.C. several months later, George and Wyoming Congressman Franklin Wheeler Mendell greeted it. On December 6, Representative Mendell introduced the Susan B. Anthony Amendment into the U.S. House, and the next day George introduced it into the U.S. Senate.
Senator George Sutherland, Winifred Mallon, Reverend Olympia Brown, Alva Belmont at the Utah State Capitol welcoming the suffrage envoys from the San Francisco Exposition that were carrying petitions to Washington D.C. in October 1915. Courtesy of the National Women’s Party.
On December 13, Paul sponsored a mass meeting that took place at the Belasco Theatre in Washington D.C. with George as a main speaker. He based his arguments on the practical experience of the twelve states, including Utah, that had already granted the vote to women:
To my mind the right of women to vote is as obvious as my own right. . . When we have proven the case for universal manhood suffrage we have made clear the case for womanhood suffrage as well. Women on average are as intelligent as men, as patriotic as men, as anxious for good government as men, and to deprive them of the right to participate in the government is to make an arbitrary division . . . .
Flyer advertising Senator George Sutherland of Utah as a speaker for a mass meeting of the Congressional Union for Woman Suffrage in Belasco, Massachusetts. Courtesy of Library of Congress.
He closed by affirming that “women’s fundamental nature” would not change once they were given the right to vote indeed, “it [voting] will deepen her sense of responsibility, give her a more intelligent appreciation of her country’s needs and broaden her opportunity to ‘do her bit’ for the common good.”
The amendment failed in 1916. George, too, suffered defeat after two terms in Congress, a defeat he felt came about because of his support for the amendment. He returned to legal practice and became President of the American Bar Association in 1918. He served as a campaign and later presidential advisor to Warren G. Harding. After the 19th Amendment was ratified in 1920, Alice Paul moved on to crafting the Equal Rights Amendment and consulted with George. Both agreed that the law should treat women and men equally no matter their alleged differences.
Supreme Court Justice George Sutherland. Courtesy of Utah State Historical Society.
President Harding appointed George an Associate Justice of the Supreme Court in 1922, and he served until 1938. An opponent of Roosevelt’s New Deal legislation, the conservative George became known as one of the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse. His most important opinion was the majority opinion rendered in the case of Powell v Alabama, which helped lead to the constitutional right to counsel in all criminal cases and a recognition of the illegality of systematically excluding African Americans from juries.
George died July 18, 1942, while on vacation in Stockbridge, Massachusetts.
Ann Engar is a professor/lecturer in the Honors College and LEAP Program at the University of Utah, specializing in intellectual history, pedagogy, and law. She has authored numerous short biographies, including for the online NASW project, and serves on the Holladay Historical Commission.
Spokane historian Jerome Peltier interviewed pioneer George Washington Sutherland (1854-1949) in the 1940s and in 1989 prepared this account for The Pacific Northwesterner. It describes Sutherland’s trip West, his years as a cowboy, and his service as a volunteer in the Nez Perce War. This essay was originally published in the Spring 1989 issue of The Pacific Northwesterner (Vol. 33, No. 1), pp. 8-14, and is here reprinted with permission.
A Young Man Goes West
George Washington Sutherland's grand adventure began in 1872 when, as an 18-year-old, he felt the urge to see the wide-open spaces of the American West. He had read letters from William Purington to his father, Captain George Purington, of Bowdoinham, Maine, that described in glowing terms the fertile grasslands of Washington Territory and the opportunities available to anyone daring to leave home and start again in a new land. At the time, George had been working as a farmhand for Purington, who had been a captain in the Union Army during the Civil War. When the captain mentioned that he and his family would soon be leaving to join William at his cattle ranch, George asked if he could go with them.
Unfortunately, George had a serious problem. He had only $15 to his name. Somehow, George convinced the captain to lend him $140, and his father chipped in $25 making a total of $180. The Puringtons were leaving on Friday, so three days before that, George asked his mother for permission to go. After much hesitation, she reluctantly agreed. In the meantime, Captain Purington had gone to Boston and purchased George's train ticket to San Francisco for $122. George was on his way on August 20, 1872, with $58 that had to last him until he reached the Purington ranch somewhere in the southeast part of Washington Territory.
