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(DE-242: dp. 1,200; 1,306'0 ", b. 36'10"; dr. 12'3 "; s. 19,5 k .; kpl. 216, a. 3 3", 2 40 mm., 8 20 mm., 2 dct., 8 dcp., 1 dcp. (Hh.); Cl. Edsall)
Tomich (DE-242) is op 15 September 1942 in Houston, Texas, neergelê deur die Brown Shipbuilding Co .; op 28 Desember 1942 van stapel gestuur; geborg deur mev O. L. Hammonds; en op 27 Julie 1943 in diens geneem, het lt.kom. H. A. Hull in bevel.
Na die ingebruikneming het Tomich op 12 Augustus van Galveston begin en die volgende dag New Orleans bereik. Die begeleier van die verwoester het op die 19de uit die waters van Louisiana vertrek, op pad na Bermuda en vier weke opleiding. Op 23 September vertrek Tomich, in samewerking met Farquhar (DE-139), uit Bermuda en begelei Merrimack (AO-37) na Norfolk voordat hy na Charleston, SC, en beskikbaarheid vaar.
Tomich het op 9 Oktober na Kuba geseil en vir verdere opleiding in die Karibiese waters geseil, en Guantanamobaai bereik op die 12de. Vyf dae later het die begeleide vaartuig 'n afspraak met George Washington geneem en haar na Kingston, Jamaika, begelei. Tomich keer dadelik terug na Kuba. Toe sy later dieselfde dag, 17 Oktober, terugkeer na Guantanamobaai, ontvang sy bevele om te soek na Dorado (SS-248) wat op 6 Oktober uit New London gevaar het en wat na verwagting op die 14de by die Canal Zone sou aankom. Tomich het na die vermiste duikboot gejag tot die 22d, maar kon geen spoor daarvan opspoor nie.
Ses dae later het die verwoester-begeleier koers na Hampton Roads gestuur om Pike (SS-173) na Norfolk te vertoon. Sy is op die 30ste vrygestel van hierdie plig en keer terug na Guantanamobaai voordat sy weer op pad is na die noorde en op 5 November die hawe by Norfolk maak.
Nege dae later sluit Tomich aan by die skerm van Convoy UGS-24, op pad na Frans Marokko. Op 2 Desember, nadat haar aanklagte al die hawe gemaak het, gooi sy anker by Casablanca af. By die aankoms in New York op Kersoggend, 1943. Na die begeleiding van Convoy GUS-24, het Tomich langs pier "K" van die New York Navy Yard verseker dat dit beskikbaar was in 1944.
Op 5 Januarie 1944 vertrek Tomich uit die erf en gaan na Block Island Sound vir opleiding in kanonne en oorlogsbestryding teen die duikboot by Montauk Point, Long Island. Vyf dae later stoom die skip saam met ander eenhede van die Escort Division (CortDiv) 7 na Norfolk Va. Na 'n kort onafhanklike vlug na Gibraltar, waar sy langs die beroemde Britse slagskip vasgemeer het, vertrek Tomich op 4 Februarie uit die Britse basis en ontmoet hulle die volgende dag met Konvooi GUS-29.
Op die 8ste, los van die konvooi -skerm, het sy na die Azore gegaan, waar sy SS Phoenis Banning en SS Abraham Baldwin ontmoet het. Tomich, wat saam met haar twee aanklagte by GUS-29 aangesluit het, het die seevaardingspligte tot op die 17de nagegaan. Die volgende dag het die verwoester-begeleier weer bevele vir onafhanklike diens ontvang en Mattaponi (AO-41) en SS Sangara na Bermuda begelei voordat hulle teruggekeer het noord na die New York Navy Yard vir beskikbaarheid vanaf 22 Februarie.
Tomich is op 5 Maart 1944 aan die gang in Bayonne, N.J., waar sy deperming ondergaan het voordat sy na Montauk Point gegaan het vir opknapping. Die
verwoester -begeleier het na Hampton Roads gevaar en op die 11de in Norfolk aangekom. Twee dae later vaar sy na Tunisië as begeleier vir die konvooi UGS-36.
Op 30 Maart het die konvooi deur die Straat van Gibraltar gegaan, op pad na Bizerte. Tydens die aandwag van die 31ste het Tomich 'n sonarkontak ingeneem en na die algemene kwartaal gegaan om die eggo op te spoor. Met twee 13-laaipatrone het Tomich die hele nag by die huis gebly en 'n patrollie teen die duikboot ingestel in samewerking met HMS Black Swan. Ongeveer 0401, toe Tomich weer by die skerm aansluit, sien haar uitkykpunte vyandelike vliegtuie van haar hawe boog af. Zig-zagging onafhanklik op die hawe boog van die konvooi, die verwoester begeleier het met haar hele vliegtuigbattery op 0410 losgebrand. Tydens die aanval van 20 minute het die vyandelike vliegtuig, tweemotorige Ju. 88's, het laag en vinnig gekom; maar die hewige vuurwapen van die begeleiers het hul aanvallers verdryf sonder om hulself te verloor.
Nadat al haar aanklagte veilig die hawe bereik het, is Tomich na die konvooi GUS36 huiswaarts gestuur, maar op 13 April losgemaak om na Oran, Algerië, te gaan vir inspeksie van haar stuurboordas. Nadat ondersoek geblyk het dat alles in orde was, het die skip op die 14de weer by haar konvooi aangesluit. Sy arriveer daarna op 2 Mei in New York en ondergaan beskikbaarheid by die vlootwerf voordat sy na Casco Bay gaan vir opknapping.
By die terugkeer na Norfolk op die 20ste, vaar Tomich as deel van TF 64 en begelei Konvooi UGS-43 wat na Bizerte is. Nadat hy Noord-Afrika bereik het, was Tomich lank genoeg los van die konvooi om Carib (AT-82) te vergesel, wat Menges (DE-320) na die Azore gesleep het. Toe sy by Horta aankom, het Tomich weer by die konvooi GUS-43 aangekom huis toe.
Beskikbaarheid by die New York Navy Yard vroeg in Julie was voorafgegaan vir verdere opleidingsoefeninge in Casco Bay Maine, voordat die skip op 1 Augustus na Norfolk teruggekeer het om weer 'n heen- en terugreis met UGS50 en GUS-50 te begin. Na nog 'n werfbeskikbaarheid, het sy 'n kuskonvooi van New York na Boston gehardloop. Toe het opleiding in Casco Bay die skip tot in Oktober beset. Op die 10de het Tomich by Quonset Point, RI, aangekom vir spesiale radar- en antisubmarine-oorlogvoeringstoetse en oefeninge met Barracuda (SS-163) en vliegtuie op die wal vanaf Quonset Point Naval Air Station. Op die 13de het Tomich die gebied verlaat en op die 14de teruggekeer na Casco Bay vir verdere oefeningsoefeninge voordat hy op 4 November by Norfolk aangekom het.
Op 7 November het Tomich, in samewerking met die res van CortDiv 7 en Core (CVE-13), vanaf die Naval Operating Base by Hampton Roads aan die gang gegaan vir Bermuda- en "jagter-moordenaar" groepsopleiding. Op 10 November het die groep die res van die maand intensiewe oefeninge gedoen voordat hulle op 6 Desember na New York teruggekeer het. Tomich het vir die res van die jaar 1944 en tot in die lente van 1945 langs die ooskus van die Verenigde State bedrywighede onderneem in die westelike Atlantiese Oseaan.
Na 'n opknapping by die Boston Navy Yard in Mei en Junie, stoom die skip na die Karibiese Eilande. Sy vertrek op 16 Julie 1945 uit Guantanamobaai en verlaat die Panamakanaal op die 18de en arriveer op 26ste in San Diego. Sy het op die 31ste uit die hawe gestaan, terwyl sy op pad was na Hawaii, en het Pearl Harbor op 7 Augustus bereik toe die oorlog in die Stille Oseaan sy hoogtepunt bereik het. Die onverbiddelike opmars van Amerikaanse lug- en vlootmagte, bo-aan die val van atoombomme op Hiroshima en Nagasaki-gedwonge Japan om onvoorwaardelik oor te gee. Intussen het Tomich voortgegaan met oefenoefeninge in Hawaise waters, voordat hy op 20 Augustus uit Pearl Harbor vertrek het, op pad na die westelike Stille Oseaan.
Tomich het op 29 Augustus die hawe by Saipan gemaak voordat hy op 1 September onafhanklik na die Bonins gegaan het. Die verwoester-begeleier het Helm (DD388) op 5 September op die lug-see-reddingsstasie verlig vir 'n tydperk van vyf dae voordat hy op pad was na Iwo Jima en aanvulling. Sy het die res van die jaar 1945 en in 1946 in waters tussen Iwo Jima, Okinawa en Saipan gewerk voordat sy na China vertrek het. Sy maak die hawe in Tsingtao op 13 Januarie 1946. Sy bly diens in Chinese waters tot 10 April toe sy uit Shanghai na Hawaii vertrek. Toe sy op 21 April by Pearl Harbor aankom, het sy via die weskus na die Panamakanaal gegaan.
Na haar aankoms aan die ooskus het die skip van Mei tot laat Augustus inaktiveringsvoorbereidings ondergaan in Charleston, SC. Tomich het daarna na Mayport, Fla., Gegaan en op 4 September aangekom. Na verdere inaktiveringsprosedures daar, is Tomich op 20 September 1946 uit diens geneem, in reserwe, in Green Cove Springs, Fla. .
Tomich het een gevegster ontvang vir diens in die Tweede Wêreldoorlog.
Tomich DE -242 - Geskiedenis
Peter Tomich is gebore op 3 Junie 1893. Volgens ons rekords was Kalifornië sy tuis- of werfstaat en het Los Angeles County in die argiefrekord ingesluit. Ons het Los Angeles as die stad. Hy het by die Amerikaanse vloot aangesluit. Het die diens via Regular Military betree. Gedien tydens die Tweede Wêreldoorlog. Tomich het die rang van onderoffisier gehad. Sy militêre beroep of spesialiteit was Chief Watertender. Diensnommertoewysing was 2276370. Aangeheg by USS Utah. Tydens sy diens in die Tweede Wêreldoorlog beleef Tomich se onderoffisier 'n traumatiese gebeurtenis wat uiteindelik op 7 Desember 1941 lewensverlies tot gevolg gehad het. Opgetekende omstandighede toegeskryf aan: Gedood in aksie. Voorval: Pearl Harbor, Hawaii.Peter Tomich (Tonic), soms opgeteken as "Gerald Victor", is in 1893 in Prolog gebore in die huidige Bosnië-Herzegowina, naby die Kroatiese grens. Hy immigreer in 1913 na die Verenigde State en sluit hom aan by die Amerikaanse weermag in 1917. Hy word 'n Amerikaanse burger, en tien dae nadat sy weermag se werwing verval het, het hy by die Amerikaanse vloot aangesluit.
Hy was in beheer van die ketelkamer aan boord van die USS Utah by Pearl Harbor tydens die Japannese aanval. Nadat die skip getorpedeer is, het Peter by die luik afgegaan, sy manne uit die sinkende vaartuig gehaal, die ketels beveilig en geweier om sy pos te verlaat terwyl die Utah in die water omrol.
Op 4 Maart 1942 word mnr. Tomich postuum toegeken aan die kongresmedalje van eer. Niemand het ooit die medalje geëis nie, aangesien geen naasbestaandes gevind kon word nie. Die medalje, wat op skepe en in regeringsgeboue en museums vertoon is, word nou in die Washington Navy Yard Museum vertoon.
Die verwoester-begeleier USS Tomich (DE-242), 1943–1974, is ter ere van hom genoem. Hy het 'n gedenkteken in 'n gebied waar hy gewoon het, Chardon, Geauga County, Ohio. Hy het 'n neef gehad wat as sy naasbestaandes aangewys is en in Los Angeles, Los Angeles, Kalifornië, gewoon het.
Peter Tomich word begrawe of gedenk by Courts of the Missing, National Memorial Cemetery of the Pacific en USS Utah Memorial, Honolulu, Hawaii. Dit is 'n ligging van die American Battle Monuments Commission.DIE TOMIESE STORIE
Matthew en Garnella Tomich het in die middel van die vyftigerjare as pasgetroudes na die Berkshires gekom. Daar, saam met sy goeie vriend van die kollege, Donald Ward, het hulle die voormalige Dolby's Nursery in die hartjie van Great Barrington, Massachusetts, gekoop. Nadat hy die naam na Ward's Nursery verander het, het Donald, 'n tuinboukundige, die kwekery bestuur, terwyl Matt, 'n landskapargitek, die bou van die landskap hanteer het.
Na baie suksesvolle jare in vennootskap met Don, besluit Matt om sy droom na te streef om 'n familieonderneming te stig, waarin sy seuns die geleentheid sou kry om ingewikkeld betrokke te raak, en stig Matthew Tomich Landscaping in 1975. Hulle werk het floreer in die Berkshires tot 1981 toe Matt en Garnella die moeilike besluit geneem het om die onderneming en hul gesin na Venesië, Florida, te verhuis om die hele jaar deur te werk in die bloeiende suidelike ekonomie.
In Florida sou sy drie seuns Christopher, Mark en Peter hulself beslis in die onderneming en die landskapontwerp- en konstruksiebedryf vestig. In 1982 trek Matt se tweede seun Mark terug noordwaarts na die Berkshires, waar hy by Ward's Nursery aangesluit het om hul landskapbou -afdeling te bedryf, net soos sy pa vroeër gedoen het.
Die Berkshires bel weer in 1988 toe Matthew en Garnella terugkeer noord en by Mark en sy vrou Susie aansluit. Saam vestig hulle wat nou bekend staan as Tomich Landscape Design & amp Construction. Intussen het Christopher en Peter hul eie afdeling in Venesië bedryf tot 1994, toe Christopher en sy gesin ook terug is noordwaarts. Mark en Christopher skep sedertdien verbeeldingryke en asemrowende landskappe in die Berkshires, saam met Tomich Landscape Design & amp Construction uit Sheffield, terwyl Peter 'n baie suksesvolle afdeling in Florida bestuur.
Onlangs het Christopher se seun Adam en sy gesin teruggekeer na die Berkshires en by die onderneming aangesluit om die erfenis, dienste en inspirerende skeppings van Tomich Landscape Design & amp Construction vir baie jare voort te sit.
Matthew en Garnella, nou gelukkig afgetree, is verheug om te sien hoe hul seuns en familie floreer, en hulle is trots daarop dat hulle weet dat die onderneming sy derde generasie landskapliefhebbers het. Elkeen van ons sien daarna uit om met u saam te werk en u ook as deel van ons geskiedenis vas te lê!
Tomich DE -242 - Geskiedenis
Deur SANDRA JONTZ | STERRE EN STREPE Gepubliseer: 20 Mei 2006
BO AAN DIE USS ONDERPRISE — Binne 12 minute het die hoof watertender Peter Tomich van gewone na buitengewone geword, van 'n eenvoudige matroos tot held.
Normaalweg oorwin die bereik van oorlewing die greep van vrees, ” Adm. Harry Ulrich het Donderdag treffend gesê toe die vloot aan die matroos se naasbestaandes 'n erkenning gegee het wat Tomich 64 jaar gelede postuum toegeken is.