This is the story that George Sutherland related to me as he sat on his bed at Sacred Heart Hospital in Spokane in 1941, when he was 87 years old. He later told me of many other events that happened to him during his long and active life, but exciting as they were, all were but an anticlimax to his trip west.
West by Rail
The Puringtons had first-class tickets and George was traveling second class, so George didn't see them again during the entire trip. For the first time in his life, he was alone without friends or family. The train did not have a diner, so for the entire nine-day trip, George ate from a large basket of food his mother had packed for him. At night, he slept on his stiff uncomfortable seat in the unheated car, covered by a pair of blankets that his mother had insisted he take with him.
He crossed the Mississippi at St. Louis over the Eads steel bridge, an engineering marvel for its time. At Council Bluffs, Iowa, he walked across the bridge over the Missouri River to Omaha, where he boarded a Union Pacific train. He stopped over in Cheyenne, Wyoming, for a day and a half. Wyoming was the first state in the nation to grant women the right to vote and he noted that many women in the town were voting. He continued his trip through Rawlins, Wyoming, and Ogden, Utah, passing bands of antelope as the train chugged along the plains. Once a herd of buffalo thundered down the tracks, almost destroying them. Finally the train crossed the deserts of northern Nevada and reached Sacramento. He arrived in San Francisco on August 29 to be met at the station by a confidence man who tried to swindle him out of his meager funds. George ignored him and hurried to the steamboat office where he bought a third-class passage to Portland, Oregon, for $20.
About 4 p.m. the next day, he left on what he called "the old tub, the Oroflame, a sidewheeler." He continued, "No one would travel on such a boat today. When we got outside the Golden Gate, the boat began to pitch and wallow for four days until we got to Astoria."
At that time, Astoria consisted of a cluster of huts on pilings. The boat tied up there for half-a-day while cargo and mail from the East were unloaded. He finally reached Portland by evening and learned that another boat would be leaving for Wallula the next morning. He hurriedly spent $12 of his rapidly depleting money for a ticket. He couldn't afford to buy meals or a berth, as they cost extra.
His boat left early the next morning and by 10 a.m. had reached the cascades of the Columbia River, where cargo had to be unloaded and carried by cars on a narrow gauge railroad six miles upriver to another steamer, which continued the trip to The Dalles. Following an overnight stay, freight and passengers were again transported by narrow-gauge railroad to another steamer eight miles upriver, which went as far as Umatilla, where it stopped for the night. At that time, Umatilla was a lively town of about 3,000 people. All supplies for eastern Oregon and southern Idaho came through there until the Oregon Steam Navigation Company constructed a rail line to its docks on the Columbia at Wallula. Supplies then went from there to Walla Walla, which became the main distribution point.
The Real West
The day he arrived at Umatilla was windy, and sand was piling up in the streets in drifts three or four-feet deep, according to George. After a night in town, he boarded another steamer, which took him to Wallula where he arrived penniless and hungry. He had spent the last of his money for a berth. He made a deal with a teamster to haul his rifle and baggage to Walla Walla while he walked, arriving there about 6 p.m. after a hot, dusty hike. He went to the St. Louis Hotel and told the proprietor that he wanted a meal and a place to sleep, but had no money. The proprietor said, "Young man, the world is yours. Help yourself." George took him at his word, had a good meal and a good night's sleep.
George recalled, "Every other door was a saloon. There were many teamsters. I watched some of them packing mules, as many as 75 to a train (for the trip to the mines), and the mule trains were strung out for miles. There were many large corrals mainly for the mules."
Walla walla was the supply center for the region. "The mules were hitched in teams of six, eight or 10 to large freight wagons. Horsedrawn stage coaches were coming and going through town. Men worked hard and played hard, and saloons had plenty of patrons. Card games were going on all of the time."
In his wanderings around town, George located a teamster who had heard about the Purington ranch and was passing by it. He agreed to transport George's belongings and guide George there if George was willing to walk all of the way. George borrowed $2.50 from his new-found friend, paid his hotel and food bill with it, and left that afternoon on the last leg of his journey. This would be a jaunt of 80 miles to the area around Penewawa on the north side of the Snake River approximately 25 miles due west of present-day Pullman, Washington.
The man's team consisted of a small mule hitched to an unkempt, scrawny cayuse pony, barely able to pull an unloaded wagon let alone a loaded one. George felt so sorry for the animals that he left his trunk behind, taking only his blankets, his rifle, a pistol, and a saddle bag. He had brought the guns as protection from the "Indians and badmen" that he understood "infested" the West at that time.
The first day's travel brought them to what George called Whetstone Hollow, which offered good grazing for the team. The road was merely an Indian trail showing traces of heavy use. In places, the ruts were two-feet deep, while in other places, the trail could barely be discerned. Drivers often deviated from the track, going where they felt they could make the best time.
The second day, George observed that the hills were dry and parched, although they were covered with nutritious bunch grass. By noon, they reached the Tucannon River where a man named Platter ran a crude rest station. After climbing out of the Tucannon Valley, they started down toward the Snake River on a narrow hilly road, the wagon nearly tipping over several times. Finally the river came into view, glistening in the distance, and Brown's Ferry became visible. While they were hastening down the Snake River breaks, a post rider charged past them, carrying the mail from Kelton, Utah, to points north via Walla Walla, Colfax, Spokan Bridge, Rathdrum, Idaho, and by boat across Lake Pend Oreille to Missoula, Montana.
Two other Snake River crossings existed at that time: Lyon's Ferry near the mouth of the Palouse River and the ferry at Lewiston where the Snake joins the Clearwater River. Dusty sign-boards advertised these ferries declaring that plenty of wood, water, and grass was present along the road.
George described Brown's rest stop as a square box shanty and a shed in which a man could rest himself and his horse. This was the first habitation George encountered since leaving the Tucannon River. After crossing the river, George helped pull the wagon up the hill where the team found good grass and water, as the signs had promised.
By noon of September 17, George arrived at Gooseberry Springs in Whitman County and his teamster friend told him that after they reached Alki Flat, he could easily find the Purington ranch by heading south toward the Snake River. George thanked him, gave him his pistol as a pawn for his $2. 50 debt, and they parted.
Riding the Range
With a feeling of loneliness, the youth started across the rolling hills. No other human being was in sight. It seemed as if there was always a hill ahead of him, but finally, he came to a ravine that led down to the Snake River, where he quenched his thirst. He realized that he had turned south too soon and was lost, but after walking several more miles, he saw a small shack ahead of him. The sun was setting and his pack was heavy, so the hut was a welcome sight. He knocked on the door and a surprised William Purington answered with a warm welcome for the weary traveler.
A man named Holbrook was staying with Purington at the time, and these two men were George's first acquaintances in Whitman County. He rested a few days and after getting a horse, went out with the other hired hands to learn how to be a cowpuncher. The next phase of his life had begun.
"My wages were $25 a month and board, and I wasn't worth that much as I was a green Easterner. I did become quite a cowboy eventually," George said. It was not long before George became fully trained in riding and rounding up cattle. Soon he was able to go on long trips in search of strays.
"There were thousands of cattle down there, and we had a huge range to cover. My employer ran a herd of from 500 to 1,000 head. Our range extended from Lewiston to the Palouse, 90 miles east and west, and from the Snake River to Spokane Falls." There were no fences. Cattle from various ranches mingled freely as they grazed, and were separated by brand at roundup time.
"Spokane Falls was a poor feeding ground, so we did not give it much attention. I think that the first time I was there, there were only two houses in the place. Colfax was the same."
In a conversation several years later, George described the rangeland in the Snake River country:
"Along the banks of the river, large portions of the hills at the north had slid down the canyons (in the past) due to cloudbursts and the continuous flow of small streams, and had formed bars . which were very fertile. A number of Indians had claimed this land, but then the settlers started coming in, some of whom took squatter's rights on it. This, of course, caused trouble right away. The first place to become involved was four miles above the place that I was working -- Penewawa.
"There were two brothers named Smith who were cattlemen, who were the first to settle on this land and they thought that the Indians were not entitled to such good land and should be back on a reservation, so they took it for themselves. This land is in cultivation today [1945] with fine orchards of peaches, pears and cherries, and is worth many thousands of dollars.