Maar in die buitengewone geval word gewone mans ongewoon. Hulle gooi vrees opsy. Hulle het diens aanvaar en tyd het nie toegelaat om te oorleef nie, het Ulrich gesê tydens 'n seremonie op die vliegdek van die vliegdekskip USS Enterprise, 'n paar kilometer van die kus van Split, Kroasië, geanker.
Terwyl sy getorpedeerde skip, die USS Utah, by Pearl Harbor sink, het Tomich, van Kroaties erfenis, in die teenoorgestelde rigting van die ontsnapte bemanning na die ketelkamer gehardloop om te verhoed dat die ketels ontplof sodat ander kan ontsnap.
Sy optrede op 7 Desember 1941 het hom die land se hoë militêre versiering besorg en#8212 die Medal of Honor.
Dit sou onregverdig wees om u te vra om te doen wat Peter Tomich gedoen het, ” Ulrich, bevelvoerder van die Amerikaanse vlootmagte Europa, het aan die meer as 60 onderoffisiere gesê. Dit sal regverdig wees om u te vra om gereed te wees om te doen wat Peter Tomich gedoen het. ”
Tomich het gedoen wat die kapteins moet doen: neem die leiding, neem voorbeeld deur en beskerm sy matrose, sê senior onderoffisier Ellis King, wat van Napels, Italië, na Split gevlieg het vir die seremonie van Donderdag.
Niemand van ons wil ooit in daardie situasie wees nie, het King gesê. Maar hierdie ankers aan ons krae dui aan dat ons gereed is, dat ons leiers is. ”
Tomich se naasbestaandes, afgetrede Kroaties weermag, luitenant -kolonel Srecko Herceg Tonic, het 'n replika van die medalje aanvaar en gesê dat hy geëerd is om 'n man te wees wat sy lewe vir ander gegee het en wie se optrede die vasberadenheid van die Kroaties mense.
Dit is die moed van groot mense soos Peter wat die gees van hierdie land definieer, het Herceg Tonic gesê.
Die Amerikaanse vloot het Tomich op ander maniere vereer. 'N Begeleide vaartuig wat vernietig is en nou as afval verkoop word, het eens die naam USS Tomich, DE-242, gedra.
In Augustus 1989 is die US Navy ’s Senior Enlisted Academy in Newport, RI, vernoem na Tomich.
Die seremonie van Donderdag was net so baie daaroor om die afstammelinge van Tomich te vereer met die oorhandiging van 'n medalje, net soos die kleinhoofbeamptes van die vloot wat hulde bring aan een van hul eie, het senior hoofoffisier Charles Britt gesê ná die seremonie van ongeveer 'n uur.
'N Reaksie wat Ulrich ook beklemtoon.
Tot vandag se onderoffisiere het u 'n held gekry. U het hom u beskermheer gemaak, sê Ulrich. U het goed gekies. ”
Tomich DE -242 - Geskiedenis
Ontvangers van Medal of Honor
vir Pearl Harbor
9 Desember 1895 - 7 Desember 1941
Rang en organisasie: Radio -elektrisiën (ao), hoof -onderoffisier (hoofradioman), Amerikaanse vloot
Diensjare: 1917 - 1919 (Navy Reserve),
1920 - 1941 (vloot)
Geakkrediteer by: Connecticut
Toekennings: Medal of Honor, Postuum toegeken
Hy het op 20 Julie 1917 by die Amerikaanse vlootreservaat aangesluit as 'n derde klas van elektrisiëns. Op 21 Julie 1919 is hy van diens af teruggebring en na die gewone vloot oorgeplaas 16 April 1920 en gedien totdat hy op 21 Augustus 1921 ontslaan is. Oktober 1921 het hy weer by die vloot aangesluit, wat dit sy loopbaan gemaak het.
Deur die tariewe tot hoofradioman, het Reeves diens gedoen in die slagskip Kalifornië (BB-44) toe die Japannese Pearl Harbor aangeval het, 7 Desember 1941. Tydens die aanval is die gemeganiseerde ammunisiehysers in die slagskip buite werking gestel. Reeves & quot. op eie inisiatief, in 'n brandende gang, gehelp met die handhawing van 'n ammunisievoorraad met die hand aan die vuurwapens, totdat hy deur rook en vuur oorwin is wat tot sy dood gelei het. & quot Medalje van eer.
Medal of Honor Citation: & quotVoor onderskeidende optrede in sy beroep, buitengewone moed en miskenning van sy eie veiligheid tydens die aanval op die vloot in Pearl Harbor, deur Japannese magte op 7 Desember 1941. Nadat die gemeganiseerde ammunisiehysers uit aksie in die USS Kalifornië, Reeves, op eie inisiatief, in 'n brandende gang, het gehelp met die handhawing van 'n ammunisievoorraad met die hand na die vuurwapens, totdat hy deur rook en vuur oorwin is, wat tot sy dood gelei het. & Quot
In 1943 is die verwoester-begeleier USS Reeves (DE-156) ter ere van hom genoem.
Luitenant Donald K. Ross, omstreeks 1944
8 Desember 1910 - 27 Mei 1992
Rang en organisasie: Masjinis, Amerikaanse vloot
Betree diens by: Denver, Colorado
Diensjare: 1929 - 1956
Eindrang: Kaptein
Gevegte: Aanval op Pearl Harbor, Slag van Normandië, Operasie Dragoon
Toekennings: Medal of Honor
Sterfplek: Bremerton, Washington
Ross het op 3 Junie 1929 by die Amerikaanse vloot in Denver, Colorado, aangesluit en sy honneursgraad aan die basiese opleiding, San Diego, Kalifornië, voltooi. Hy voltooi Machinist Mate School, Norfolk, Va. AP-1) op 'n diens diens in China.
Terwyl hy in die hospitaalskip Relief (AH-1) diens gedoen het, het Ross sy eerste optrede (saam met die mariniers) in 1931 in Nicaragua gesien. Minneapolis (CA-36), bereik hy in Oktober 1940 die rang van ao-offisier-masjinis en word in die slagskip Nevada (BB-36) aangewys.
Tydens die Japannese lugaanval op Pearl Harbor op 7 Desember 1941 is Nevada erg beskadig deur bomme en torpedo's. Ross het homself onderskei deur die verantwoordelikheid te aanvaar om krag te verskaf om die skip aan die gang te kry - die enigste slagskip wat dit tydens die Japannese aanval kon doen.
Medal of Honor Citation: & quotVoor onderskeidende optrede in sy beroep, buitengewone moed en miskenning van sy eie lewe tydens die aanval op die vloot in Pearl Harbor, Hawaï, op 7 Desember 1941. Toe sy stasie in die voorwaartse dinamokamer van die USS Nevada het byna onhoudbaar geword as gevolg van rook, stoom en hitte, en die masjinis Ross het sy mans gedwing om die stasie te verlaat en self al die pligte uitgevoer totdat hy verblind en bewusteloos was. Nadat hy gered en herleef is, het hy teruggekeer en die voorwaartse dinamokamer beveilig en na die na -dinamokamer gegaan waar hy later weer uitgeput geraak het deur uitputting. Nadat hy weer sy bewussyn herwin het, keer hy terug na sy stasie waar hy gebly het totdat hy beveel is om dit te laat vaar. & Quot
Ross word in Maart 1942 bevorder tot Hoofmasjinis. Hy het op 18 April 1942 deur Admiraal Chester Nimitz die Erepenning oorhandig en in Junie 1942 'n vaandel gekry. Later in die oorlog neem hy ook deel aan die landings in Normandië en Suidelike Frankryk.