"There were two other bars on the river that received freight from Portland from a steamer that called once a week. One was at Almota, where Henry Spalding, son of the missionary, ran a store and a hotel. The other was at Wawawai. Senator La Follette of Wisconsin and the Holt brothers had a large orchard there and shipped quantities of fruit all over the country. There was trouble here between the Indians and settlers and one Indian was killed by the man I was working for. The trouble was finally settled by Chief [Spokane] Garry, who was a noted Indian at that time.
"During those days, the Indians became rather insulting and would come into cabins if there was no man around and (ask the womenfolk) for something to eat, tobacco, or matches. Of course, the settlers were frightened by them at first, but later became somewhat used to them. The women would stand no nonsense and always kept a rifle or pistol handy. I was afraid of them at first, (but) after awhile picked up enough of their jargon to talk with them and was able to understand [them].
"At the Purington ranch, we planted peach, pear and apple trees. In the Spring of 1873 we planted all kinds of seeds and also sweet potatoes, tobacco, peanuts and cotton. They all grew well. The wind blew a gale at times so we set out a wind break of locust trees.
"The winter of 1874-5 was the worst I ever spent. Cattle died by the thousands, for the snow was deep and the springs were frozen so badly that it was impossible for the cattle to drink. It was frightfully cold. When Winter broke, dead cattle were everywhere. Great pieces of ice came down the Snake River. Some of the flows were 40 feet high."
George tired of the monotony of ranch life and left for the big city in 1875. He went to Portland where he started on a succession of jobs that took him from Walla Walla to Moscow, Idaho, and Newport, Washington. Employment was readily available for anyone willing to work and George tried everything from being a waiter, a barber, a sewing machine salesman, and a druggist. He even took a turn at practicing medicine.
Nez Perce War
In 1877, he was in Colfax when word arrived of the Nez Perce uprising. George provided me with a written account of his experience:
"On June 15, word came that a group of the Nez Perce Indians under the leadership of Chief Joseph had begun hostilities against the white settlers in western Idaho Territory by killing in cold blood several of the settlers. On Sunday, the 17th day of June, I, as well as many others, were at a camp meeting at what was known as Chase's Mill, about 18 miles east of Colfax, when a man by the name of Joe Evans came into camp about 11 o'clock with his horse covered with sweat, and said: 'The Indians are coming down Union Flat, killing and burning everything in sight.' (Actually, no fighting occurred in Union Flat.)
"The meeting broke up without waiting for the benediction, and everyone started for home or for Colfax. When I arrived back in Colfax, I found the streets barricaded and great excitement. An old man by the name of D. S. Bowman was upon the stoop of the only store in town, and he was saying, 'Gentlemen, I have lived in Indian country all of my life, and I can say to all of you people that we should organize a company of volunteers. Then you will be recognized by the government.' We organized a company on the spot. We appointed officers (and) all signed the roster and were sworn in. Then we were all told to go out and get all the firearms we had or could borrow. When we returned, all we could muster was 22 rifles, shotguns, and pistols. My duty, with two others, was to stand guard at the south end of town on the hills where it was supposed that the Indians would come through.
"The next morning, I was ordered to reconnoiter and report. I went first to Three Forks, where Pullman is now situated, but there was no one within five miles. From there I went to Palouse City. There were very few families there, but the men from town and country were building a stockade. I stopped over there to help where I could. The next day, I went on to Moscow. Only a few people were there, but they were building a stockade with a big cellar inside for the women and children. It was built on a sloping side hill, and we could see the Indians passing along the foothills [on] the trail between Spokane and Lewiston. I stayed there for two days and had a chance to send a report to Colfax. Then I went to Lewiston, arriving there the same evening that General Howard arrived by boat from Portland with company of Georgia troops. They had no experience in fighting Indians, but a company was ordered out to go up Craig's Mountain to Grangeville and Mount Idaho and White Bird Canyon. They were sent down in regular formation and the Indians were up on the sides of the canyon, and as I was told by one of the company, they had no chance at all .