Aan die einde van die oorlog styg hy geleidelik in tydelike rang tot luitenant -bevelvoerder, en keer terug na luitenant. Hy ontvang weer bevordering tot luitenant-bevelvoerder in 1949 en aan kommandant in November 1954. By sy uittrede uit diensplig in Julie 1956, na sewe-en-twintig jaar diens aan boord van elke soort oppervlakteskip wat toe aan boord was, is hy bevorder tot Kaptein op die grondslag van sy gevegstoekennings.
Kaptein Ross het hom tuisgemaak in die staat Washington nadat hy die vloot verlaat het, en was aktief in die plaaslewe en gemeenskapsake, en om die herinnering aan die Pearl Harbor -aanval te bestendig, wat hy beskryf as 'n verhaal oor 'n nederlaag. Dit is 'n verhaal oor 'n goed uitgevoerde werk & quot. Hy woon op 7 Desember 1991 by die 50 -jarige seremonie by Pearl Harbor, waartydens 'n gedenkteken aan sy ou skip, USS Nevada, opgedra is. Kaptein Donald K. Ross is op 27 Mei 1992 in Bremerton, Washington, oorlede.
In 1997 is die geleide missielvernietiger USS Ross (DDG-71) vernoem ter ere van kaptein Ross.
13 Julie 1915 - 7 Desember 1941
Rang en organisasie: Machinist's Mate First Class (Petty Officer First Class), Amerikaanse vloot
Diensjare: 1938-1941
Geakkrediteer by Ohio
Toekennings: Medal of Honor, Postuum toegeken
Foto ingedien deur Bill Gonyo
Arlington National Cemetery, #34-3939
Het die Amerikaanse vloot van Ohio betree
Verdien die Medal of Honor vir heldhaftigheid in Pearl Harbor, Hawaii
Oorlede: 07 Desember 1941 ouderdom: 26
Medal of Honor Citation: Vir opvallende pligsgetrouheid, buitengewone moed en volledige miskenning van sy eie lewe, bo en behalwe die plig, tydens die aanval op die vloot in Pearl Harbor deur Japanse magte op 7 Desember 1941. Die kompartement, in die USS Kalifornië, waarin die lugkompressor, waaraan Scott as sy gevegstasie aangewys is, oorstroom is as gevolg van 'n torpedo -treffer. Die res van die personeel het die kompartement ontruim, maar Scott het geweier om te vertrek en het gesê: "Dit is my stasie en ek sal bly en vir hulle lug gee, solank die gewere gaan."
In 1943 is die verwoester-begeleier USS Scott (DE-214) ter ere van hom genoem. Scott was ook 'n voormalige student aan die Ohio State University, waar die Scott House -koshuis na hom vernoem is.
3 Junie 1893 - 7 Desember 1941
Rang en organisasie: Chief Watertender, U.S. Navy
Geakkrediteer by: New Jersey
Diensjare: Eerste Wêreldoorlog (weermag), 1919 - 1941 (vloot)
Bedien op: USS Litchfield (DD-336), USS Utah (AG-16)
Toekennings: Medal of Honor, Postuum toegeken
Foto is van die Naval Historical Center.
Teen 1941 het hy 'n hoof watertender geword aan boord van die opleidings- en teikenskip Utah (AG-16). Op 7 Desember 1941, terwyl die skip in Pearl Harbor lê, vasgemeer van Ford Island af, is sy tydens die aanval van Japan op Pearl Harbor getorpedeer. Tomich was aan diens in 'n ketelkamer. Toe Utah begin omslaan, het hy onder gebly en die ketels beveilig en seker gemaak dat ander mans ontsnap, en so sy lewe verloor het. Vir sy 'onderskeidende optrede en buitengewone moed' op daardie tydstip, is hy postuum met die erepenning toegeken. Sy Medal of Honor is te sien by die Navy's Senior Enlisted Academy (Tomich Hall) totdat dit op 18 Mei 2006 postuum toegeken is aan lede van sy gesin aan boord van die USS Enterprise in die Adriatiese See, aan die kus van Kroasië.
Medal of Honor Citation: Vir uitnemende optrede in die beroep, en buitengewone moed en miskenning van sy eie veiligheid, tydens die aanval op die vloot in Pearl Harbor deur die Japannese magte op 7 Desember 1941. Hoewel hy besef het dat die skip omgeslaan het as gevolg van bomaanvalle en torpedo -aanvalle deur vyande, het Tomich op sy pos in die ingenieursaanleg van die USS gebly Utah, totdat hy sien dat alle ketels beveilig is en al die personeel van die vuurkamer hul stasies verlaat het en sodoende sy eie lewe verloor het.
Die verwoester-begeleier USS Tomich (DE-242), 1943-1974, is vernoem ter ere van die hoof watertender Tomich.
5 April 1888 - 7 Desember 1941
Rang en organisasie: Kaptein, Amerikaanse vloot
Diensjare 1905 - 1941
Aangestel uit: Wisconsin
Opdragte: USS Talbot (DD-114), Destroyer Squadron Five, USS Melville (AD-2), USS Arizona (BB-39)
Toekennings: Medal of Honor, Postuum toegeken
Foto van die Naval Historical Center gestuur deur Bill Gonyo
Franklin Van Valkenburgh is op 15 September 1905 aangestel as middelskip by die Naval Academy van die Verenigde State en studeer op 4 Junie 1909. Na diens in die slagskip Vermont (BB-20) en in Suid-Carolina (BB-26) het Van Valkenburgh die vaandel gekry op 5 Junie 1911. Hy reis kort daarna na die Asiatiese stasie en sluit op 11 September by die duikboot tender Rainbow (AS-7) in Olongapo, Filippynse Eilande aan. Hy het hom op 23 Junie 1914 as uitvoerende beampte by die geweerboot Pampanga (PG-39) aangemeld vir 'n kort toer in die suide van die Filippyne, voor sy afsetting op 4 Augustus.
Nadat hy na die Verenigde State teruggekeer het, het luitenant (jg.) Van Valkenburgh op 11 November by Connecticut (BB-18) aangesluit. Na sy nagraadse werk in stoomingenieurswese aan die Naval Academy in September 1915, volg hy verdere opleiding op die gebied aan die Columbia-universiteit voordat hy op 2 Maart 1917 by Rhode Island (BB-17) verslag doen. Van Valkenburgh dien as die ingenieursbeampte van die slagskip. Daaropvolgende tydelike diens in die ontvangende skip in New York het sy eerste toer as instrukteur by die Naval Academy voorafgegaan. Op 1 Junie 1920 meld Van Valkenburgh aan boord van Minnesota (BB-22) diens as ingenieuroffisier, en hy beklee die pos totdat die slagskip in November 1921 uit diens gestel is.
Hy dien weer as instrukteur by die Naval Academy - tot 15 Mei 1925 - voordat hy op 26 Junie by Maryland (BB -46) aansluit. As kommandant op 2 Junie 1927, terwyl hy in Maryland was, meld hy hom gou op diens by die kantoor van die Chief of Naval Operations op 21 Mei 1928 en dien daar tydens die administrasies van admirale Charles F. Hughes en William V. Pratt. Van Valkenburgh, wat op 28 Junie 1931 losgemaak is, het op 10 Julie die bevel oor die verwoester Talbot (DD-114) gekry en vanaf 31 Maart 1932 bevel gegee oor Destroyer Squadron 5.
Nadat hy die Naval War College, Newport, R.I., bygewoon het en die senior kursus in Mei 1934 voltooi het, het Comdr. Van Valkenburgh het daarna as inspekteur van vlootmateriaal by die New York Navy Yard gedien voordat hy weer van 8 Junie 1936 tot 11 Junie 1938 as kommandant van Melville (AD -2) na die see gegaan het. - hy was van 6 Augustus 1938 tot 22 Januarie 1941 as inspekteur van materiaal vir die 3d Naval District.