"After Joseph and his band eluded General Howard and fled over the Lolo Pass into Montana with the intention of reaching sanctuary in Canada, Sutherland and the members of his company of volunteers were ordered to watch for any stragglers who might circle back. We went to Mount Idaho, Grangeville, White Bird and many other places where we thought we might run into Indians, but we did not see any from that time on. The company was mustered out in August or September of the same year, 1877."
George's account concludes, "All the records [of the company's activities] . were destroyed in the big fire, so we have no record of our company's doings. After our enlistment, we had to furnish all of our equipment, horse, saddle, blankets and eat where we could. After 60 years, I think I am entitled to a badge of some kind as five of my company were receiving pensions (and I was not). I have saved Uncle Sam quite a sum of money by not applying for one. I did not need the money and I did not think that I was doing anything but my duty. We had to protect our homes under any circumstances."
George continued traveling over the Northwest investing in various business enterprises including mining, all with mediocre success. He eventually settled in Newport, Washington. There, he was a member of the City Council, served several terms as Mayor, was County Commissioner of Stevens and Pend Oreille Counties and president of a bank. He died in 1949 after a long and active life in which he realized his ambition of being a pioneer in the American West.
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Spokane historian Jerome Peltier interviewed pioneer George Washington Sutherland (1854-1949) in the 1940s.
The Sutherland Archives makes collections available for research to the campus community and the public at large. Access to archival materials is with assistance of Archives staff only. Items in the Sutherland Archives do not circulate like other Library materials, but photocopies of documents or scanned images of photographs can be obtained by request, usually within 24 hours. Holdings information for materials in the Archives is available through the Fulton Library's online catalog. For more information regarding items contained in our collections or any other archives-related questions, please contact us.
The George Sutherland Archives focuses on building collections in the following areas:
- • The history of Utah Valley University
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• The secular history of local cities, particularly Orem, Lindon, Vineyard, and surrounding communities
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• American Deaf history and culture, particularly Utah
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Arkes, Hadley. The Return of George Sutherland: Restoring a Jurisprudence of Natural Rights. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1994.
Mason, Alpheus Thomas. "The Conservative World of Mr. Justice Sutherland, 1883-1910." American Political Science Review 32 (June 1938): 443-77.
Paschal, Joel Francis. Mr. Justice Sutherland, a Man Against the State. 1951. Reprint. New York: Greenwood Press, 1969.
Sutherland, George. Constitutional Power and World Affairs. 1919. Reprint. New York: Johnson Reprint Corp., 1970.
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In 1883 Sutherland had completed one term at the University of Michigan Law School and qualified for the Michigan bar. That summer he returned to Utah and married Rosamund Lee. They had three children--Emma (born 1884), Philip (born 1886), and Edith (born 1888)--whom he supported by practicing law in Utah. In 1894 he helped to organize the Utah State Bar Association.
In 1896 Sutherland, a Republican, joined the first Utah House of Representatives. In 1899 he was admitted to the bar of the United States Supreme Court, and from 1900 to 1903 he served as Utah's only Representative in the U.S. House. He then served in the U.S. Senate from 1905 to 1916. During this period, he supported much progressive legislation, including a Utah law for an eight-hour day in the mining and smelting industries, as well as national statues such as the Pure Food and Drug Act.
Defeated for the Senate nomination in 1916, Sutherland went into private law practice, served as president of the American Bar Association, and became an advisor to Republican presidential hopeful Warren G. Harding in the campaign of 1920. Harding's election and the sudden resignation of a Supreme Court justice in 1922 paved the way for Sutherland's appointment to the bench.
Sutherland's Supreme Court record belied his earlier progressive stance. He penned such majority opinions as the landmark Adkins v. Children's Hospital, which outlawed a minimum wage for women. In the thirties, he opposed most of the New Deal legislation, and became the intellectual leader of the "Four Horsemen"--the four conservative justices consistently voting against President Franklin D. Roosevelt's programs. He retired from the Court in January 1938 and died on 18 July 1942. He retained the respect of his peers throughout his career and is rated by many historians as "near great" for his Supreme Court performance.
Disclaimer: Information on this site was converted from a hard cover book published by University of Utah Press in 1994.
The Book - Utah History Encyclopedia
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