Op 5 Februarie 1941 verlig Van Valkenburgh kapt Harold C. Train as bevelvoerder van Arizona (BB-39). Nuut opgeknap by Puget Sound Naval Shipyard, Arizona, was die res van die jaar die vlagskip van Battleship Division 1, hoofsaaklik in Pearl Harbor met twee reise na die weskus. Op 4 Desember het die slagskip saam met Nevada (BB-36) en Oklahoma (BB-37) na die see gegaan om op die oppervlak te oefen, en nadat hulle hierdie skietoefeninge uitgevoer het, het hulle op die 6de onafhanklik na Pearl Harbor teruggekeer om aan te lê by F -7 langs Ford Island.
Sowel kapt. Van Valkenburgh as die aangestelde afdelingsbevelvoerder, admiraal Isaac C. Kidd, het die volgende Saterdagaand, 6 Desember, aan boord deurgebring. Skielik, kort voor 08:00 op 7 Desember, het Japannese vliegtuie bo -oor gebrul, die Sondagvrede verbrysel en dit met die ontploffing van bomme en die staccato -hamering van masjiengewere gebreek. Kapt. Van Valkenburgh het vorentoe uit sy kajuit gekom en op die navigasiebrug aangekom waar hy onmiddellik die skip se verdediging begin rig het. 'N Kwartiermeester in die loodshuis het gevra of die kaptein na die koninklike toring wil gaan -'n minder blootgestelde posisie met die oog op die Japannese tou -maar Van Valkenburgh het geweier om dit te doen en het voortgegaan om 'n telefoon te beman en om sy lewe te veg.
'N Heftige ontploffing skud skielik die skip en gooi die drie insittendes van die brug - Van Valkenburgh, 'n vaandel, en die kwartiermeester, op die dek en breek die brugvensters. Verdwaas en geskud, strompel die vaandel deur die vlamme en rook en ontsnap, maar die ander is nooit weer gesien nie. 'N Voortdurende vuur, gevoed deur ammunisie en olie, het twee dae lank gebrand totdat dit uiteindelik op 9 Desember geblus is. 'N Volgende soektog het slegs kapt. Van Valkenburgh se klasring gevind.
Die kaptein is postuum met die ere -toekenning bekroon in sy stryd teen sy skip; hy het sy verdediging gerig in die tragies kort tyd wat hom toegestaan is.
Medal of Honor Citation: & quotVir opvallende pligsgetrouheid, buitengewone moed en volledige minagting van sy eie lewe, tydens die aanval op die vloot in Pearl Harbor T. H., deur Japannese magte op 7 Desember 1941. As bevelvoerder van die U.S.S. In Arizona, het kaptein Van Valkenburgh sy skip dapper geveg totdat die VSA Arizona het opgeblaas van tydskrifontploffings en 'n direkte bom wat op die brug getref is, wat tot die verlies van sy lewe gelei het. & Quot
In 1943 is die vernietiger USS Van Valkenburgh (DD-656) ter ere van hom genoem.
10 September 1921 - 7 Desember 1941
Rang en organisasie: Seaman First Class, Amerikaanse vloot
Diensjare: 1940-1941
Betree diens by: Springfield, Ohio
Toekennings: Medal of Honor, Postuum toegeken
Toe die Japannese Pearl Harbor op 7 Desember 1941 aanval, het Oklahoma drie torpedo's geneem kort nadat die aanval begin het. Sy het gevaarlik gelys, en dit was gou duidelik dat sy sou omslaan. The order was given to abandon ship, but Seaman First Class Ward remained in a turret holding a flashlight, thus sacrificing his own life to permit other members of the crew to escape. For his heroism at that time, he was posthumously awarded the Medal of Honor.
Medal of Honor Citation: "For conspicuous devotion to duty, extraordinary courage and complete disregard of his life, above and beyond the call of duty, during the attack on the Fleet in Pearl Harbor by Japanese forces on 7 December 1941. When it was seen that the U.S.S. Oklahoma was going to capsize and the order was given to abandon ship, Ward remained in a turret holding a flashlight so the remainder of the turret crew could see to escape, thereby sacrificing his own life."
In 1943, the destroyer escort USS J. Richard Ward (DE-243), was named in honor of Seaman First Class Ward.
March 6, 1894 - November 13, 1942
Rank and organization: Commander, U.S. Navy
Appointed from: Wisconsin
Place of death: killed in action in Guadalcanal
Awards: Medal of Honor, Navy Cross, Awarded Posthumously
Young was born in Washington, D.C., on March 6, 1894. After graduation from the U.S. Naval Academy on June 3, 1916, he served on the battleship Connecticut (BB-18) into 1919, then spent several years in submarines. During that period, he commanded the Submarines R-23 and R-2. During the mid and late 1920s, he served in Naval Communications on the staff of Commander Submarine Divisions, Battle Fleet, and at the Naval Academy.
During 1931 33, Lieutenant Commander Young served on the battleship New York (BB-34). He was subsequently awarded command of the destroyer Evans (DD-78) and was assigned to the Eleventh Naval District in 1935 37. After promotion to the rank of Commander, he commanded Submarine Division Seven and was stationed at Naval Submarine Base New London, in Groton, Connecticut.
When the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941, he was Commanding Officer of the repair ship Vestal (AR-4), which was badly damaged by enemy bombs and the explosion of the battleship Arizona (BB-39). Commander Young rapidly organized offensive action, personally taking charge of one of Vestal's antiaircraft guns. When Arizona's forward magazine exploded, the blast blew Young overboard. Although stunned, he was determined to save his ship by getting her away from the blazing Arizona. Swimming back to Vestal, which was already damaged and about to be further damaged, Young got her underway and beached her, thus insuring her later salvage. His heroism was recognized with the Medal of Honor.
Promoted to Captain in February 1942, he later was given command of the heavy cruiser San Francisco (CA-38). In the Solomon Islands campaign, Captain Young commanded San Francisco in the Battle of Cape Esperance and the Naval Battle of Guadalcanal with great distinction. On 13 November 1942, during the latter battle, he guided his ship in action with a superior Japanese force and was killed by enemy shells while closely engaging the battleship Hiei. Captain Young was posthumously awarded the Navy Cross for his actions during the campaign and San Francisco received the Presidential Unit Citation.
Medal of Honor citation: "For distinguished conduct in action, outstanding heroism and utter disregard of his own safety, above and beyond the call of duty, as Commanding Officer of the U.S.S. Vestal, during the attack on the Fleet in Pearl Harbor, Territory of Hawaii, by enemy Japanese forces on 7 December 1941. Commander Young proceeded to the bridge and later took personal command of the 3-inch antiaircraft gun. When blown overboard by the blast of the forward magazine explosion of the U.S.S. Arizona, to which the U.S.S. Vestal was moored, he swam back to his ship. The entire forward part of the U.S.S. Arizona was a blazing inferno with oil afire on the water between the two ships as a result of several bomb hits, the U.S.S. Vestal was afire in several places, was settling and taking on a list. Despite severe enemy bombing and strafing at the time, and his shocking experience of having been blown overboard, Commander Young, with extreme coolness and calmness, moved his ship to an anchorage distant from the U.S.S. Arizona, and subsequently beached the U.S.S. Vestal upon determining that such action was required to save his ship."
In 1943, the destroyer USS Cassin Young (DD-793) was named in his honor.
Source: Dictionary of American Naval Fighting Ships <http://history.navy.mil/danfs/c4/cassin_young.htm>
Naval Historical Center's bio of Cassin Young <http://history.navy.mil/photos/pers-us/uspers-xz/c-young.htm>
Sources: Naval Historical Center, Medal of Honor Citations, Wikipedia
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All rights reserved
Welcome to the Friends of Guisachan
What was Guisachan like in its days of glory? We are fortunate to have obtained a copy of the auction particulars published to promote the sale of the estate on July 24th, 1935. A summation follows:
The 7,242 acres consisted of approximately 143 acres of Policies (parkland), 358 acres of farm lands, grazing parks and a village (the village being Tomich.) The remainder was forest and moor lands.
The Guisachan Mansion House (Lot 1)
The mansion was advertised as being an hour’s drive from Inverness and having a 1 1/2 mile carriage drive guarded by an Entrance Lodge near Tomich Village. The mansion itself was described as consisting of a dining room, drawing room, breakfast room, smoking room, business room, billiards room, library, boudoir, conservatories, 15 bedrooms, 4 dressing rooms, 5 bathrooms and 16 servants’ rooms. There were 10 lavatories and wash closets, very extensive domestic offices, cellars and storage accommodations. The utilities were described as consisting of a hydro electric light plant, hot and cold water, fire hydrants, housemaid’s sinks and coal bunkers on every floor. There was an auxiliary boiler for baths, separate heating to the conservatory and a telephone to the stables and power house.
Click to enlarge images.
East Elevation Guisachan Estate Guisachan Estate: Principal Floor Plan
Fruit and vegetable gardens encompassed about two acres. The Outside Offices consisted of a garage for three cars with covered wash, stables for 20 horses, harness and saddle rooms, a hay loft, two mess rooms, six men’s rooms, a washing house, drying and ironing rooms, kennels, a gun room, Ghillies’ room, store house, carpenter’s shops, two W.C’s, carnation house, greenhouse and store-house, potting shed, tool house, mill shed, wood stores, joiner’s and painter’s shops, and a cart shed.
The farm steading once housed farm equipment, grain, and cattle. It now welcomes self-catering tourists. The Farm Steading The former stables and carriage house are now a private residence.
The Auction bill of sale goes on to read:
“A Special Attraction of the Grounds is the Choice Selection of Hardwood and Evergreen Trees.”
“Close to the house are the Home Falls, about 80 feet high.”
“Some of the grass park adjoining the River Dhiag, close to the Mansion House, could be conveniently formed into a loch by diverting the rivers, and should prove to afford excellent trout fishing.”
“GRASS PARKS AND VALUABLE TIMBER extending in all to about 143 acres.”
The Sporting and Agricultural subject of the HOME FARM extending to about 2,870 acres. ( Lot 2.)
The Home Farm is described as consisting of 330 acres of grass parks and the remainder hill and moorland for sheep grazing, well watered and interspersed with hill lochs. A house containing four rooms and 9 acres was located at Wester Achnaheglish, in which “the Shepherd at present resides, but which could be made a suitable Farm House.” “The Steading is large and modern and at one time housed a herd of pedigree Aberdeen Angus Cattle. It includes 56-stalled Byre, Two large covered Yards fitted with Boxes, Fifteen Calf Pens, Nine Loose Boxes, Stabling for 12, Harness and Hay Room, 3-stall Pony Stable and Harness Room, Five Hen houses, large galvanised 4-bay Hay Shed with 3 drying racks, Barn, Twelve Pigsties, Slaughter-house, Ham curing-house, Gig-house, Tool House, Meal House, Carpenter’s Shop, 11-bay Cart Shed and Granaries. There are also two cottages for Farm Servants.”
The Auction advertisement goes on to extol the 2500 acres of hillside heather where a substantial number of grouse could be shot as well as Blackgame, woodcock and wild duck.
Fishing opportunities on the numerous lochs in the area include reference to a group of 8 fish weighing 21 lbs and the heaviest being 3 1/2 lbs.
Donald Fraser, author of Guisachan: A History, at the steading, now part of Tomich Holidays
Also included in Lot 2 was the Factor’s House consisting of a hall, dining room, sitting room, office with outside entrance, five bed rooms, bath room, and kitchen. There was also a model dairy, tiled throughout with an outside verandah and a five-room Bothy (a primitive shelter.).
Kerrow House, currently a hotel, once housed estate staff. It is said the first litter of Golden Retriever puppies was born here. The original sawmill has recently been purchased for renovation as a private home. The former farm manager’s house is now a private residence.
Most of Tomich Village (Lot 3)
The former dairy is now a rental cottage at Tomich Holidays. Built to house the estate’s stalkers and keepers, The Tomich Hotel now offers rooms for fine dining and a bar. The original school and church, school master’s house and village hall. Now three private residences. The original school and church, schoolmaster’s house and village hall. Image courtesy of Donnie Stirling Thr current post office was built as a coach house for carriages taking visitors to Beauly. These iron gates once stood in front of the mansion. They now mark the entrance to several historical buildings renovated as Tomich Holidays.
Lord Tweedmouth built Tomich Village to house workers on the estate to provide such basics as a school, post office, garden, shop, garage, outhouses, the cottage at the school, the Tomich Hotel and 25 houses There were also additional buildings known as Wilton Lodge, the Kennels, the Entrance Lodge, the Sawmill and two additional houses. All were occupied by renters, with the gross rental being noted for each.
4,200 Acres of Deer Forest (Lot 4)
These lands were advertised as being adjacent to a sanctuary where deer were fed during the winter and stags were plentiful. It was said to be intersected by a roadway and a number of pony paths. “Rough Shooting” opportunities were also extolled with references to Roe, Blackgame and Ptarmigan. There were also said to be a number of lochs offering excellent trout fishing.
Hilton Cottage (Lot 5)
This property contained about ten acres, a small loch and was said to be suitable for a Gentleman’s residence.
Brown SB Co, Houston, США (USA)
[[LSM 490, LSM 490 > MMC 12 (1945) Landing ship (medium), USA]] /// Built in USA [[File:LSM 490, LSM 490 > MMC 12 (1945) Landing ship (medium)-0.png|thumb|710px]]
[[LSM 492, LSM 492 > MMC 14 (1945) Landing ship (medium), USA]] /// Built in USA [[File:LSM 492, LSM 492 > MMC 14 (1945) Landing ship (medium)-0.png|thumb|710px]]
[[LSM 493, LSM 493 > MMC 13 (1945) Landing ship (medium), USA]] /// Built in USA [[File:LSM 493, LSM 493 > MMC 13 (1945) Landing ship (medium)-0.png|thumb|710px]]
Neal A. Scott was laid down on 1 June 1943 by the Tampa Shipbuilding Company, Tampa, Florida launched on 4 June 1944, co-sponsored by Mrs. Leigh Scott and Miss Margaret Scott, mother and sister, respectively, of Ensign Scott and commissioned on 31 July 1944 with Lt. P. D. Holden in command.
Battle of the Atlantic
Following shakedown off Bermuda and availability at Boston, Massachusetts, Neal A. Scott steamed to Norfolk, Virginia, thence to Solomons Island, Maryland, where she conducted acoustic test runs for the Naval Mine Warfare Test Station during the first two weeks of November 1944. She then proceeded back to Norfolk whence she operated as a training ship in the lower Chesapeake Bay area until 10 December. The next day she sortied from Lynnhaven Roads in Task Force 63 to escort convoy UGS-63 to Oran, Algeria. The convoy of approximately 100 ships in 15 columns passed through the Strait of Gibraltar on 27 December and arrived at Oran the 28th.
On 2 January 1945, Neal A. Scott departed North Africa on her return voyage, escorting convoy GUS-63 to Hampton Roads. On the 3rd, at 1707, a large cloud of smoke was seen and an explosion heard from the center of the first line of the convoy. Neal A. Scott immediately started a submarine search on the starboard bow of the convoy. At 1739 good sonar contact was established and a depth charge attack begun. In the next six minutes 26 charges were dropped. Thirty seconds after the last charge detonated, the rumble of an underwater explosion, followed by the appearance of an oil slick off the escort's port quarter, was reported and sonar contact was lost. At 1755 contact was regained and a hedgehog attack was made. Two to four explosions were heard within the next half minute, and eight more were heard over a minute later, but, again, contact was lost. Contact established again at 1806, a second hedgehog run was made. This time, however, no explosions were reported and the contact was lost. Undiscouraged, the ship continued her search until relieved by British escorts at 2345. Neal A. Scott then returned to the convoy and arrived at Norfolk without further incident on 19 January.
In February, Neal A. Scott joined the Southern Forces Barrier Patrol in the North Atlantic and for the remainder of the war in Europe conducted submarine searches off the coasts of Maine, Nova Scotia and Newfoundland as part of "Operation Teardrop". On 22 April, as she steamed in a scouting line proceeding to Argentia, Newfoundland, a submarine contact was made by another escort, the destroyer USS Carter. Sixteen minutes later, at 0056, Neal A. Scott made a hedgehog attack. Several explosions were reported. At 0108, Carter delivered a similar attack which was followed immediately by two or three detonations and then by an explosion. At 0118, another, and heavier, explosion was felt and heard by all hands. Die U-518 had been sent to the bottom of the North Atlantic.
After the surrender of Germany on 7 May, Neal A. Scott was ordered to intercept U-1228 and bring her into port. While proceeding to the surrender point, U-858 was contacted and ordered to the surrender point. On 11 May, U-1228 was intercepted and after sending a boarding party to the submarine and taking on 28 of the U-boat's crew, including the Captain, the escort headed for Portsmouth, New Hampshire, where she turned over her prisoners and their boat to U.S. Coast Guard officials on 17 May.
Post-War and fate
Neal A. Scott then steamed south to Bayonne, New Jersey, for availability, after which she proceeded to Florida. On 13 June she joined the Carrier Qualification Detachment at Jacksonville, Florida, and for the next two months operated as plane guard for Guadalcanal (CVE-60) . Detached from the Carrier Qualification Detachment, Neal A. Scott underwent availability at Charleston, South Carolina, and then headed for Corpus Christi, Texas, for Navy Day celebrations. She returned to Charleston on 4 November, only to depart again on the 7th.
From Charleston she steamed back to Jacksonville where she decommissioned on 30 April 1946 and entered the Atlantic Reserve Fleet, berthed at Green Cove Springs, Florida. In 1961 the escort was transferred to the Orange, Texas, berthing area where she remained until struck from the Navy Register on 1 June 1968. She was sold July 1969 and broken up for scrap.
USS Weeden (DE-797) was a Buckley-class destroyer escort in the United States Navy. She was named for Ensign Carl A. Weeden (1916), who was killed during the attack on Pearl Harbor.
USS Ira Jeffery (DE-63/APD-44), a Buckley-class destroyer escort of the United States Navy, was named in honor of Ensign Ira Weil Jeffery (1918-1941) who was killed in action during the Japanese attack on the Hawaiian Islands while serving aboard the battleship Kalifornië .
USS William T. Powell (DE/DER-213), a Buckley-class destroyer escort of the United States Navy, was named in honor of Gunner's Mate William T. Powell (1918-1942), who was killed in action, aboard the heavy cruiser USS San Francisco off Guadalcanal on 12 November 1942.
USS Scott (DE-214), a Buckley-class destroyer escort of the United States Navy, was named in honor of Machinist's Mate First Class Robert R. Scott (1915, who was killed in action during the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor on 7 December 1941, while serving aboard the battleship USS Kalifornië . He was posthumously awarded the Medal of Honor for his heroism.
USS Solar (DE-221), a Buckley-class destroyer escort of the United States Navy, was named in honor of Boatswain's Mate First Class Adolfo Solar (1900), who was killed in action during the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor on 7 December 1941.
USS Spangenberg (DE/DER-223), a Buckley-class destroyer escort of the United States Navy, was named in honor of Gunner's Mate Kenneth J. Spangenberg (1922-1942), who died as a result of wounds suffered during the Naval Battle of Guadalcanal, while serving aboard the heavy cruiser San Francisco (CA-38) . He was posthumously awarded the Navy Cross.
USS Alexander J. Luke (DE/DER-577), a Buckley-class destroyer escort of the United States Navy, was named in honor of Sergeant Alexander J. Luke (1916), who was killed in action during the attack on Tulagi on 6 August 1942. He was posthumously awarded the Silver Star.
USS Major (DE-796) was a Buckley-class destroyer escort acquired by the U.S. Navy during the latter part of World War II. She served as an escort vessel, protecting Allied ships, both in the Atlantic Ocean, and later in the Pacific Ocean. When the war with Japan ended, Major witnessed the Japanese surrender from her berth in Tokyo Bay.
USS Roche (DE-197) was a Cannon-class destroyer escort in service United States Navy from 1944 to 1945. She hit a mine in late September 1945. As it was uneconomical to repair her, she was scuttled in March 1946.
USS Andres (DE-45) was an Evarts-class destroyer escort constructed for the United States Navy during World War II. Sent off to the dangerous waters of the North Atlantic Ocean during the Battle of the Atlantic to protect convoys and other ships from Nazi Germany's Kriegsmarine U-boats and fighter aircraft, Andres performed escort and anti-submarine operations.
USS Smartt (DE-257) was an Evarts-class destroyer escort of the United States Navy during World War II. She was sent off into dangerous North Atlantic Ocean waters to protect convoys and other ships from German submarines and fighter aircraft. She performed escort and antisubmarine operations in battle areas before sailing home victorious at the end of the conflict.
USS Amick (DE-168) was a Cannon-class destroyer escort built for the United States Navy during World War II. She served in the Atlantic Ocean and then the Pacific Ocean and provided escort service against submarine and air attack for Navy vessels and convoys.
USS Straub (DE-181) was a Cannon-class destroyer escort in service with the United States Navy from 1943 to 1947. She was sold for scrap in 1974.
USS Garfield Thomas (DE-193) was a Cannon-class destroyer escort built for the United States Navy during World War II. She served in the Atlantic Ocean and Pacific Ocean and provided escort service against submarine and air attack for Navy vessels and convoys.
USS Sturtevant (DE-239) was an Edsall class destroyer escort in service with the United States Navy from 1943 to 1946 and from 1951 to 1960. She was scrapped in 1973.
USS Tomich (DE-242) was an Edsall-class destroyer escort in service with the United States Navy from 1943 to 1946. She was scrapped in 1974.
USS Stanton (DE-247) was an Edsall-class destroyer escort built for the U.S. Navy during World War II. She served in the Atlantic Ocean the Pacific Ocean and provided destroyer escort protection against submarine and air attack for Navy vessels and convoys.
USS Cockrill (DE-398) was an Edsall-class destroyer escortin service with the United States Navy from 1943 to 1946. After spending decades in reserve, she was sunk as a target in November 1974.
USS Neunzer (DE-150) was an Edsall-class destroyer escort in service with the United States Navy from 1943 to 1947. After spending several decades in reserve, she was sold for scrap in 1973.
USS Varian (DE-798) was a Buckley-class destroyer escort of the United States Navy.
Natural History
Virtually all breed books discuss the prominent individuals within a given breed’s history in a positive light. Negative facts are usually left aside, for the focus is more on how the breed developed, not a discussion of the social, economic, and political history that made the breed possible. Granted, people do not buy dog books to understand these issues. Most people just want to read about the creation story of their dog, and the breed fanciers like to bask in the glory of the past.
However, it important to at least consider some of the negative parts of a breed’s history. As someone who prefers history to hagiography, I think it is a good idea to understand that the golden retriever would not have been possible had their not been some human suffering.
What do I mean by “human suffering”?
First of all, we have to start with who the founders of the golden retriever were.
The golden retriever’s founders were part of the economic and political elite of British society. The reason why we know so much about the dogs is that only people with considerable means would ever bother to keep such meticulous records of the dogs in their lines, and only people with that sort of wealth would even dream of keeping a dog with such a limited utility.
A dog that picks up shot game is certainly useful, but the average person could not bother with keeping or breeding such dogs. Working people needed dogs that could earn their keep. Dogs were bred according to their utility, not their pedigree, and after many generations breeding for utility only, tracing these bloodlines becomes next to impossible.
However, if one has money, time, and employees to maintain kennels, one can keep close records on the dogs. That is why we have such a complete record of the dogs at Guisachan.
Dudley Marjoribanks was not a poor man. Dudley had made a considerable fortune as chairman of the Meux Brewery Company, and he had inherited a lot of money from his father’s estate. He had a posh mansion in London’s Park Lane called Brook House. He also had holdings in the Scottish (now registration) county of Berwickshire, which was where he was born.
A Border Scot who had done well in this world, Marjoribanks began to look for new real estate. By the mid-nineteenth century, the Scottish Highlands had experienced a total image makeover. In the eighteenth century, it was seen as a backward place, full of Gaelic-speaking insurgents called Jacobites who were too busy raising hell and livestock to be recognized among the civilized.
The work of Sir Walter Scott had totally changed that popular perception. In his writings, Scotland became a romantic place, where the last vestiges of wild Britain existed alongside a turbulent history.
Queen Victoria and Prince Albert also helped changed this perception. They began visiting Balmoral in 1848, and eventually purchased the estate in 1852. This purchase set off a land boom in Scotland. All sorts of wealthy aristocrats began buying up land in Scotland.
In 1853, Dudley Marjoribanks was elected as the Liberal MP for Berwick-upon-Tweed, and it is very likely that he was caught up in the Scottish euphoria the had swept through these elite circles. His lands in Berwickshire did not count for much. He needed an estate deep within Caledonia, and you can’t get much more Caldeonian than a shooting estate in the Highlands.
Marjoribanks purchased Guisachan (“Place of the Firs”) in 1854. It was the perfect place to go grouse shooting and deer-stalking. It was also not a bad place to bring his fellow politicians for deal-making and negotiations.
Now, our popular perception of the Highlands is of a sparsely populated place with spectacular landscapes. The land is inhabited by a few shepherds and some rare wild creatures, like the Scottish wildcat.
The truth of the matter is that Highlands were not always so empty. There was once a rather large population that lived there. In Scotland, the lands were enclosed rather similarly to the way they were enclosed in England and Wales. However, these enclosures happened a little later, and they were based upon a different set of economic pressures. The tenant farmers of Scotland had lived on these estates for centuries as part of the ancient clan system of Scotland. From the mid-eighteenth century onwards, these farmers were driven off these lands to make way for sheep grazing. Many Scottish farmers were without land to work, and they were forced into a level of economic insecurity that forced them to fight for a chance to labor as virtual slave on estate or join the army (see the song “Twa Recruiting Sergeants.“)
The process of driving these large numbers of small farmers off the land to make way for sheep and cattle grazing and later for setting up posh estates for the wealthy was known as the Highland Clearances, and that is a good description for what happened. The Highlands were literally cleared of people, many of whom emigrated to other parts of Britain, as well as North America, Australia, New Zealand, and other parts of the British Empire.
In the 1850’s, there were still some estates that had tenant farmers working on their lands. When Guisachan was purchased, there were tenant farmers living there. These farmers were forced to leave.
Alexander Mackenzie (not the Canadian prime minister or the explorer) wrote the history of these clearances and worked hard to bring about reform to give these people rights. Mackenzie wrote about the Guisachan Clearances:
The modern clearances which took place within the last quarter of a century in Guisachan, Strathglass, by Sir Dudley Marjoribanks, have been described in all their phases before a Committee of the House of Commons in 1872. The Inspector of Poor for the parish of Kiltarlity wrote a letter which was brought before the Committee, with a statement from another source that, “in 1855, there were 16 farmers on the estate the number of cows they had was 62, and horses, 24 the principal farmer had 2000 sheep, the next 1000, and the rest between them 1200, giving a total of 4200. Now (1873) there is but one farmer, and he leaves at Whitsunday all these farmers lost the holdings on which they ever lived in competency indeed, it is well known that some of them were able to lay by some money. They have been sent to the four quarters of the globe, or to vegetate in Sir Dudley’s dandy cottages at Tomich, made more for show than convenience, where they have to depend on his employment or charity. To prove that all this is true, take at random, the smith, the shoemaker, or the tailor, and say whether the poverty and starvation were then or now? For instance, under the old regime, the smith farmed a piece of land which supplied the wants of his family with meal and potatoes he had two cows, a horse, and a score or two of sheep on the hill he paid £7 of yearly rent he now has nothing but the bare walls of his cottage and smithy, for which he pays £10. Of course he had his trade than as he has now. Will he live more comfortably now than he did then? “It was stated, at the same time, that, when Sir Dudley Marjoribanks bought the property, there was a population of 235 souls upon it, and Sir Dudley, in his examination, though he threw some doubt upon that statement, was quite unable to refute it. The proprietor, on being asked, said that he did not evict any of the people. But Mr. Macombie having said, “Then the tenants went away of their own free will,” Sir Dudley replied, “I must not say so quite. I told them that when they had found other places to go to, I wished to have their farms.”
They were, in point of fact, evicted as much as any others of the ancient tenantry in the Highlands, though it is but fair to say that the same harsh cruelty was not applied in their case as in many of the others recorded in these pages. Those who had been allowed to remain in the new cottages, are without cow or sheep, or an inch of land, while those alive of those sent off are spread over the wide world, like those sent, as already described, from other places. (291-93).
So to make way for his shooting estate, 235 people had to leave. We do not know their names, and we certainly do not know the names of their dogs or even what kind of dogs they owned. However, they were probably collie-types and terriers. They had an actual economic utility, but once their owners were deemed unnecessary for profit, progress, or prosperity of the elite, both the working dog and working man were sent packing.
To make way for Marjoribanks’s shooting estate and eventual development of his strain of yellow wavy-coat, people had to suffer. People lost their livelihoods and the ancient way of life.
This is the dark side of the Guisachan story that has always gone unmentioned in golden retriever histories. I apologize for not mentioning it earlier in this blog. The truth of the matter is that such facts do not often appear within the context of the story of the golden retriever.
However, the story does not end there. Dudley Marjoribanks’s daughter, Ishbel, married John Campbell Hamilton-Gordon, 1st Marquess of Aberdeen and Temair, who served as Governor-General of Canada from 1893 to 1898. They were early Social Liberals who worked very hard to improve the conditions of working people in Canada, many of whom were either immigrants or descendants of immigrants who had left Scotland as a result of the clearances.
One wonders if Ishbel (Lady Aberdeen) felt a certain amount of guilt over her family’s clearance of Guisachan. Maybe she was trying to make amends for that injustice.
Lord and Lady Aberdeen purchase the Coldstream Ranch in the Okanagan Valley, which they renamed Guisachan. On that estate, they kept some yellow wavy-coats that were of her father’s strain. These were the first goldens to be imported to North America.